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Saturday, November 1, 1997 Published at 15:38 GMT


Now Mandela swaps political power for girl power

A moment President Mandela will never forget

The South African President, Nelson Mandela, was given a taste of girl power when he met British pop stars the Spice Girls in Johannesburg. Mr Mandela said it was a moment he would always remember.

The encounter brought together two of the icons of the modern world, but it was a third participant, Prince Charles who provided the link.

[ image:
"These are my heroes," Mr Mandela joked.
"These are my heroes," President Mandela, 79, said after meeting the "Fab Five" at his official Pretoria residence, shortly before a private lunch with Prince Charles who is on the third leg of a southern Africa tour.

The group, whose motto is "girl power", are playing in a charity concert to mark the Prince of Wales's visit.

Among the fans are Charles and his youngest son Prince Harry, who has spent the past three days on a private game farm with a school friend.

[ image: Prince Charles helped to organise the meeting]
Prince Charles helped to organise the meeting
Prince Charles also joked with the Spice Girls, who have appeared in various events in aid of youth charities.

"It is the second greatest moment in my life," the Prince said. "The greatest was the first time that I met them."

The Spice Girls, one of Britain's most successful pop groups since the Beatles, wore typically colourful clothes and high-platform shoes.


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