BBC NEWS | Europe | Jersey | Island achieves Fairtrade status

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Last Updated: Thursday, 24 February, 2005, 19:07 GMT
Island achieves Fairtrade status
Fairtrade goods
Fairtrade ensures workers are paid a fair price for their product
The island of Jersey has been officially recognised as a Fairtrade island by the Fairtrade Foundation.

It is the result of pressure from Fair Trade Jersey, an organisation which has promoted goods such as coffee and tea in the island.

To achieve international recognition as a Fairtrade island, Jersey had to meet several criteria.

Most importantly, Fairtrade goods had to be widely available in the island's shops and supermarkets.

'Addresses injustices'

They are goods which have been produced fairly, ensuring that farmers in poorer countries get a reasonable deal on what they produce.

Ed le Quesne who has been campaigning for Jersey to get Fairtrade status, said he was "very happy" with the news, which comes just before Fair Trade fortnight.

Jersey's Bailiff, Sir Philip Bailhache, launched the campaign for the island to become a place supporting the sale of Fairtrade products, such as tea, coffee, chocolate, wines and juices, in 2003.

The Fairtrade Foundation said: "Fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers.

"It enables them to improve their lot and have more control over their lives."

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