Has anyone ever seen a Taco Bell in England??, 08/06/04, The Pale Cast of Thought

Has anyone ever seen a Taco Bell in England??, 08/06/04, The Pale Cas…

archived 23 Dec 2012 18:06:22 UTC

June 08, 2004

Has anyone ever seen a Taco Bell in England??

As giddy as I was when they built the gorgeous Subways (submarine sandwich shops) in Leamington Spa and Coventry, I still have a craving for cheap, tasty Mexican food (prefereably through a drive-through) that can only be answered by a "chicken soft taco supreme" from Taco Bell. Am I the only one who has noticed that Taco Bell would make a bomb if it were to set up here? It's affiliated with KFC and in North America it sometimes sets up shop with them in little half and half restaurants. Has anyone seen a Taco Bell in a city here? Maybe I could take a drive….....
Joanna Jameson : 08 Jun 2004 13:36 Comments (233)  Report a problem

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  1. Having just got a craving for Mexican food, I did a quick search for Taco Bell's in the uk and there don't appear to be any. Boohoo :(
    08 Jun 2004, 13:58
  2. There used to be a Taco Bell in the Guild of Students at Birmingham University (anyone can go in there in the daytime). The food was a travesty of Real Mexican but some people seemed to like it.
    It is surprising there aren't more (any) mexican restaurants in the Midlands. When I was a student in Newcastle there was an excellent one there.
    08 Jun 2004, 13:59
  3. Yeah, mexican is way under represented…we need more mexican food!
    08 Jun 2004, 14:08
  4. No I haven't – good point!
    Taco Bell food is basically crappy, but like most American fast-food, it's also rather delicious. :-)
    Give us cheap Mexican food, now! :P
    08 Jun 2004, 14:56
  5. Robert O'Toole

    I believe that I had one at an airport somewhere in the middle of America. It was some kind grey gunge wrapped in cardboard which may or may not have been part of the edible content. I can't remember anymore than that as I forcibly removed the brain cells upon which the memory was recorded as a drastic attempt to wipe it from my mind. Thanks for reminding me!
    08 Jun 2004, 15:22
  6. Steven Carpenter

    Yuk. What's that green stuff – Guacamole? It looks so unappetising. No wonder they wrap it up so you can't see it.
    08 Jun 2004, 16:28
  7. They have some outlets in America which are KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut all in one. Guess they must be part of the same parent company. Anyone been to the new (ish) Nando's in Coventry? They're pretty good for a cheapish dinner. (about a fiver)
    08 Jun 2004, 17:18
  8. Joanna Jameson

    Hmmm… ya guacamole is made from avacados, i hate it but the cheese and chili fries with sour cream rocks. OH Carumbas (sp?) here in Cov has great Mexican food but it's a really nice sit down place. Been there a few times and there's a great bar in there too with colourful couches…
    08 Jun 2004, 18:07
  9. Joanna Jameson

    Hmmm… ya guacamole is made from avacados, i hate it but the cheese and chili fries with sour cream rocks. OH Carumbas (sp?) here in Cov has great Mexican food but it's a really nice sit down place. Been there a few times and there's a great bar in there too with colourful couches…
    08 Jun 2004, 18:08
  10. Yeah, the new Nando's is really good, cheap and yummy :) (If you like chicken that is)
    08 Jun 2004, 19:15
  11. Robert O'Toole

    Nando's really are in a different league. Although I suspect that their extra-hot piri piri is quite toned down compared to the original in SA, which is almost the hotest i've ever had. Do they do the chips covered in powdered piri piri in this country? Now i'm feeling really hungry!
    08 Jun 2004, 20:22
  12. Hannah Vickery

    Yes – we need Mexican food! There probably aren't many 'real' Mexican restaurants about because the average Joe (sorry Joe) probably would find it too hot. They used to do good Mexican food at the Angry Cheese in Warwick but haven't been there for years. Carumbas isn't bad, but they were pretty stingy on the sauces accompanying fajitas when I was there just before Christmas.
    10 Jun 2004, 13:46
  13. Please, Please, Please, don't call Taco Bell Mexican food- whether you like it or not, it really is NOT a reflexion of Mexican food. Although some of the names or ingredients seem vaguely familiar, (distant cousins of food in Northern Mexico) the final dishes are not the same, for example, enchiladas in Mexico would be made with only corn tortillas, be filled with chicken or turkey (never minced beef)and be covered in Mole, or in salsa verde, which is a green hot sauce, and its green because it is made with a green tomato-like fruit called tomatillo and not due to avocado. A British cook has a great book called MY MEXICO, her name is Diana Kennedy, and she has spent most of her life writing down recipies that had previously only been passed down through families.
    By all means continue your quest to search for Taco Bell or other similar restaurants, but remember that they are not Mexican.
    12 Jun 2004, 00:13
  14. Please, Please, Please, don't call Taco Bell Mexican food- whether you like it or not, it really is NOT a reflexion of Mexican food. Although some of the names or ingredients seem vaguely familiar, (distant cousins of food in Northern Mexico) the final dishes are not the same, for example, enchiladas in Mexico would be made with only corn tortillas, be filled with chicken or turkey (never minced beef)and be covered in Mole, or in salsa verde, which is a green hot sauce, and its green because it is made with a green tomato-like fruit called tomatillo and not due to avocado. A British cook has a great book called MY MEXICO, her name is Diana Kennedy, and she has spent most of her life writing down recipies that had previously only been passed down through families.
    By all means continue your quest to search for Taco Bell or other similar restaurants, but remember that they are not Mexican.
    12 Jun 2004, 00:13
  15. Joanna Jameson

    Thanks very much for the book recommendation! I'll go have a look. You should put it on your blog as a review. I'm well aware that Taco Bell's products have almost no relation to authentic Mexican food. I used to live for quite a few years in Georgia in the American south and there is a very large Mexican and Hispanic culture there. There was this small authentic restaurant chain there called El Potro's (there are only a few of them) that educated me about truely good Mexican food. I know I couldn't get that here or through a drive-through. :-)
    12 Jun 2004, 07:12
  16. Craig Land

    This is a very interesting subject as I have spent several years living on the West Coast of the USA and have very close contacts with one particular chain of Taco outlets, Jimboys.
    In fact, we are looking to bring Jimboys Taco's to the UK and the comments that appear on this forum make good reason for our market analysis.
    Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.
    28 Jun 2004, 22:52
  17. Joanna Jameson

    Wow. I think any Mexican chain would do really well here. I can't believe there's a gap this wide in the market! Bring Jimboys here since Taco Bell won't give us the time of day….do they do chicken soft tacos with sour cream?? If so, I'm in.
    29 Jun 2004, 13:46
  18. John Keizner

    A chain of mexican restaurants is just about to open in the UK.
    I know the entrepreneur who's opening it. I just spoke to him and they've got 12 sites under contract, 33 sites under evaluation and aim for 75 to 100 sites within 3 years.
    His precise words were: "just a little more time, we've got to finalize terms with a couple of suppliers in Mexico but the first stores are being constructed right now
    01 Jul 2004, 19:53
  19. Joanna Jameson

    Can the first one be in Coventry?? :-)
    02 Jul 2004, 08:26
  20. Kari

    According to the Taco Bell website, "there are over 280 restaurants operating in Canada, Guam, Aruba, Dominican Republic, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Hawaii, Asia and Europe". The Europe part gives me hope. I'm an American living in the UK, and I miss Taco Bell desperately. It's comfort food to me, even if it's not the best Mexican food I've ever had (and I'm from Texas…I've definitely had much better Mexican food than Taco Bell). If there are KFCs here, why can't there be Taco Bell?!
    12 Jul 2004, 16:28
  21. Darren

    I love Taco Bell, I think the chain should come over here SOON. The first thing I do when I go to the States is go for a Taco Bell.
    13 Jul 2004, 17:03
  22. Dan

    Taco Bell used to exist over here. There were a few in london. They went broke, i assume because no one went there. But i agree, taco bell is better than sex. Bring it back i say.
    20 Jul 2004, 12:29
  23. Audrey

    Hi Ya!
    Can somebody tell me where can I find taco bell in London?
    I will be the happyest person in the earth.
    22 Jul 2004, 19:27
  24. Audrey

    Or in Europe?
    22 Jul 2004, 19:29
  25. Richard

    As a Yank who lives in the southern part of California, I have access to some truly great Mexican restaurants. Taco Bell is not among them. Whilie I won't deny having eaten TB (I mean, Taco Bell) on occasion, comparing its offerings to real Mexican food is rather like comparing something reddish out of tin to the delights of a fine ristorante in the Italian countryside.
    For a listing of some Mexican restaurants in London, see link
    I haven't tried any of these, but if someone's willing to stake me to the air ticket, I'll take you out to dinner at some of them and we can write a review ;-)
    24 Jul 2004, 21:48
  26. Nick P

    Check out Chiquito's, a Mexican chain better than Taco Bell:
    24 Jul 2004, 23:04
  27. Joanna Jameson

    I have been to a Chiquito's in London and it's FAB, really good food and large portions….London is just too far afield for me to go regularly. In Coventry there is a restaurant called "Old Orleans" that serves (obviously) very good Cajun type food. They do a few typical Mexican dishes that are tasty but not necessarily authentic. Nice New Orlieans type atmosphere as well.
    26 Jul 2004, 11:22
  28. Perry Netherlands

    Taco Bell says there are stores in Europe, but I really do not know where to find them. As far as I remember the one and only Taco Bell I ever saw was in London near Leicester Square. I will try to onclose a picture here on this forum,otherwise click the url in my profile.
    I hope Taco Bell will be back in Europe soon. Maybe a very good idea to locate the first stores in tourist areas where a lot of Americans are coming. London, Paris, Amsterdam or Berlin to start with. In Amsterdam (and the Netherlands) KFC is doing very well and the opened some stores lately. Four years ago, KFC had only 5 stores in the Netherlands, now there are 14.
    26 Jul 2004, 11:46
  29. sophia

    We need tacos bells overe here right now, im gettin sick of mcdonalds and stuff, i want some real food!!! i like mountain dew too!!!
    cant wego on protest??? TACO BELL YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    26 Jul 2004, 13:03
  30. Joanna Jameson

