The Hot 20 2011 - 7x7 Bay Area

The Hot 20 2011

Opened in 1913, SF legacy business Balboa Cafe remains an anchor in Cow Hollow. (Courtesy of Balboa Cafe)

Anchored by Union Street between the Marina and Pacific Heights, Cow Hollow is a haven of trends, treats, and eats for the millennial set.

This is a neighborhood to sweat and stretch, detox and retox. Local yuppies have their endless pick of outlets for health-conscious beverages and comfort foods alike, along with fitness studios for any life stage and a string of boutiques to satisfy every sense.

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7x7 Social Club members can grab BOGO tix to TreasureFest in June. (Courtesy of @treasurefestsf)

A grilled cheese at the Ferry Building costs $28? We feel your pain. 7x7 Social Club is here to save the day (or at least make it a little more wallet-friendly).

This June, our members will have access to special pricing at beloved experiences like Treasure Fest and Lines Ballet at the San Francisco Symphony; deals at local businesses including Fort Point Beer Co. and Hilda and Jesse; discounted admission to major SF museums; and even a hookup on summertime escapes.

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(Kassie Borreson)

Next time you feel called for a coastal drive and oysters in West Marin, make plans to pull over for the night in Bodega Bay, where a 130-year-old stay is fresh from a renovation just in time for summer escapes.

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Father knows gets best with our top picks for gifts from Bay Area brands, shops, and artisans.

Don’t sleep on this one—Sunday, June 16th will be here in a flash.

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This February, San Franciscans showed up in style to fete the reopening of a storied nightlife spot in Union Square. Starlite, the lounge atop the Beacon Grand Hotel, makes an ambitious case for the social future of SF. (Chloé Hennen)

7x7 Social Club offers members exclusive access, discounts, and deals to editorially curated partners around the Bay Area—think restaurants and bars; festivals, performances, and events; wineries, hotels, shops, spas, and more. Your monthly membership supports our twin mission: to bolster local creativity and enterprise, and to keep our readers on the inside of what's happening in the Bay Area now. Join now.

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