Coke Spreads Happiness Online With Emoji Web Addresses
hasn't had much luck making the Internet a happier place lately, but maybe this will help—a fun campaign from Coca-Cola Puerto Rico that puts smiley-face emojis right in the brand's Web addresses.

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Coke Spreads Happiness Online With Emoji Web Addresses

Domains for every joyful face

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Coca-Cola hasn't had much luck making the Internet a happier place lately, but maybe this will help—a fun campaign from Coca-Cola Puerto Rico that puts smiley-face emojis right in the brand's Web addresses.

The brand registered URLs for every emoji that conveys happiness. Entering any of these happy icons into a mobile Web browser, along with the .ws suffix, leads users to Coca-­Cola Puerto Rico's website.

Why .ws, which is actually the domain suffix for Samoa?

"Emojis are not accepted on domains such as .com,



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