'Cli-Fi' Reaches into Literature Classrooms Worldwide
  • danbloom

    ‘Cli-Fi’ Reaches into Literature Classrooms Worldwide http://dlvr.it/8w04DK

  • danbloom

    THE CLI-FI CAFE welcomes international guests to sit down and read and comment and chat. re http://wangsuyainterview.blogspot.tw/2015/02/81.html

  • danbloom

    UK COMMENTER at Guardian blog wrote


    You need to know that we’ve added 3


    billion tons of CO₂ to the atmosphere since 1750 and that 80

    ​ percent

    of it is going remain there for the next 100,000 years


    unless we can figure out some way to get rid of it.


    At the moment, that doesn’t seem any more difficult than unfrying an egg.


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