    I totally forgot about Mountain Dew!! Although, because it's not marketed here at all, if Taco Bell did set up, it would likely be without Mountain Dew… :-(
    26 Jul 2004, 15:23
  31. sophia

    no, taco bell, mountain dew, fruit loops and the REAL winterfresh!!!!
    Come on England get ur acts together!!! 8)
    26 Jul 2004, 19:55
  32. sophia

    almost forgot , Arbys, red lobster, REAL hrc (hard rock cafe),planet holiwood and wal*mart dont u just miss em'????
    26 Jul 2004, 21:05
  33. steve

    i just lurve TACO BELL i just do no know why they have not come to the uk
    26 Jul 2004, 21:14
  34. nikki

    We DO want Taco Bell in Britain! BUT we want the authentic thing, not an expensive poor quality version (and let's face it that's probably what we would get).
    So come on , there must be a brave entrepeneur out there who is willing to purchase a franchise and make a go of it. I volunteer for quality checking. YUM!
    26 Jul 2004, 21:48
  35. mokuj

    There used to be a Taco Bell in Uxbridge. I went there at least twice a week for lunch, that was back in 1995. Living in CA since and now back in the UK I am craving Taco Bell! I agree we DO need TB here in the UK.
    16 Aug 2004, 19:56
  36. Law

    Imagine my disgust after returning from the states to find that Taco Bell doesn't exist in my country. To America I must go…..Farewell all.
    16 Aug 2004, 20:19
  37. Agus

    I am from Spain (BARCELONA). Now I am in my second vacation on USA, and the thing I was willing to do when I arrived was going to Taco Bell and eat a Taco Bell QUESADILLA! (It is great). I have been in the Taco Bell web to try to find if there is any in Spain because I really would like to open a franchise in Barcelona, I believe that It would do a great businness there because there is nothing similar there. So if someone know some information about this possibility please tell me, I wanna eat Taco Bell QUESADILLAS in my country!!
    24 Aug 2004, 20:05
  38. David

    The Taco Bell issue –
    I have eaten in a Taco bell in the UK with some junk food junky American friends of mine. I have to admit to enjoying it – as I recall it was the first I had come accross unlimited soda refills.
    This Taco Bell was in Earl's Court in London and oddly seems to have turned into a Nandos.
    But Hey ho I will just have re-fry my own beans and microwave my own cheese n dodgy fries.
    And while we're on the subject Wendy's is much better than BK an MuckD so why have they not managed to propogate further than Leicester square and a service staion on the M4 which I (which incidently I can't seem to find anymore).
    27 Aug 2004, 09:22
  39. sophia

    i really really miss soft tacos too, i have actually forgotten where the one in orlando is, if you know, please tell me!
    also rio bravo in orlando (florida) is exquisite! i think wwendys is better than any fast food places here, there used to be one in Bradford (west Yorks.) but got turned into a kfc
    28 Aug 2004, 13:27
  40. fat boy

    TB had a chain of restaurants in the UK around the late 80’s I think the problem for them was that they tried to expand the UK market to quickly opening too may outlets in too short a space of time.
    This resulted in the closure of the UK business, it would take a brave person to enter in to a franchise in a business that had already failed in the UK
    Saying that I love em and if I had the money I would give it go!
    29 Aug 2004, 11:06
  41. vikki

    i know wot ur all sayin n totally understand bout the taco bell, mountain dew, etc.. (WE NEED TACO BELL) but ther is 1 thing that i miss more than taco bell & thats ponderosa steak house – the best food on this earth! so if ne franchaise owners r readin, bring taco bell & ponderosa over here!!!
    01 Sep 2004, 21:12
  42. Heather

    I came back from a 3 week holiday travelling around various states (CA, NV,AZ etc), am now having withdrawal symptoms for taco bell – but have bought some tortillas and monteray jack cheese and look forward to my attempted recreation this weekend.
    What we need – taco bell, mountain dew, greater availability of reece's, chocolate milk available in restaurants and ponderosa breakfasts. Amongst other things.
    10 Sep 2004, 15:18
  43. alison

    The saddest thing about this all: taco bell would do so good in europe, at least in amsterdam, where i live. A new chain called taco mundo just opened a year ago and is making booming business. They are even expanding to 4 major cities in the country. Their tacos are DIS GUS TING. Above all, they charge 2.25 euros for a classic taco, isnt that just outragious?! I guess its best if everyone puts their cravings on www.tacobell.com, they have a commentary thing, maybe if they get enough reactions of people with serious withdrawal they will see the necessity of opening TB's in europe. Gddmn its been 5 years since i left the USA to come here and i still have recurrent dreams of ordering tacos at tacobell!
    15 Sep 2004, 13:31
  44. eve w

    Well I go back a bit – I used to use a Taco Bell in Coventry street (opp Trocadero) in late 80's but it closed down – presumably not enough demand but there was one near Earls' Court tube which stayed open after that time – I haven't been down that way since early 90's so don't know if it's still there
    27 Sep 2004, 17:01

    16 Oct 2004, 15:27
  46. NL

    You all read my mind! As a recent arrival, I too cannot believe there is no pseudo-mexican fast food in this country. In the USA we have TB, del Taco, Baja Fresh, Chepotle, Rubio's, La Salsa, and a hundred others. You'd think one of them would at least have a test store here! I actually found this post when I was googling to see how much a TB franchise would cost. It couldn't even be that risky given that other american fast food seems to be doing fine – just try to walk five minutes in central London without seeing a pizza hut – although finding a refried bean supplier would be tricky.
    I don't care what's in taco bell food or what nationality wants to claim it. It's tasty and cheap, and there doesn't seem to be much competition in that market segment around here.
    19 Oct 2004, 15:57
  47. Alex

    To anyone trying to bash the bell… WHY ARE YOU WRITING ON THIS BOARD?!?!?!?!? It's for people who want to know if there is a taco bell in london!!!!!!! like me! I don't care in the slightest if you think it isn't real mexican, or is bad for you, or whatever, i like the taste of it, and i want to know if it's in london. I especially don't want to know how qualified you are to judge how mexican it really is either. I don't want to know your crappy little self assuring opinions. Nobody is paying you to be food critic so just keep it to yourself.
    24 Oct 2004, 00:18
  48. Heidi Jones

    After reading your site, I was just so upset that there were so many people out there who love Taco Bell just as much as me. So I looked them up and called them, I spoke to the nices lady in the International Franchising department. She took all the information down about how many people over would like them to come back and I also told her about this website. She is passing the information on and HOPEFULLY we will get on over here. I even told her that if one was built I would drive to were ever it was. She proberly thought I was crazy, but I just don't care, I just love Taco Bell.
    Thanks for reading,
    29 Oct 2004, 19:00
  49. Heidi Jones

    Forgot to say, I'm having withdraws from Taco Bell as I'm an American who has lived here since 1999. My husband is the same way Wendy's and his English – go figure! Well maybe they will get the message that there is a demand and will build one here for us deprived people.
    29 Oct 2004, 19:09
  50. Si

    Wow, reading this is making my mouth water!!
    Growing up in California and now having lived in the UK for 18 years!, I do miss Taco Bell. I remember the one in London and new that it would fail due to the very, very high prices they were charging. Taco Bell's sucess story was always based on cheap, fast and decent food and not what they tried to do with it in the London.
    On the same food theme, I could kill for a Round Table Pizza and a Togos sandwich and rootbeer! I even went so far as bringing a Togo's #3 back to the UK for my brother!! The things we do for food!!
    A very good Mexican in the UK is in Windsor, called Charlie's Horse, it's good.
    I would now have the same dilemia if I moved back to California, as I would start craving a good curry very quickly!
    30 Oct 2004, 18:06
  51. Dan

    I recently went to usa to experience my first taco bell in california and YES it was awsome.
    I would love to see them over here anywhere and would stoopidly drive anywhere to get one.
    Being english i feel with the right advertising taco bell would do well here along with other places like in n out burgers. Our fast food apart from curry houses and a few chippies here is rubbish and seriously needs to be improved.
    i live in hope and if anyone wants to march on parliment call me.
    Dan Farnborough
    31 Oct 2004, 19:15
  52. dc

    just come back from florida and can't believe the UK doesn't have a taco bell – i was surprised that american fast food actually does offer healthier options like tacos and the grilled stuff in pollo tropical, you just have to stop eating when you're full as the portions are twice the size as UK! until someone notices the v obvious gap in the market for taco bell, try the mexican cantina in covent garden, near pineapple studios. amazing cocktails and best mexican food in london…
    06 Nov 2004, 10:52
  53. sophia

    hey TB junkies!
    I.ve had a cool idea im going to america in march next year and im going to buy lots of soft tacos and bring them over here LoL!!!
    11 Nov 2004, 20:04
  54. sophia

    Oh i forgot to mention, if u live in yorkshire the best mexicans are cocina near wood music store and the cactus lounge in leeds and bingley!!!
    14 Nov 2004, 16:52
  55. Wadey

    My relationship with Taco Bell goes back over a decade. Sadly, it's an "absence makes the heart grow fonder" thing, so I only get the opportunity whenever I get across to the US on holiday.
    If there's anyone wanting to start a Taco Bell franchise in the York area – I would gladly support and probably keep them in business, as would most of my insanity-pepper loving mates.
    Let's petition someone important, and get this cheap, spicy, tasty food on British soil once and for all.
    Long live TACO BELL!!!!!
    21 Nov 2004, 23:35
  56. sophia

    cool! i live near york and would travel every weekend to have a tb!!!
    start one
    up! ya never no!!!
    sophia x
    23 Nov 2004, 13:11
  57. Rose

    I used to live in Baltimore, MD and Austin, TX and I sooooo miss good cheap Mexican, Tex Mex or psuedo-mex since I moved here (Glasgow) 6 years ago. When ever I fly back to Balti, I make my mum stop at Taco Bell to get my first hit. I love the fact that in some areas they are open til 4am. Even if you do get served from behind bullet-proof glass… I swooned when I first saw Reese's Peanut Butter cups on sale at Asda and get visitors to import Mountain Dew for me. Love my junk food.
    27 Nov 2004, 00:59
  58. Jay

    wow i can't believe there is a thread on how much people love TacoBell. I am currently in talks with Yum! Brands (the people who provide us with TB, KFC, Pizza hut) and am hoping to open a restaurant in the UK, most likely in Birmingham city centre to start off with. If business goes well, i am hoping to expand to other cities in the UK.
    22 Dec 2004, 18:02
  59. sophia

    thats cool, u better openm one in leeds too!!!!!!!!!!!
    28 Dec 2004, 18:02
  60. sophia

    i'll work 4 ya if u open one in leeds or bradford!
    28 Dec 2004, 18:03
  61. Ryan

