Paradise Drowned

Paradise Drowned follows Tuvalu’s plight against the sea. Does this small Pacific nation have a future?

Produced by NHNZ

Tuvalu, the last nation to be accepted as a part of the United Nations, has the dubious distinction of being the world’s most endangered country, a Pacific Island paradise suffering from the effects of rising sea levels caused by global-warming.

The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has released a report that that there is absolutely no doubt that the sea will rise about a metre in the next one hundred years because of global warming caused by industrial pollution. Yet many scientists are saying that this is quite wrong and totally misleading. The sea will not rise. This is the dilemma facing this tiny Pacific nation, perhaps the first country in the world to disappear off the face of it as the rest of the world watches. To go or to stay. For the elderly it’s an easy choice. It’s much harder for the young.

For at least 2000 years Tuvalu has managed to sustain a Polynesian population, but it is now heavily reliant on imported food and water supplies. This is their story told in the first person through the eyes of a young Tuvalu woman, Mileta Falavi. Mileta is currently in her 2nd year at Otago University in Dunedin. She returned to Tuvalu for Christmas with her family.

This film is her story as she follows her nation’s plight against the sea and the changing weather patterns. Does her nation have a future? Is the rest of the world powerless to help the first victims of our global affliction?

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