臺灣大學醫學校區青年大使團: Introduction of the Taiwanese Medical System[中文+英文]


2012年12月8日 星期六

Introduction of the Taiwanese Medical System[中文+英文]

課程訓練部 醫學六 丁鵬升 製作











l   楓城利他獎的建立,鼓勵助人精神

l   醫學專業素養作文比賽

l   評分方式由百分制改為等第制

l   住院醫師申請審核條件降低成績比重

l   精簡課程並空出時間讓學生能培養多元能力

l   鼓勵學生公共事務參與

Introduction of the Taiwanese Medical System

Overview of Medical Education in Taiwan:

        Taiwan’s medical education began in 1897 and is over 100 years old now.  It has had a 7 year curriculum, during which ideally the first two years are undergraduate liberal arts education, the third and fourth years are basic medical science education, the fifth and sixth years are clinical science, and the seventh year is an intern doctor.  Students graduate with a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree.  Starting from the year 2013, incoming students will have a 6+2 year curriculum, in which the first 6 years are oriented similarly as before and the last two years are Post Graduate Years; this change aims to increase primary care capabilities of medical school graduates.


1994: Small group teaching and Problem Based Learning curriculum were implemented nationwide

1999: The Taiwan Medical Accreditation Council was established and aims to standardize medical education in Taiwan

2007: Medical Professionalism and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Institutions (ACGME) six core abilities were emphasized in clinical settings

2011: The Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) will be a requirement for the second step of Taiwan’s medical licensing exam.  Clinical skill centers were established by medical schools nationwide to improve patient contact abilities and adeptness in medical procedures

2013: Change to the 6+2 year program to improve primary care capabilities

Changes in Medical Education at NTUCM

l   Altruism award for undergraduates

l   Professionalism essay contest

l   Grading system: from percentage scoring to grade point scale

l   Residency application lowers emphasis on academic performance

l   Streamline formal curriculum and reduce formal curriculum hour to release time for students to develop broad competences

l   Encourage student participation in public affairs

1 則留言:

  1. 台灣醫學院畢業時證書上是醫學士, 所以英文應該是Bachelor of Medicine. 如果有意願考USMLE, 在申請時如果所附的證書翻譯文件上是寫Doctor of Medicine, 會被要求付上正確文件因為中文原件與翻譯文件不符.