    I am coming to London in March, and I want to eat some cheap awesome food when I get over there! Build TACO BELL REAL FAST!
    04 Feb 2005, 23:55
  62. Tom Lythe

    Reading this i realise how it used to be for me..but not anymore, i live in North Texas now (since july 2004), and well its great because theres a Taco bell like every 5mins down the road…acctually eating something off the Value menu right now, costs just $1.27 and its greeat! sorry had to rub it in to all of you back home in cold, wet, england!, lol, anyways ill be back sometime so, im enjoying what i can.
    10 Feb 2005, 16:31
  63. alison

    Never tried Taco Bell, but we have two Mexican restaurants near Bournemouth. Coriander and El Gringo's.
    Love Mexican food – went to Cancun in 1995 – didnt try Mole sauce because I thought it was the cute furry variety. When I found out it was chocolate and herbs I could have kicked myself.
    19 Feb 2005, 13:25
  64. alison

    P.S. Do Taco Bell do Mole, any new mexican restaurants please please please do Mole as I cant wait to try it.
    19 Feb 2005, 13:26
  65. Pad

    Is there any other wendy's in the uk other than the one in heathrow airport?
    as i live in north england so int driving there for one.
    but on the plus side i go to florida in a few months so i get to eat taco bell and wendy's there :)
    21 Feb 2005, 22:57
  66. Dave

    I've never been to Taco Bell. I love Mexican food. I want to go to Taco Bell. I am hungry now. I would like a taco. It would dribble down my chin and I would smile.
    22 Feb 2005, 11:07
  67. MattNev

    I don't know what started me thinking of Taco Bell this morning but finding this thread really makes me realise there are like minded people out there. I once went to Wisconsin on Business for 2 weeks and must have gone into Taco Bell nearly every day (sad I know). I always remembered seeing an outlet in London but never found it again after my Wisconsin experience – as my old granny once said; "you never appreciate what you've got until it is taken away". I would be over the moon if it came back the UK and I believe the britich public are ready for a new fastfood chain, there are only so many whoppers and BigMacs a guy can eat. I would like to propose an outlet in Oxford, I am sure it would be an amazing sucess, with all the tourists, students, language schools, if i had the experience I would even consider setting up a franchise myself.
    P.S. just for the record, although it is obvious that I am a great fan of Taco Bell, I am surprised to find many people on this thread also singing the praises of Wendy's, admittedly I have only sampled the M4 service station outlet but it has to be the most discusting Burger I have ever tasted!!!
    22 Feb 2005, 16:06
  68. KW

    I too love Taco bell, but wouldn’t exactly call it fresh Mexican food. Tastes f**king good though. Same as McDonalds – a long way from the best burgers in the world, but they still taste good.
    The more general question is why we don’t have more Mexican food in the UK? Two reasons I think:
    1. We don’t have a significant Mexican immigrant population. We have plenty of Indian and Chinese food because there are plenty of Indian and Chinese – someone has to start it off.
    2. The raw ingredients for Mexican food tends to be expensive in the UK. Yes, partly due to the low demand and low volume, but there just aren’t the number of tortillas made here as in say, California. Just look at the supermarket prices for Mexican food in the UK: a 450g can of “refried” pinto beans is about £1.20 (approx $2.22). Compare that with under 50 Cents in a US store (27p)!
    Ethnic food takes off when it is available cheaply. Most people (not me included) would rather go out for a steak than a burrito when they are the same price in a restaurant.
    Interestingly, in the UK, Indian food is relatively cheap and Mexican food is expensive. I found that in California, where Mexican food is cheap, Indian restaurants are expensive and poor value.
    My tip. If you want really good Mexican food – make it yourself – and use fresh ingredients.
    23 Feb 2005, 13:41
  69. William

    Like many of you, i too have recently returned from California and was looking for Taco Bell in London, having been their once when i was younger. But alas, it is no more!
    I am half Mexican, my mother being fully mexican, so have enjoyed many years of fantastic home cooking, with aunties posting packages of food a few times a year of thos eimpossible to get products , like mole, salsa verede etc. Making myself hungry now.
    I agree there must be some resolve to this lack of good mexican food, so what im doing now is setting up a supplier in Califoenia, who wil work through my new website ( build in preogress) an deloiever mexican products to the uk for you all.
    What id like to know is what people think of this idea, and what ideas / features they would like from such a site.
    Hope this can help to aleave some of mexican food cravings..>!!!
    William aka el hungry
    06 Mar 2005, 20:22
  70. Vicky

    Yep its a real shame that there is not a Taco Bell over here. I have been to various states and miss all the shops, food, candy and soft drinks england should have a taco bell, also shoneys was a favourite of mine
    06 Mar 2005, 21:37
  71. Classic Iconoclast

    I know you're breaking the law, and I'm going to TURN YOU IN!!
    20 Mar 2005, 06:33
  72. California Girl

    Hey there – just for all of you who were wondering where the Taco Bells in Europe are —
    There are about four Taco Bell restaurants in the Kaiserslautern area in Germany; but here's the hitch – they are located on the American Army and Air Force bases, so non-military persons can't get into them! They have the following restaurants just at the Ramstein AB alone: Taco Bell, Popeye's Chicken, Cinnabon, Burger King, Charlie's Grill, Subway, and a brand new Chili's! I will be visiting the base in a few weeks and a friend has promised to take me there, so I'm so jazzed!!! I don't know of any other locations in Europe, but I will maybe ask when i am there, and if i find out any info about additional Taco Bell restaurants – I'll let y'all know about it!
    20 Mar 2005, 16:06
  73. john obrien

    Taco Bell would be a big hit in Britain. If they only opened one outlet here to see if was successfull , then as we know, they would open hundreds. I fear soon someone will beat them to it.
    21 Mar 2005, 13:48
  74. yep

    well all I can say is HOT SAUCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with a hard taco and some cheese nachos !!!!!!!!!!!
    29 Mar 2005, 13:53
  75. falloutphil

    There used to be loads of Wendy's outlets in London. I can remember Wood Green, King's Cross, Leicester Square and Oxford Street all being open in that last 5 years. All are closed now tho, I think they're all now McDonalds :-(
    I could never understand why. The branch in Wood Green was always packed, and right next to BK, so consumers had a choice.
    Is the branch in Heathrow definately still open? Which terminal is it in – I use Heathrow a lot a I've never seen it, but I usually fly out of terminal 1.
    If it is before passport control, I would have to go for a Classic Double for old times sake, although these days I try to avoid fast food, it is the work of the devil :-)
    Also, what about the branch on the M4? Which service station and is it still open?
    30 Mar 2005, 10:47
  76. LJ

    I've been in the UK for about 13 years, and yes – there definetely WAS Taco Bell restaurants in the UK. The two I used to mosly visit was in Uxbridge, just outside the 'Pavilions' shopping center (the site of KFC now), and one down the road from Earl's Court tube station. I know the KFC/Taco Bell HQ was in Woking, but not sure if it's still there either! I don't know why they left the UK - maybe because the menu was always limited to only a few things – still it was taco bell!
    I also can't understand why Wendy's left – they had good food, and was always packed! I always have hated 'Slop-Donalds' and always will! I was gutted when I went to Oxford Street going to Wendy's for a burger – only to find it was a Slop-Donalds! Now it's a mobile phone shop :-( – Even the Wendy's near Picadilly Circus is a Slop-Donalds also!
    There was also an Arby's near Leicester Square! :-(
    Anyone know what happened???
    30 Mar 2005, 14:13
  77. Nathan

    Rieses, the US chain that run KFC, Dunkin' Doughnuts, Pizza Hut etc… Have no plans at present to open a Taco Bell in the UK. There is definately one on the US airbase at Lakenheath but obtaining security clearance to visit a fast food joint is a bit rash. Back to the point, on my way back from NYC to weeks ago I was surveyed by Rieses as to how popular Taco Bell would be in the UK. Has anyone else been part of these surveys. They sounded positive!!!
    31 Mar 2005, 19:44
  78. Nathan

    Oops, I meant TWO weeks, D'oh
    31 Mar 2005, 19:45
  79. Rebecca Fyfe

    I am originally from California and have been living in the UK for almost 3 years now. I am desperate for a Taco Bell bean burrito!!!! Anything Taco Bell, really! My kids miss it too. I am thinking of having my parents bring some out with them in their luggage when they visit, even if it will take them 12 hours to get here! I don't mind re-heating the food, and I'll take my chances on it going bad – That's how desperate I feel!
    In recent enquiries, I have found that Taco Bell sells the red sauce that it puts on the burritos (not talking about the sauce packets) in jars now in US supermarkets.
    I have heard about the Taco Bell in London. It is now just an urban myth as they all seem to have closed. Taco Bell needs to try again. If they want to capture the slightly finickier fancy of some English palettes, all they need to do is have some packets of curry sauce available! LOL! Actually, if they kept their prices cheap, as they are in the US, they would have instant appeal.
    There is definitely a market for Mexican and pseudo-Mexican food here in the UK now. In all of my supermarkets, I can buy taco salsa, tortilla shells, refried beans, and other "Mexican" staples. (Alas, there are no taco SAUCES, just salsa.) Granted, the variety of selection is limited, but that is true for all the food they sell here. There are three Mexican restaurants here in Swindon, Wiltshire. One is Chiquitos. It's very pricy and reminds me more of places like "Chilli's" restaurants. Good food, but no substitute for Taco Bell. One is a burrito stand in the town center. The burritos are fabulous! But they cost £4 to £5 each, and, again, they are no Taco Bell substitute. There is another restaurant (can't remember the name), but I haven't visited it yet.
    As for making my own Taco Bell food, it just can't be done. It has to be Taco Bell, or the craving stays with me!
    And, I also miss Mug Root Beer! It is the ONLY brand of root beer I drink and it is my favourite soda pop! I used to love getting my free refills of it at Taco Bell! I have tried to find it here in the UK, even if I have to pay huge sums to import it, but nothing has worked out so far. sigh
    They sell a root beer at our local Asda Walmart, but the brand name is Carter's and it is really revolting! I tried making my own, but again, no luck!
    There are other fast food franchises that I miss from back home (Round Table Pizza, Togo's, Jack-in-the-Box, Arby's, etc.) but Taco Bell is the only one that I have been craving almost constantly since I moved here. In fact, now that I am pregnant again, the cravings are getting even worse! Waaaaahhh!
    05 Apr 2005, 12:48
  80. Rebecca Fyfe

