Foreign Correspondent - ABC News
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Foreign Correspondent

Thursdays at 8pm on ABC TV and iview

Digital Features

The tiny Caribbean nation demanding a reckoning for Britain's history of slavery

Barbados was Britain's first colony in the Caribbean and the place where a brutal system of slavery was perfected. Centuries later, demands for reparations are growing louder.
A man with a knife cuts sugar cane.

Secret interviews with Iran's hidden resistance

They were driven into hiding by a brutal crackdown. Now, interviews recorded secretly in Iran reveal their fight is not over.

Inside the global effort to help Canada's firefighters during the worst fires on record

The worst fires in Canada’s history have stretched resources to the limit. Firefighters from across the globe have answered the call for help.
A man holding a baby.

The looter, the ancient statues and the art sleuths who solved a 30-year mystery

In Cambodia, a team of experts are tracking down statues looted during decades of war. Some have found their way into private collections and even an Australian museum.

'You suck up or shut up': Behind the scenes in Bollywood, some fear only one story is being told

In India, the Modi government is accused of waging a war on Bollywood and using it for party propaganda.
Adipurush on a mobile phone.

The South Korean TV show Kim Jong Un fears the most

A TV show about North Korean defectors making a new life in the South is 'closely monitored' by the dictator, according to the show's producer. 
A TV set in South Korea.

Marie is accused of terrible crimes against her own kids. In the Philippines, it's becoming more common

In the Philippines, reports of online sexual abuse of children have doubled in recent years. It's often family members facilitating the crimes.
A woman with her face concealed.

With the world distracted by the war in Ukraine, another crisis is escalating out of view

Trapped between ruthless militants and the worst drought in four decades, a young Somali mother made an agonising decision.
Kids play in Somalia.

How a little-known natural wonder on Australia's doorstep became a battleground

Tensions are growing along a pristine river system on Australia’s doorstep where logging operations and a proposed mine are dividing locals.
The Sepik basin in PNG.

The Russian journalists fighting Putin's media machine from exile

Russian propaganda used to be extreme, now it's verging on insane. Now a small group of exiled journalists is fighting back from a tiny former Soviet state.
Two people at the news desk.