Yamarna loses passion for Niue's uranium
Yamarna loses passion for Niue's uranium

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This was published 18 years ago

Yamarna loses passion for Niue's uranium

THE discovery of a 26-year-old research report has put a dampener on Yamarna Goldfields' share-price-soaring claim of last month that the Pacific island of Niue was potentially sitting on top of the world's largest uranium deposit.

The report by Arthur Smith, uncovered during the due diligence into the company's uranium project, concluded that the possibility of locating an exploitable and economically attractive uranium deposit on the island was slight.

While investors dumped the stock yesterday, Yamarna chairman Bryan Frost apparently lost enthusiasm for the project days ago.

One of his companies picked up 9 million shares for 1.1¢ each the day the company announced its plan to drill on the island, but has since offloaded 11 million shares on market — for between 1.6¢ and 1.8¢ per share.

B&B raids ABN

THINGS in the investment banking world are becoming civilised.

A month ago new infrastructure superstar Babcock & Brown launched a raid on ABN Amro, grabbing nearly all its 20-strong infrastructure financing team.

So complete was the raid that there was talk of the two banks setting up a joint venture.

That hasn't eventuated, but a gentlemen's agreement has been made where Babcock will allow former ABN Amro staffers to complete work on their many deals and projects.

They didn't have much choice, as ABN Amro has delivered the great majority of public-private partnerships in Australia and it's never good to leave a job half-done.

But once those jobs are completed, Babcock and ABN Amro plan to remain independent, according to Babcock infrastructure chief Peter Hofbauer.

The attrition rate at ABN Amro has been high of late, with corporate finance chief Richard Wagner and colleague Peter Brownie upping and leaving for Morgan Stanley.

Windy ride to top

IT'S certainly one way to see Melbourne. A local daredevil forked out $6000 for a windy ride to the top of the Eureka Tower in a crane box, during a fund-raiser for The Alfred hospital.

Grocon Construction boss Daniel Grollo offered the ride to the top of the city's highest residential building as a prize in an apparently spontaneous gesture at a Father's Day fund-raising luncheon on Friday.

Grocon is still finishing the final 10 storeys on the $500 million, 88-storey building.

The event, organised by a group called Women@The Alfred, raised $150,000 for research into prostate cancer. Daniel's wife,

Kat Grollo, is a member of the group.

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