    Oh, and if there are people here selling US products, PLEASE contact me!!!!!
    05 Apr 2005, 12:49
  81. LJ

    Rebecca – have you tried this?: link
    My guess is – yes? VERY limited but ok.. Selfridges sellls some ok stuff too.
    05 Apr 2005, 23:27
  82. 8y9

    Auntie Annes Pretzels are nice as well. There is one in Fulham Broadway Station and one in ictoria station
    09 Apr 2005, 10:05
  83. Ivar

    Love taco bell.
    I know its fast food, and can be rubbish,
    but got addicted to them on holiday in the US and when working out in the middle east.
    Would love if they opened up some in Manchester. Don't want a sit-in resturant, got proper resturants for that. Loads of Tex Mex wannabies around, just plain take-way like kfc would be nice.
    Would be grate of there wheere somewhere to stop off on the way home from work and pick up a few burritos.
    21 Apr 2005, 15:47
  84. D

    There is indeed a Taco Bell inside RAF Lakenheath. I was there on a job the other week and decided to try it out just before I left the base.
    Ended up wishing I spent a lot more money in there, very nice, best junk food I've ever tasted! Gutted to find there's no other TBs in the UK!
    25 Apr 2005, 15:05
  85. Yamas

    Yes Taco Bell in Englandtwo within 15 minutes of each other, kinda near Bury St. edmunds or if you know on Lakenheath and Mildenhall Airforce base, yes it is pretty good especially the 10 soft or crunchy tacos for $5.99 oh yea you need a friend here to get you onbase. there is a nice mexican place in London near the opra houses called Los Loco's or something more Authntic and one in Norwich called … I for got but kids eat for free before 6 or 7pm near city center by the cathedral near a thai restaraunt… and yes Taco bell is and will never be Mexicain it is more Amri-tex-mex-fast food crap… but they make good food if you can get it withour sour cream and yuck guacomole… if you need a friend and are near here or passing through here 1hr away from London let me know email me but ya gotta make it worth my while like buy me lunch too or fill up my tank …only to be fair…. Yamas
    26 Apr 2005, 13:19
  86. Yamas

    email me at yakdady(at)hotmail(dot)com if ya wanna chat about Americain stuff or anything I will be here for two more years…Id email some of you personally but it doesnt show your email addys…take care all…Yamas
    26 Apr 2005, 13:23
  87. Nickie

    For those of you looking for some American stuff, I'd suggest www.cybercandy.co.uk. They are overpriced and understocked, but once you hit that breaking point, it's worth it ;) They also have a shop in London with sweets and pop.
    26 Apr 2005, 21:52
  88. Dave B

    And I thought I was a bit weird for loving Taco Bell instead of curry or fish and chips…. I did a course in Seattle 5 years ago and for 3 weeks lived almost completely on TB (no major weight gain either!) . MMMMMmmm, now that does deserve an advert called "I'm lovin' it", rather than the grotburgers from McD's. I tried looking at the franchise opportunities as well, you need $1million in paid-for assets and $360k in the bank for the US franchise. Oh well, maybe I could work in the kitchen, for the free staff food….
    I worked at MuckyD's when I was a student, the free food was an ordeal not a perk…
    Please please Taco Bell, open up a drive-thru branch at Manchester Airport or on the M60 sliproad @ the Trafford Centre (there's a KFC there already!).
    I remember Wendy's in Bracknell when I was a kid too!
    26 May 2005, 22:02
  89. emma

    taco bell head office is still in woking surrey uk is known as yum who also do others eg kfc, pizza hut etc. im on the case to find out why there is none in the uk as i asked them the other day will let you know when i hear
    02 Jun 2005, 21:41
  90. Philip

    Can you believe that they just opened a TB in Manila, Philippines? but the menu is too limited! Going to Germany in a few months. Are there any in Munich or Berlin?
    09 Jun 2005, 02:12
  91. Damon Allen Davison

    No Taco Bell in Germany, except on US military bases. Sorry, I'd love to have one here.
    Regarding whether Taco Bell is "Mexican". I think it would be fair to say Taco Bell is about as Mexican as McDonald's is American.
    18 Jun 2005, 10:41
  92. josh

    I am a General Manager of a Taco Bell here in Oklahoma, U.S.A. and was wanting to know if there were any taco bell's in europe. I had seen some people wondering about whether Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC were all owned by the same company and yes they are. The First thing that happened was KFC bought Pizza Hut, then Pepsi bought KFC and Taco Bell. A few years later Pepsi was bought by Tricon. A&W Rootbeer then bought Long John Silvers about 6 months before KFC bought A&W Rootbeer. Not long after that Tricon was bought by YUM! Brands. So there you have it. Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, KFC, A&W Rootbeer, Long John Silvers, and Pepsi all owned by the same company. There are actually a couple of places in the states that have one of each built right next to each other as kind of a restaurant corner.
    20 Jun 2005, 05:26
  93. Mr Corrington

    Hi i am glad there is so much interest in this subject. I looked into opening a Taco Bell in the UK back in 2001 as i saw this as a great opportunity, the bid was unsuccessful back then. 4 years later I have now been given the green light so if all goes well there should be a Taco bell in Watford Herts begining 2006 and one in Stratford london when the new terminal opens for Eurostar 2007. Please spread the word and i will be advertising as much as i can.
    Feel free to email me if you have any questions.
    27 Jun 2005, 15:38
  94. Nick M

    Please Taco Bell come to Sheffield, England. I got addicted to Taco Bell Burrito's while on Holiday in the states.
    27 Jun 2005, 16:02
  95. Eden

    Rebecca – for your Mug root beer:
    Both Cybercandy and Americansoda carry it!
    01 Jul 2005, 22:09
  96. randy ermer

    Hey all, i would just like to say that i love taco bell, ya c im an american, i moved to belfast about three yrs ago, and ever since then i have been looking for a taco bell, or mexican food. ive been reduced to eating fahitjas or something like that and nachos from that el del paso shit, all ive seen here r chinnese and thai food, and the occational kfc and pizza hut. i think that the ppl that love to eat taco bell should have a fund raiser thingy and make money to build and run thier wn taco bells, peace out bitches.
    02 Jul 2005, 20:49
  97. Áine

    I wish to God that Taco Bell would come to Ireland; I love their 7 layer burritos – and hot sauce!!!
    03 Jul 2005, 18:00
  98. Tom Coussell

    I'd love to see Taco Bell in this country. Mexican is my absolute favourite food, especially the kind which isn't really Mexican. If you start a petition, let me know.
    You might have noticed that Pizza Hut (also a YUM! company) have started serving a few Mexican starters in their dine-in restaurants. I wondered if perhaps they were 'testing the water' to see if there's a market for that kind of food. If they do keep statistics on who buys their products, they'd know which cities are likely to make use of Taco Bell.
    BTW, what's the deal with Wendy's only having one outlet? They must be paying retail prices for their ingredients, without bulk discounts. Highly uneconomical!
    04 Jul 2005, 13:14
  99. qlint

    i searched for taco bell england cuz i asumed it would be there for when i came to visit, BUT no, the f*ckers. there are none i hear! absurd
    25 Jul 2005, 02:29
  100. arzdev.com

    i searched for this after talking to qlint in im and found it right efter he did. they need rice bowls at tco bell.
    25 Jul 2005, 11:50
  101. Anonymous

    see also link
    03 Aug 2005, 12:59
  102. Mark Fleming

    What most of you are referring to in this thread is what we here in the States call, "Tex-Mex". Taco Bell would be an example, albeit a fast-food version that, while tasty to most, falls somewhat short when compared to that available at restaurants where the meal is prepared to order. This said, Taco Bell, as fast food goes, is pretty decent fare.
    Tex-Mex differs from traditional Mexican food in that it incorporates some additional and/or different ingrediants. Primary among these is real chili (chili con carne) rather than the red chili sauce served at Mexican restaurants in places like New Mexico, Arizona & California. Tex-Mex is also a bit more 'spicy' than traditional Mexican food which can actually be somewhat bland. Most who have had an opportunity to try both types prefer the Tex-Mex.
    Cafe Pacifico in London (Covent Garden Tube) has good food that leans toward the Tex-Mex side. Tiajuana Yacht in Edinburgh (on either Hanover or Frederick) is also reportedly quite good, although I've not yet eaten there myself.
    I agree with the general consensus….A good quality Mexican (Tex-Mex) fast food establishment would rock in the UK.
    09 Aug 2005, 20:54
  103. Dan

    I emailed yum international and asked them about setting up a taco bell. wonder if i get a response, if i do first stores gonna be outside my house )
    20 Aug 2005, 03:16
  104. DIDDY

    Taco bell !!!!!!
    Try CHIQUITO Grill and bar there popping up everyware thats the only mexican chain over here they have been around since 89
    21 Aug 2005, 01:47
  105. urs truly

    i recently went to florida and had taco bell for the first time (it was very nice). when i returned from holiday i mortified to find no taco bells existed in england!!!!!!!!!!!
    p.s chiquito is beggin to be taco bell
    mike jones…..... who…......mike jones….......who…......mike jones
    30 Aug 2005, 19:08
  106. craig

    Taco Bell was open in Uxbridge West London for about i guess back in about 1998 ish. It was never very busy and closed down and turned into KFC
    06 Sep 2005, 07:38
  107. Craig

    Taco Bell wan open in Uxbridge west london for about 2 years back in about 1998. It closed down as nobody went there and it turned into a KFC!
    06 Sep 2005, 07:40
  108. ed

    if anyone from yum yum would like me to run a taco bell i would be honoured but alas have no money to invest but would just happily work/own one england having no taco bells officially sucks
    14 Sep 2005, 12:47
  109. Karen

    I took my son to Vagas for his 21st and he won't stop raving about Taco bell. He says they would make a killing if they came to the uk. I for one would buy their franchise and get rich quick. If anyone from Taco bell reads this please cntact me.
    26 Sep 2005, 23:52
  110. Mitch

    Its true we do need our fast food improving in this country…and they would make a killing if they were to bring taco bell here! id settle for a del taco, jack in the box or an in and out burger better than the crap mcdonalds sell!
    28 Sep 2005, 10:50
  111. Mindi

