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SIDS go forward with ‘new sense of hope, solidarity and determination’

The roadmap towards achieving resilient prosperity for small island States adopted on Thursday in Antigua and Barbuda “marks the beginning of a new journey” and a decade of delivery for their citizens and the world, said the UN Deputy Secretary-General on Thursday. Speaking at the closing of the Fourth International Conference on Small Island States (SIDS4), Amina Mohammed stressed that...

Pacific Small Islands Developing States call for accelerated global efforts to address climate change

As a regional group, the voice of our Pacific Small Islands Developing States resonated across the Fourth International Conference on Small Islands Developing States propelling the calls for stronger, urgent climate action for our Pacific Islands. The challenges faced by our Island communities is well documented however there is a difference between reading and hearing of these impacts, and actually...

Macron’s handling of New Caledonia is not working, we need a new way

New Caledonia needs a new referendum on independence, not more politics from Paris By Jimmy Naouna The unrest that has gripped Kanaky-New Caledonia is the direct result of Emmanuel Macron’s partisan and stubborn political manoeuvring to derail the process towards self-determination in my homeland. The deadly riots that erupted two weeks ago in the capital, Noumea, were sparked by an electoral reform...

Chair of Pacific Islands Forum calls for Peaceful resolution in New Caledonia

Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum and Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown has expressed deep concern over the ongoing political situation in New Caledonia. “The political situation in New Caledonia remains deeply concerning to the Forum Family. “I offer our prayers to those affected on the ground, particularly those who have lost loved ones,” PM Brown said in a statement. Brown...

Forum Chair Mark Brown offers condolences and support following PNG landslide

Forum Chair and Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown has expressed his condolences following the landslide in Papua New Guinea's Enga Province on 24 May. “The Forum family of our 18 Pacific nations and our dialogue and development partners join us in extending thoughts, prayers, and condolences to the government and people of Papua New Guinea,” he said in a...

Pacific Islands Forum Chair hails landmark ITLOS advisory opinion on Marine Pollution

The Pacific Islands Forum Chair and Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown has welcomed a significant development from the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS). The tribunal recently issued an Advisory Opinion requested by the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law. “The Pacific Islands Forum commends ITLOS for this historic Advisory Opinion,” Brown...

Cook Islands calls for countries on the frontlines of climate change to have national debt forgiven

Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown has called for countries on the frontlines of climate change to have their national debt forgiven. Stressed during a special panel at the Fourth International Conference on Small Islands Developing States (SIDS4), Prime Minister Brown, also Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum, stated this will help improve the socio-economic wellbeing of all Pacific peoples. “Debt...

Data-Driven Solutions: Key to overcoming challenges in Small Island States

Empowering decisions through data, was a sentiment echoed by many at the Fourth International Conference of Small Island Developing States currently being held in Antigua. “In an era of unprecedented environmental challenges, data is our most valuable asset. It empowers us to make informed decisions, track progress, and implement effective policies tailored to the unique needs of our Pacific communities”...

Weather Ready Pacific, a Pacific-led solution for Pacific Islands resilience designed by us, for us

The Weather Ready Pacific Programme of Investment, a landmark Pacific Island solution for Pacific Islands challenges to resiliency was magnified at the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States. This Pacific designed initiative that will boost our Pacific Islands Meteorological Services in all ways possible was the feature of a special event in Antigua and Barbuda. Through improved services, increased...

FijiFirst Party terminates seventeen MPs

The FijiFirst Party has terminated seventeen Members of Parliament who voted in favour of salary increases last Friday. The seventeen Opposition Members received letters from the Acting General Secretary, Faiyaz Koya of the party notifying them that their seat in Parliament has been vacated. Spokesperson for the members, Jone Usamate said they are disputing the legality of the termination letter. “As far...

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SIDS go forward with ‘new sense of hope, solidarity and determination’

The roadmap towards achieving resilient prosperity for small island States adopted on Thursday in Antigua and Barbuda “marks the beginning of a new journey”...

Pacific Small Islands Developing States call for accelerated global efforts to address climate change

As a regional group, the voice of our Pacific Small Islands Developing States resonated across the Fourth International Conference on Small Islands Developing States...

Macron’s handling of New Caledonia is not working, we need a new way

New Caledonia needs a new referendum on independence, not more politics from Paris By Jimmy Naouna The unrest that has gripped Kanaky-New Caledonia is the direct...