
→po slovensky


The Slovak National Corpus is an electronic database containing Slovak language texts from 1955 onward and covering broad range of language styles, genres, areas, regions, etc. The database contains real-world Slovak texts extended by addition of various linguistic information obtained by specialised corpus query tools. The corpus is not a replacement for any linguistic reference books.

The corpus is offered to the public for research, educational, and other strictly non-commercial purposes. You can get the full and free-of-charge access to the main corpus, subcorpora and other databases by registration. Alternatively, you can query the corpus through a simple, but limited WWW interface.

The Slovak National Corpus is a project aimed at building electronic language resources of Slovak (parallel corpora, spoken corpus, dialect corpus, historical corpus, lexicographical databases). The project is also aimed at digitalisation of linguistic research carried out at the Slovak National Corpus Department of the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava. The project is supported by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.