    I spent last summer in England, and my friends heard me constantly bemoaning the fact that there were no Taco Bells over there. I think most of them wondered what that big deal was. However, one of my best friends from England came to the States to visit me this past winter, and one of the first things I did was was take him to Taco Bell. He loved it, and we ended up eating there about 3 more times in one week! I told him that he could now head back to Bath and take up the complaining where I left off.
    As far as the Taco Bells on Lakenheath Air Force Base and the other one (Mildenhall?)....well, I know there is one for sure on Lakenheath as I had a friend stationed there. Anyways, did you know that you can get on base as long as you are accompanied by somebody stationed there? At least, you could as of last year, and you still can here in the States. I was just on a military base last weekend, and I'm a civilian. Anyways, I accompanied my friend onto a Navy/RAF base in Newquay last summer as he was stationed there. Although I was highly disappointed that there was no Taco Bell on base, he did take me to to the PX and I was able to stock up on all my favorite American foods, such as Lucky Charms, Twinkies, KRAFT mac n' cheese, etc. Oh, and here's the real kicker….they were American prices, a.k.a. cheap!!! So, if you live near either of these two air force bases, try to become friends with somebody stationed there and get them to take you on base. I seriously almost took the train to Lakenheath with the sole intent of trying to meet someone stationed there who could take me to Taco Bell!
    09 Oct 2005, 18:18
  112. Aly

    I used to live in the states and loved taco bell!! Would love it if it came here! Also really miss Cinnabon – there are a couple actually in this country, but nowhere near where i live!! Taco bell and cinnabon in Birmingham PLEASE!!
    27 Oct 2005, 13:23
  113. Wendy

    Bring Taco Bell to Portsmouth or Southampton! London always has the best places to eat – what about us down here on the south coast?
    10 Nov 2005, 13:27
  114. Mousy

    Second that motion re one for the deep south…
    The one in Earls Court was there when I was at a hostel almost next door in 1995, but gone by the time I left London in 1998. I think it closed in 1996.
    As for Wendys – there was one on Oxford Street near Bond street tube when I was working nearby 1995–1998… Not sure if it's still there or not…
    13 Nov 2005, 18:37
  115. LAMBO

    THERE IS A WENDYS IN UXBRIDGE PPL, DEFINATLEY AS I GO COLLEGE THERE AND I EAT AT THE KFC NEXT DOOR EVERY DAY, its down the high street next to the small kfc, ask about the night club there, i forgot the name but it is next to a night club down the uxbridge high road towards brunel, have fun ppl, maybe i wil c u there!
    13 Nov 2005, 22:46
  116. Ian Spencer

    I looked into Taco Bell Uk about a year ago, and a franchise can be purchased for about 1.7 million dollars (US). Anyone fancy a new business opportunity :-)
    14 Nov 2005, 17:27
  117. Jay Krause

    A little bit off the topic, I came back from the states in september after spending 3 months there, and was craving root beer…until I found an actual A & W resteraunt!!!!! Now I can enjoy a pint of root beer in a cold glass…mmm. BTW, I live in Ashton-Under-Lyne, near Manchester. The A & W can be found on the same commercial estate as the gross 'Hollywood Bowl', on Ashton Moss. The food is god awful, but the root beer is the best.
    15 Nov 2005, 23:11
  118. hgyt@hotmail.com

    Get a life.
    21 Nov 2005, 12:19
  119. two_uk_lovebirds

    We are a couple in Worcestershire, I (john) am Texan and my wife (kerry) is Scottish. She spent a year in Temple Texas with me, and became permantly hooked on Taco Bell. Shamefully, there are none here in the UK. Yet, there are a few decent Mexican food resturants here in the UK. And there are foods that call themselves "Tex-Mex" which is a joke here. Tex-Mex food should by all means "light up" your mouth with pure heat!!!! Here it is so mild that even baby's could have it..lol.
    So….Nando's. Heard about it and guess we should try out that one since we have heard so much about it.
    05 Dec 2005, 12:08
  120. Zach

    Dang! I just read somewhere that there was a TB in London! It most have been an old post. I'm in Dublin and dying for TB. I'm annoyed that TB's website claims chains in Europe, and then they end up only being at Military Bases, that doesn't count in my book!
    21 Dec 2005, 02:11
  121. lydia

    there is a taco bell in UK! well it should still be around there was one at RAF Mildenhall in East Anglia for all the US soldiers-but them only! YUMMY
    22 Dec 2005, 17:17
  122. Bee

    I have created a petition for Yum! Brand to bring Taco Bell back to the UK. Please take a moment to sign the petition. The petition will be open for 12 months and then forwarded on with other hard-copy peitition signatures to the Yum! Corporation for consideration January 2007. We hope to have over 1 million signatures, which we hope will give voice to those who DO want this type of convenient food choice in the UK.
    Thanks for your support.
    03 Jan 2006, 10:24
  123. kash

    Taco Bell is just the best, and England 4 sure needs them!!!! After spending an hour on the phone to my American counterparts, it has left my salavating at the thought of eating The Bells Burritos!!! Someone once said there was one in Swiss Cottage, London…....is that true, ne1??
    05 Jan 2006, 15:58
  124. Jennifer Lake

    I am in complete agreement. I heard from a colleague of mine that Taco Bell had a franchise (only one) in Picadilly Circus where Burger King stands now. He said he went there in the 80's and it just didn't last. A Taco Bell would give these nasty kebab shops a run for their money. Especially one with a walk-through (like one in Arizona) for after hours – although here, they would need armed guards and 24 hour security protection (as anyone who's ever been to Burger King in Leicester Square at midnight can attest). Who could resist a bean burrito with sour cream and two crunchy tacos (with that fabulous Taco Bell sauce!)? The ultimate cure for a night of clubbing. I recently took my husband (British) to California and we stopped at the Taco Bell in Beverly Hills. I think we smuggled over 50 packets of sauce back into the country. (Great with Old El Paso flour tortillas and refried beans…) How much does a franchise cost?
    12 Jan 2006, 09:43
  125. JC

    glad to find so many people who would love a taco bell in the UK. We just have to hope someone listens. reading back it seems there are attempts to open a restaurant. My only advice as a definate potential customer is to keep the same menus as in the US. Dont dum anything down for the brits or leave bits off. Then of course dont be too greedy and keep the price as reasonable as possible if not as cheap as in the states.
    13 Jan 2006, 13:04
  126. Lynn

    I've just checked out Taco Bell on yell.com and unfortunately there's definately none in the UK. If anyone is thinking of buying a Franchise in the North East please email me and let me know! I lived in El Paso, TX for a while and although just a short journey accross the bridge and I was in Juarez where I could satisfy my appetite, you simply can't beat the cheapness and taste of a take away Taco Bell… God I miss em!
    23 Jan 2006, 12:02
  127. Scott Smith

    I will tell you a sad story here of an American living in the UK….
    I have been coming here since 1982 and eventually moved here in 1993. Previously, I lived in both New York and Southern California, during the 1970s we used to vacation in Virginia and that's when I first got introduced to Arby's. I used to hate going back home to NY as there were no 7–11s (with Slurpees), Hardees with their brilliant hamburgers but especially, no Arby's with their fab roast beef.
    I moved to CA in 1978 and never looked back to NY after discovering Mexican food in California, oh yes… Arby's was out there as well ! So, when I moved to England in 1993, suddenly I was depreived of both my beloved mexican food and of course Arby's.
    In the early days, I used to make my own tortillas (they have them now in the shops but call them 'California wraps'... go figure), and I used to have to bring back from the USA hot sauces and the mixes to have a 'Taco Tuesday' at home. These days it is much better though and at one point in 1995 a Taco Bell opened briefly in an area called Earls Court in London. I used to travel 1/2 an hour each way whenever I could on the underground just to have lunch there. Sadly, that closed one day… just like your store in Haymarket in the early 1990s… I used to go there regularly and one day I went and sadly it had been turned into that arch enemy of all other fast foods…McDonalds.
    So… is there any chance you can send a care package out to me here in the UK of some frozen Arby-Qs, Regulars or maybe Giant (with both regular and horsey sauce of course) ???
    I would gladly pay and I am actually quite serious…. Also can you give me any hope about the prospects of openeing up shop here in the UK again ? I noticed the nearest Arby's restaurant was either in Turkey or UAE.
    HELP !
    best regards
    13 Feb 2006, 12:27
  128. eric f

    It would be SO GREAT to have tb here in the UK…..i dont know why they dont do so!
    Any military people wanting to earn some money, pls email me and take me in your base (Taco Bell inside RAF Lakenheath) so i can get some proper food! Ill pay good money!
    13 Feb 2006, 17:31
  129. eric f

    SERIOUS….ill pay very very good money, as i plan on getting 500 burritios and freezing them!
    My parents send me monthly packages with tb & del taco hot sauce…so if anyone wants some, email me and ill get it sorted, but u gotta pay for postage ;)
    13 Feb 2006, 17:35
  130. Nath

    My dad looked into how much a franchise would be to open a taco bell here, it was basically silly money but in the letter from The parent company which I think was Pizza hut, they said they were trilling in Mainland europe and if that was successful then branching out to London first and then other places.
    While I really want one (know its not really mexican just a lot more interesting than a cheeseburger) we had a Wendys in Leeds and that closed down through lack of business even though the food was ten times better than Mcdonalds and Burger King.
    I also think ther would be room for a White Castle and also Boston Market especially, Us Brits love meat and mashed potato. Fast food at its best. An American chef with the equivalent of a michelin star I think his name is Bourdain said he loved White castle burgers surely thats a good enough recommendation.
    p.s. making your own quesidillas is dead easy and absolutelu delicious have some recipes if anybosy interested
    18 Feb 2006, 02:28
  131. KT

    I was visiting London from California in 1990 and was THRILLED to find a Taco Bell near an underground station. The fare was a bit different than at home, but just as tasty, and I am VERY sad to hear that The Bell has left the UK. In the US, there are Taco Bell products available on grocery shelves, and though they are a bit different than the flavours that the chain offers at a franchise, perhaps it would be easier for UK fans to push for grocery retailers to carry the prepare-at-home products instead of figuring out how to build a successful franchise from scratch. Just a thought!
    19 Feb 2006, 06:23
  132. joshua walters

    I work at a Taco Bell in Hays,Kansas,USA—i am a shift manager there, i have spoken to my district manager about a Taco Bell in England, there is currently none, this is wierd, when there is a Taco Bell in Iraq,Taco Bell,Pizza Hut, and KFC are all owed by the same Co., called YUM! brands—-you can contact theme about any thought for a TB in england through www.tacobell.com
    03 Mar 2006, 07:46
  133. Paul

