IT.COM offer for registrars. Be among the first to start selling domains in our IT.COM zone

Join the Growing List of Accredited Registrars

The domain name is positioned for great demand and we are committed to doing everything needed to make sure that you succeed alongside us.

Registry Launch Schedule

Registry Launch Schedule

Domain Name Lifecycle

Domain Name Lifecycle

Regular Domain Names

The suggested retail price for domain names is $49.00. We leave plenty of room for registrars to earn an income and grow their business.

Regular Domain Names

Premium Domain Names

Earn more with our premium domain names. We have a few thousand premium names listed with Sedo's Premium or Platinum Domain Name MLS. Contact us* for more details.

Premium Domain Names

Generous Terms for Registrars

There are no upfront fees and we offer generous terms. Registrars can pre-pay or pay up to 60 days after registration of the domains. There are no carrying fees for post payment.

Generous Terms for Registrars

Technical features

Full EPP support

(RFC 5731, 5732, 5733, 5734, 8748) for both regular and premium domains.

WHMCS integration

Ready to use for both regular and premium names.

Friendly assistance

Setting up your integration from our 24/7 support team, and the highly skilled IT team.

General advantages

Huge growth opportunities

With a vast amount of available domain names.

Cloudflare partner

Our domain zone provides global outreach and outstandingly low DNS zone delays.

Provided by UK Intis Telecom LTD

Proud member of RIPE and GSMA, with a wide experience in delivering various IT and Telecom services and products.