Twice As Quick, Half As Large: Instagram Updates Android App

Twice As Quick, Half As Large: Instagram Updates Android App

Android updates are in fashion Tuesday at Facebook-owned companies, as Instagram joined WhatsApp in updating its Android application, saying that the app now loads twice as quickly and takes up half the space.

InstagramAndroid51650Android updates are in fashion Tuesday at Facebook-owned companies, as Instagram joined WhatsApp in updating its Android application, saying that the app now loads twice as quickly and takes up half the space.

Instagram said in a post on its blog announcing the rollout of version 5.1 of its Android app:

Since first launching Instagram for Android in April 2012, we’ve come to support thousands of different Android devices of all shapes and sizes. In taking time to polish our designs, we’ve worked to make sure that Instagram feels native and at home on any Android device.

These changes mean a faster, more responsive app.



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