    As we all seem to be deprived off American food of one type or another, maybe everyone could list, websites, or any links to paces that sell or carry anything remotely like the food back home..FedX is getting expensive…
    03 Mar 2006, 21:36
  134. Eamonn

    I loved Taco Bell in the early 90's (in Leicester Square where the TFI Friday's restaurant is now)...sadly they've gone…If the President of the company is reading this…why not give it a try in the UK again…PLEASE!
    That said, I'd sell my soul for a couple of Nathan's right now!
    06 Mar 2006, 12:47
  135. Matt

    Taco bell is sweet! But even better is Chipotle and Baja Fresh. Now I think they would do a storm over here. McDonalds and Wendy's have seen value in both these brands so expect to see them coming this way soon or something similar.
    06 Mar 2006, 19:19
  136. Wheeler

    FYI…(I did not read all of this, but i'm searching for Taco Bell in Europe…)
    KEN-TACO-HUT is what the 3-way restaurants are called..similarly for a TACO-HUT if it's just the bell and pizza…or KEN-TACO ..well you get the idea. The franchise licensee for Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Pizza Hut are all the same company.
    I went to grad school with a guy that worked on the European marketing for all 3 chains. The taste does NOT migrate. So they went bust. There was not enough of us americans over here to support it. Hence, it is alive and well on military bases…but that's it :(
    make friends find a military pal..and travel. that's the only advice I have.
    08 Mar 2006, 17:05
  137. Ellen Deeprose

    well I live in Scotland and my daughter and were just eating some crappy Old El Paso tacos we made, and dreaming about how good a bean burrito would be right about now. I've been told that people in Scotland don't like spicy food and so that is why we have very little in the way of Mexican food up here. LONG LIVE THE BELL!!!!
    05 Apr 2006, 11:43
  138. Naweed Sadiq

    I'm scottsh too, my wife is from California and i've lived in California in the Central Valley for 5 years. taco bell was horrible, it was a quick fix, and then i had to go to the toilet. What i did like which i seen in an earlier comment was baja fresh, fantastic place, more authentic and fresh. Baja fresh would go down a storm here, as British people in general dont go for franchise food as much as americans and baja fresh isn't as big a franchise as these other names. I have to also agree with the fact that there are so many better places than a Macdonalds, in California, Carls Jnr comes to mind. Finally, in all my time in the states, i couldn't get a decent fish supper? whats up with that?
    12 Apr 2006, 00:12
  139. faye

    hello all…I live on Ra.f lakenheath…...and i LOVE taco bell,i get to eat it all the time..sorry if there are green eyes all around!
    18 Apr 2006, 12:31
  140. danny-bhoy

    20 Apr 2006, 22:57
  141. Steve

    I went to America last year and tasted taco bells for the first (hopefully not the last time) and loved the food.
    I have been wanting taco bells ever since and I can't understand why the European/UK franchise has not been setup yet (if subway can be a success at making overpriced sanwiches surely taco bells have a chance). I have recently filled in an application on the yum–yum website to start a franchise in the uk. The only catch is I need to be worth about $1.35 million (I am worth about 10% at most) what we need is UK investors to bring taco bells to every street corner.
    There is definetly a market there as long as people are prepared to invest this forum is proof. I would be willing to start a franchise off if I had the people willing to ivest.
    01 May 2006, 20:34
  142. floyd courtnell

    i have just stumbled across this debate about taco bell being it this country or not , what do people think about mexican being included on our lists of take away foods delivered to our doors as i am getting tired of Pizza ,Indian ,chinese is it possible thi food doesnt travel that well,, floyd
    08 May 2006, 20:46
  143. AIDEN

    We were just having this discussion at work, as my colleague says she remebers the Taco Bell in the west end in the late 80's, so this is a question to Mr Corrington from comment no 93, how is your plans for a TB freanchise for Watford going, please let us know as we work night–shifts down the road and are hungry for Taco Bell right now, and are ready to jump in the car and get down there!!!
    09 May 2006, 03:38
  144. Geoff

    hey, i just found this online petition to bring Taco Bell to the UK… get signing!!
    09 May 2006, 03:43
  145. Dave

    Both Taco Bell & Wendys have left the UK. The only Taco Bells that I knew were at Earls Court & Uxbridge. The Earls Court site closed to be replaced by Nandos. The Uxbridge site became a Wendys (Now KFC). I miss my Taco Bell chilli fries and square burgers and chicken burgers from Wendys which I became hooked on a holiday to Rhodes, Greece. But the spicy chicken from Nandos all over the UK is fantastic.
    25 May 2006, 00:30
  146. port7

    I used to go to the Taco Bell on Coventry Street in the 80's and the Earls Court one in the 90's and was very sad when they closed, anyone know why they closed?
    I wonder if the UK wasn't ready for mexian back then, now with 'wraps' being all the craze, its the right time now.
    There is a Mexican fast food place just opened in Manchester (Picadilly Gardens) called Barburrito and its very good, and popular. Its very Subway–like with them building your taco / burrito / salad infront of you.
    Yum! have already started building KFC / A&W joint resturants so if they can do that they can do a Taco Bell, come on Yum! get with the programe
    29 May 2006, 11:52
  147. LockNLoad

    American Living/Working in the UK
    I have been trying to find a Taco Bell for 3.5 years, if anyone out there knows of one can you get in touch, by the way, try Cafe Pacifico in Amsterdam/London for pretty good mexican food!
    16 Jun 2006, 08:55
  148. chrome

    We have a couple of regional chains here in the USA that are (in my opinion) tastier than Taco Bell.
    Del Taco (In 13 states) link
    Taco Bueno (Only in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas & Arkansas) link
    Seeing as how they're only regional here in the states, doubt they'll ever make it to joly 'ol England. But if they ever do, watch out. Their stuff is better than Taco Bell.
    17 Jun 2006, 13:23
  149. kelly

    There is a taco bell in the UK, i went there last week and im going again on friday :) its in gunwharf quays near pourtsmouth
    04 Jul 2006, 13:46
  150. Sadira

    I live in the Netherlands and I was looking on the web if there's a tacobell in europe and I stumbled on this site….I'm so sad…..there isn't…even if it wasn't in Holland but somewhere else in Europe I would consider traveling to there. Bring TACOBELL to Europe please!!!!!! And while am at it, please bring a dunking donuts to the Netherlands too! :–D
    12 Jul 2006, 18:48
  151. Debbie

    Are you for real? Is there really a taco bell in Gunwharf. Can anyone else confirm this. I live in Southampton and I'd go there for supper right now if it is really true. Dying for taco bell.
    14 Jul 2006, 16:36
  152. Shawn

    There is a Taco Bell on RAF Mildenhall and one on RAF Lakenheath… the Mildenhall one was there first out the two 8 years ago….
    15 Jul 2006, 01:52
  153. Sunpreet

    There used to be a taco bell in Wembley – London This was about 10 years ago but it didnt do too well so it closed down. I dont think a Taco Bell as it is would run in the UK aswell as they do in the States/Canada.
    15 Jul 2006, 11:56
  154. John

    Has anyone ever been to Mexifresh? Some one reco to me but I've never been. Also – quite sure it is not located in London.
    19 Jul 2006, 01:24
  155. Rishi

    Can anyone confirm if there is a taco bell in portsmouth??
    27 Jul 2006, 13:51
  156. Gruff

    How could you crave this crap – it's awful – there are a number of places popping up that do takeout mexican food in London – you just have to search for them! But this Taco Bell is typical of fastfood – had one years ago in the states and god, never again – it's like comparing a McDonalds burger with a homemade one!
    02 Aug 2006, 00:37
  157. James Barnes

    i believe there is a taco bell on one of the US Air Force bases in the UK somewhere, i'm not sure if you have to be in the air force or maybe you can just go in with your american passport. i think they should open one in london, it would do so well. maybe in st. johns wood, there is an american high school there and lots of the students would love it. good luck finding one, if you do please email me and let me know where it is.
    07 Aug 2006, 17:15
  158. neil

    i dont know how many taco bells are in the uk but if anyone opens a taco shop in the uk they would boom with profits.
    go on someone open a shop, i'll eat there!!!
    15 Aug 2006, 18:08
  159. Cameron

    Shawn and James are correct there are Taco Bells at Mildenhall and Lankenheath in the Midlands but I was only able to go as a guest of someone with military business. It is not open to the general public unfortunately. As mentioned above there used to be Taco Bell in London but yes have since shut. I do hope the try again. Taco Bell rules! And granted it isnt Mexican food its TexMex but in truth isnt it better?!!
    25 Aug 2006, 14:03
  160. yoedy

    I used to work in Taco Bell at soho nearby leceister SQ london.w1. I was a crew of the month in 1993. The manager was Kal Sindu. The food was yummy.
    28 Aug 2006, 17:53
  161. will-d

    I just visited a taco bell at lakenheath, problem with buying 100 burritos is they technically don't allow you to take any food out of the base, it has to be consumed on site. The bases are classed as US soil, (hence need for passport) and taking burritos out of USA is not likely to be allowed. One or two maybe but 100 would arrouse suspicion!
    30 Aug 2006, 00:19
  162. ERK

    i heard there r some tb’s in germany. anyone knows the locations?
    01 Sep 2006, 00:11
  163. John

    There does not appear to be a Taco Bell at Gunwharf Quays unless someone can prove otherwise.
    This blog thread gives my similar post loads of hits, must be a real appetite (pun intended) for this stuff.
    01 Sep 2006, 16:19
  164. Shawn

    will-d – you could order 100 burrutos if you wanted as long as you went to Lakenheath ;) , and you can take them off base, its food… I know customers that come in daily and order extra food to take home and cook at night…. only killer is the sign-on part really
    08 Sep 2006, 22:12
  165. rayvin

    09 Sep 2006, 01:28
  166. Dave

    If you do a search on www.yell.co.uk there are no listings for taco bell in the UK. We went to one in New York last year which had a Dunkin Donuts in there too (on 8th Avenue), but it was early and I didnt want to eat anything (just had a cwoffe and a donut, whilst she had a chicken burrito which she enjoyed). We didnt see any other Taco Bells in NYC, but we didnt explore all of Manhattan because there were major blizzards when we were there which restricted our travelling. Going to be going back at some point and will visit one, and a Wendy’s too (theres a Wendy’s right outside the entrance to the Empire State).
    09 Sep 2006, 12:39
  167. Sara

