Government of Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda's Government Information and Services
Our National Anthem

Lyrics by: Novelle Hamilton Richards

Music by: Walter Garnet Picart Chambers

Adopted: 1967

First Verse:
Fair Antigua and Barbuda
We thy sons and daughters stand,
Strong and firm in peace or danger
To safe guard our native land.
We commit ourselves to building
A true nation brave and free.
Ever striving ever seeking
Dwell in love and unity.

Second Verse:
Raise the standard! Raise it boldly!
Answer now to duty's call
To the service of thy country,
Sparing nothing, giving all;
Gird your loins and join the battle
'Gainst fear, hate and poverty,
Each endeavouring, all achieving,
Live in peace where man is free.

Third Verse:
God of nations, let Thy blessings
Fall upon this land of ours;
Rain and sunshine ever sending,
Fill her fields with crops and flowers;
We her children do implore Thee,
Give us strength, faith, loyalty,
Never failing, all enduring
To defend her liberty.