    KFC and Pizza hut are run by the same company as Taco Bell…so someone should build one here…like next door to me…ya know.
    10 Sep 2006, 21:25
  168. brains

    Not quite the same but the ‘planet pizza’ chain do fantastic tex mex pizzas and they do burrittos too-
    Chicken Fajita Pizza
    Chicken Fajita Strips, Green Peppers, Onions, Olives, Sour Cream & Guacamole
    High Noon Tex-Mex Pizza
    Chorizo Sausage, Smoked Bacon, Mushrooms, Onions, Coriander, Eggs, Sour Cream and Guacamole
    King Prawn Fajita Pizza
    Talior King Prawns, Green Peppers,Mushrooms, Onions, Coriander, Sour Cream and Guacamole
    Mixed Fajita Pizza
    Chicken Fajita, Beef, King Prawns, Green Peppers, Onions, Olives, Coriander, Sour Cream and Guacamole
    12 Sep 2006, 15:24
  169. susan

    The Taco Bell chain started 3 miles from where I live.
    Taco Bell is to mexican food what frozen fish sticks are to authentic fish and chips.
    13 Sep 2006, 17:48
  170. peter

    Yes there was TACO BELL in Licieseter Square and Earl’s Court late 80s
    14 Sep 2006, 11:13
  171. Christian

    I have some good and bad news…................
    The good news: I went to america last year august and india this year, and when I went to Heathrow airport, there was an italian food place called Sbarro its very nice. This isnt so important besides the fact there are hundreds in america and only one in England. Also if you live in London, there is a place called Cheeko’s on station road in harrow, I ordered a burrito and it took 5min 38 secs for it to come, and I didn’t have to wait in queue. So it is effectively nearly as quick as Taco Bell itself, and the food is amazing, however, Taco Bell is easy, cheap and is not sit down, which is why this chicken joint down my road is doing chicken and beef taco’s, npot quite taco bell, but they are decent.
    bAD NEWS: I believe tacobell is never coming to UK (except in air bases) because: they have already been here and it flopped, they (YUM FOODS) dont need to make money from UK
    YIPEE NEWS (I have heard from trustworthy sources but still VERY UNCERTAIN)
    There may be a joint venture in the city of london (city centre, like that place on T.V that has coke neon billboards and thew sanyo sign) which has a large group of american fastfood places unavailable elsewhere. Rumoured list includes: Taco Bell (or Taco Time (their rivals)), Dunkin Donuts,. Nathans, that shushi place called Yanagi and the infamous BUBBA GUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    17 Sep 2006, 11:52
  172. Nikki

    My boyfriend and I lived in the states for 2yrs,TB is great for hangovers.I lived in Mexico for 2 and a half years,and had the real thing,but I still love TB,and wish it would come back to the UK.
    25 Sep 2006, 12:26
  173. caz

    I love Taco Bell and agree with everyone that the UK needs TB !!!!
    Even planning a trip to Florida just so my boyfriend can taste TB for the first time!!!
    I’m foaming at the mouth, just the thought of see-ing a TB sign!!! ooeeeerrr !!!
    15 Oct 2006, 17:14
  174. Andy

    PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEE…. Bring Taco bell 2 the uk i no for a fact that me and my friends would keep it in business. Nothing beats a number 7 meal yum yum.
    16 Oct 2006, 21:11
  175. Paul

    There’s a Sbarro on Birmingham’s New Street railway station. There was also a TacoBell on the Hagley Road in Birmingham as late as 1996…I also vaguely remember eating at one in Hull; I say vaguely remember as I was very, very druk at the time!
    25 Oct 2006, 09:12
  176. yogs

    i can’t believe that i have searched the net all day, google search after google search just to find mexican fast food taco bell style in london as i am here for the day.wanted to get a quick bite before i go back to coventry uni…of all places with all its diversity and mixtures of cultures london doesn’t have anything in the slightest resembelence…well for all of you looking for a good burrito you need to go to BIRMINGHAM, BROAD STREET to a stand call ROCKET FEUL…just near a bar called RISA..opposite BAR IPANIMA. went there after a night out, ate in the car and had to turn back just to get another because it was so good. i think thats the closeest thing we will ever see.for all those people that have been looking since 1988 stock up before thos one closes as well.
    29 Oct 2006, 12:23
  177. Matt

    Taco Bell sucks.
    30 Oct 2006, 12:31
  178. jake

    I love Taco Bell I cant belive there isnt one in London, we have just got back from florida and there were loads. Why Why is there any here its cheap and makes a change from fish and chips and burgers.
    31 Oct 2006, 17:02
  179. Clarissa

    I’d probably offer money to start a franchise here, if anyone is serious!!!
    I check every few months on the web to see if there is any way that Taco Bell is coming here! I also miss Wendy’s and would love an A & W, just for the Root Beer! I go to TB as SOON as I get out of the airport when I visit the USA (I’m American).
    I agree that Taco Bell is fabulous comfort food, and is always more tasty than crappy McD’s or B. King. God help us!!!
    01 Nov 2006, 16:46
  180. Kate Lynn

    I love Taco Bell. It’s wonderful, but there are definately none in London. But that’s what coming to another country is all about right? Leaving the familiar and diving in to new things…like kebab shops. Hehe…but when I go back, it’s fourth meal baby. Fourth meal.
    04 Nov 2006, 21:41
  181. John

    Mmmmm taco bell…. nothing beats it at 2:00 a.m.!
    19 Nov 2006, 16:15
  182. pete

    Bring on Taco Bell. They got one in Sydney Australia so why not here in the UK ? Reckon it is a healthier alternative to McD’s and KFC and would also introduce something new and tasty to the fast food market over here ?
    19 Nov 2006, 20:17
  183. Sol Flamberg

    For Authentic Mexican Food delivered to your door, look no further than www.mexgrocer.co.uk Chilies, Masa Harina, Tomatillos the real taste of Mexico
    20 Nov 2006, 02:36
  184. Sofia

    I reckon they should bring back Taco Bell in london since it is da capital of England! No matter what anyone else thinks of Taco Bell i love it and when i stayed in Miami for at least 3 months i ate Taco Bell 4-5 times a week none of that McDonalds or Burger King crap! There is enough of them about and indian curry houses! A Taco Bell should be opened up with KFC as a partner restaurant like they have in the US! Love you Taco Taco and i miss you loads!
    20 Nov 2006, 16:22
  185. jason

    I am seriously considering approaching taco bell with regard to a franchise in the london area,If anyone is also serious about grouping together in respect of other regions to form a sizeable network that would interest them, as it seems they have ignored the uk. I will only be too glad to exchange ideas and pool resouces to achieve this goal as I am convinced,along with many others it seems, this could be a viable possibility
    20 Nov 2006, 19:06
  186. Joanna B

    They would make a load of cash if they came over here ive allways thought that great minds think alike
    27 Nov 2006, 15:22
  187. Sephy C

    Taco Bell Taco Bell Taco Bell
    I feel unwell
    I need some Taco Bell
    in my Taco Belly
    set one up in New Cross
    or Camberwelly.
    03 Dec 2006, 14:57
  188. Gem Jones

    Just to put you all out of your misery..there is a taco bell in england, it’s on an army base down south but the only way you can go there is if you know someone on the base…so you better get making friends with some soldiers!!
    Taco bell is awesome…
    16 Dec 2006, 00:04
  189. Damon Allen Davison

    I’m amazed that this thread is still active after so much time. Yum Foods clearly missed the mark when they closed down the UK Taco Bell franchises years back. For those of you inclined to try making your own Taco Bell-style so-not-Mexican food, try doing a Google search for ‘taco bell copy cat’ .
    10 Jan 2007, 14:58
  190. BigBadKev

    Some of us still want crappy mexican take-out :D. I could murder a Taco Bell right now, instead I’ll have to settle for a mexican chicken sandwich!
    Still, look on the bright side! All the time I spent in the US I couldn’t find a chinese anywhere near the standards over here (including a VERY expensive one near Times Square in New York), and I don’t think they even know what a curry is over there yet!
    You would think though that all the El Paso range, + the curry sauces etc would prove that us Brits really do have a taste for spicy food!
    12 Jan 2007, 13:15
  191. Richard Lee

    I want mexican food now! Have done for years.
    I allways have to make my own but I’d much rather nip down the local takeaway if it existed :(
    17 Jan 2007, 15:33
  192. tony

    I am an archaeologist in Suffolk. We have done several jobs on both Lakenheath and Mildenhall airbases. In my opinion all the food is fantastic. I love Popeyes chicken and the pizza slices at Anthonys are far better than the normal crap you get in the UK. When I am on the bases I alternate between them and Taco Bell. The best thing about Taco bell is the burritos with lots of fire sauce. I have discovered that Old El paso burrito cooking sauce is great for making almost identical tasting Burritos. Luckily I have loads of the fire sauce since I always cram my pockets full. Unfortunately though it’s getting harder to find Old El Pasos burrito cooking sauce and I am not sure when I’ll next make it to either base.
    18 Jan 2007, 03:20
  193. tony

    I have just been checking out google earth. For those who want to see a Taco Bell in the UK follow this- If you go to East Anglia you should be able to find Lakenheath. To the right you can clearly see the airbase by the run ways. Now look at the pointer in the bottom left of the screen. Taco Bell is located at 52 23 48 71 N and 0 33 16 36 E you can move around until you find it. It is actually right beside the road so I guess anyone desperate could hang around the fence and bribe someone in the carpark to hand some take out over. Oh, if you try that you may get shot.
    18 Jan 2007, 03:54
  194. andy

    Taco bell is crap no tatse like most american food if you want real mexican try the village of Ampthill there is a mexican there that is fantastic it is between luton and milton keynes about 4 miles off juc 12 of the M1
    03 Feb 2007, 11:16
  195. Ian Davies

    This Taco-Bell idea interests me and i have a variant on the franchise idea. Gt in touch if you’re interested.
    11 Feb 2007, 03:10
  196. John

    Ian, I am interested. Drop me an email at : johnblisard5@yahoo.com and let me know the details. Cheers, John.
    13 Feb 2007, 14:00
  197. reg

    im interested in opening a taco bell franchise in the u.k. any other people with the same idea get intouch regg_rai@hotmail.com
    20 Feb 2007, 22:37
  198. jody

    there is a taco bell in london, near where the sega building used to be, on the way to battersea from i think its the m4
    22 Feb 2007, 11:03
  199. Captain Faz

    Compass Group ran a few franchises in the UK a few years back, University of Birmingham had one, can’t have been profitable… I think you could still open one in the Uk, but it’s for silly money…
    27 Feb 2007, 20:52
  200. cp

    As mentioned earlier, the only Taco Bells I know of are at the US air bases, Mildenhall and Lakenheath. But you must be escorted by someone with a military ID. And yes, the commisary has all of the foods you miss (your favorite hot sauce, sausage made the way we’re used to, mountain dew, etc).
    While in London a couple weeks ago I passed a restaurant called The Texas Embassy. Apparently its Tex-Mex. And its GOOD. And its REAL TEX-MEX.
    05 Mar 2007, 03:35
  201. Captain Faz

    tells us that first taco bell here was in 1986 in london and they failed to expand due to a lack of a partner
    13 Mar 2007, 00:53
  202. TIM

    29 Mar 2007, 11:05
  203. chris

    I have not tryed taco bell but i know many people who love it but i love popeyes any body seen any of those in the uk.
    02 Apr 2007, 16:55
  204. jivan singh

    taco bell is very popular in the states. so as a business man i am thinking of opening a franchise of taco bell in londn, it will be difficult as the frst, (I think, say otherwise) but i do plan to as the brits love thier spices!
    05 Apr 2007, 16:44
  205. jimmy

    Taco Bell IS NOT Mexican food!
    09 Apr 2007, 22:03
  206. Ashton

    11 Apr 2007, 09:11
  207. tony

    Yes there is a Popeyes in the UK but surprise surprise it’s at USAF Lakenheath. I love KFC but Popeyes Cajun fries are out of this world.
    29 Apr 2007, 22:12
  208. Bill Bonus

    I want a taco bell burrito from the dollar menu NOW
    Get me one or I will cry !
    13 May 2007, 00:59
  209. D3rrick

    I was very surprised when I heard that there is no Taco Bell in London. I just got here a couple of months ago to attend some classes at Oxford. Like all of you, I was also searching on Google to try to find a Taco Bell in London. To my surprise there are none. It’s amazing to know that in Aruba, where I come from, there are 3 Taco Bells on the island. We also have 3 Wendy’s, tons of MC donalds, KFC, Burgur King, Dunkin Donuts, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, Dominos, Subway, and so on. The only popular chain we currrently don’t have is Starbuck’s. (I’m not a coffee drinker anyway, so it doesn’t bother me at all)
    I just don’t know why so many of them are opened on such a small island. I mean 1 is enough. Sadly, they are always packed. I guess it also has to do with the tons of American tourists that visists the island.
    In my opinion Taco Bell is not a real Mexican food, however, It tastes SO DAMN GOOD….
    18 May 2007, 00:07
  210. Tom

    I have lived in Oxford for 2 years. Originally from Calif. The SF Bay Area. More than anything else, food wise I miss being able to go to a Taco Bell. There is just something about that taste! I really think I went through withdrawls when I move to the UK. Hell, if I had the money I would just go for the weekend to the US for a Taco Supreme and a Borrito Supreme…... I’m having the shakes now… got to go….got to change the subject…..
    24 May 2007, 23:29
  211. micheal daley

    please taco come to liverpool
    30 May 2007, 03:21
  212. Danny

    Argh… I’m in the UK watching US Comedy Central on TVU Player and they are tempting me with their ads!
    God damn it!
    03 Jun 2007, 06:34
  213. Carrie

    I think that it was too early for Taco Bell originally but I think that they would trive now…. just look at the old el paso adverts on TV, people are willing to try more foods these days. And yeah I remember Wendys in Bradford, my friends used to go because you could smoke upstairs! The chilli salad bowl was much nicer than anything from Mac D’s or Burger King
    If I had the money I would so open a Taco Bell in Leeds! Guacamole optional for those people who don’t like it ; ) so if I win lots of money on the lottery I vouch to open a Taco Bell in Yorkshire, and if that did well I would open more throughout the UK!
    21 Jun 2007, 16:52
  214. Jason

    WTF is wrong with you people? Taco Bell is disgusting! Try real Mexican food!
    23 Jun 2007, 13:23
  215. Mike

    I lived in New Mexico for seven years. Sure, there were plenty of real mexican restaurants, and some not so real, and some new mexican. But there were LOADS of Taco Bell restaurants, and lots of mexican people went to them.
    Of course I’ve had a lot of authentic mexican food, in Juarez, Mex City, and Acapulco. Some delicious, some plain, some very much like Taco Bell
    I’ve been to more than 100 mexican restaurants, from Dublin to London to Frankfurt to Warsaw to Vilnius. They all had one thing in common: they sucked, and made Taco Bell seem genuine. I think Europe needs cilantro and cumin.
    Actually, mexican people seem to like Taco Bell in the US
    By the way, Burritos are not mexican food, they are texan food.
    08 Jul 2007, 18:52
  216. Fred

    I live in the US and for what it’s worth, a lot of people here know that Taco Bell doesn’t really represent “real” Mexican food. It’s an Americanized version of Mexican food, a version of Mexican food that a corporation knows is anglified enough to appeal to middle-America.
    That said, a lot of people still enjoy it. It has something of a cult status here because it’s lower-end items, like bean burritos, are popular with college students who are on a tight budget.
    10 Jul 2007, 04:17
  217. daz

    Taco Bell used to have a branch at leicester square in the late 80’s.I once saw Tommy Lee (Motley Crue) in there
    14 Jul 2007, 16:54
  218. Brian

    and there was one on Kensington High Street in 1991. I had a mexican ‘pizza’ there. it was terrible.
    15 Jul 2007, 18:14
  219. Ace®

    I fondly remember discovering Taco Bell in Leicester Square as a teenager “bunking off” school, back in the 80’s…. I gorged myself on most of the items from the menu over months of visits from all the way from South London…
    Now I am 40 years old, and living in the North of England, but I certainly would visit London or any other BIG city to delight in a “REAL” Taco Bell feast again… Chiquito’s and other Tex-Mex restaurants et al, just aint got that certain “buzz” from scoffing a crunchy Taco Supreme and twisting your head back and forth to catch every last crumb…. Delicious and decadent…(for a teenie-bopper!)
    They were simply “Heavenly and Very, Very moreish”...mmmmmm
    Come on “somebody”, please dig in and get a franchise for UK again….just remember to get THE all important business partner in a brewery or someone….
    Good Luck!! :o)
    05 Aug 2007, 18:51
  220. Siobhan

    I agree with most on here – I absolutely adore Taco Bell. One thing I also loved was Krispy Kreme donuts!! MMMmmmmm. We used to travel from the midlands, down to London on a regular basis to buy them, but then they opened a branch in Selfridges in Birmingham. That shows my commitment to purchasing from Taco Bell if they come over here. I LOVE their food! However, I think that an outlet in the Midlands instead of/ as well as London would be good – it’s not fair how London gets everything!
    For all the Taco lovers out there – I buy a can of Old El Paso re-fried beans from the supermarket sometimes, but when I’m broke (it is expensive) I buy a pack of pinto beans, soak them over night in salt water, boil them for a couple of hours – then fry them. It’s a lot of hassle, but it works out half the price. Also you can buy sachets of Taco seasoning mix – again this is expensive. Everytime we go to the States (we have family there) we go to Sam’s Club and buy a big drum of Taco seasoning (About a Kilo) for $4 (£2).
    There you go – it’s not quite the same (bit like trying to recreate McDs burgers) but it’s close!
    22 Aug 2007, 13:26
  221. tb-infected

    I remember going to a Taco Bell in London around 1989. I would kill for one now.
    At the time I remember being very ammused that you could by a refilable drink in small or large!
    02 Sep 2007, 15:43
  222. Anon

    The answer is not to bring Taco Bell here, but to move to America. I just got back from the states and I was amazed at how much better everything is. England is getting a bit of a joke to live in and it will only get worse.
    12 Sep 2007, 01:56
  223. Larnyboy

    I love and miss taco bell please its nearly been 10 years since i last had it
    Fast food Mexican style is what it is
    another one in yank land to try is chi-chi’s a bit up market wonder if its still going
    No it is not
    ah well
    26 Sep 2007, 18:55
  224. smudge

    I think we should all write in to Taco Bell and petition them to open a store in the UK!!! I have already done my bit
    05 Oct 2007, 22:58
  225. leec1

    i agree with the anon poster from 12th sept 07 about england being a joke, i really really would love to move to the states but for now i dont have the $$$ , if i win the jackpot im gone, and i can eat taco bell, chick fil ya (100 times better than KFC), shop at the devils den WAL MART, drink HI-C to it comes out my nose, eat ding dongs, twinkies milk duds, fill up my dodge ram pick up truck, i love it over there so much i only came back on the 8th october after a rather interesting 2 weeks :o(
    13 Oct 2007, 16:36
  226. tribal

    Man gotta love the Bell. Eat pretty much there permenantly when i’m in Southern California !!!!
    Trying to convince the Mrs to go live out there for a couple of years !!!
    18 Oct 2007, 12:21
  227. mitch

    i need taco bell. NOW. England is sooo gay
    Dont it just suck
    23 Oct 2007, 20:34
  228. Paul B

    I tried TB and Wendy’s back in 2000 on a visit to some of the southern states, and would love to see both get going in the Uk. The only problem would be that servings would be half the size and twice the price and would never compare in taste to the real deal in the US.
    Fast food in the form of burgers is at saturation levels in the UK now, we have four McDs within 7 miles and I live in the countryside. Someone like Branson with money and balls needs to exploit the gap and give it a go.
    Nearly eight years since my Taco taste, maybe it is time for another transatlantic holiday.
    02 Nov 2007, 17:16
  229. tony

    Anon wrote-
    “The answer is not to bring Taco Bell here, but to move to America. I just got back from the states and I was amazed at how much better everything is. England is getting a bit of a joke to live in and it will only get worse.”
    If you don’t like it here why don’t you F##k off back to America?
    So what if Taco Bell isn’t genuine Mexican food. It still tastes good. A lot of Chinese and Indian food in the West is not authentic. Who cares, just get it down your kneck and stop moaning!
    06 Nov 2007, 23:30
  230. leec1

    tony you a*e id quite happily goto to the states to live this country is fast becoming a s*thole, all kinds of crap are coming here aswell as well as the crap thats already here, the do gooders say open the borders let them all in, they have a right. those jokers are a bigger menace to society than suicide bombers!!!!!!!
    23 Nov 2007, 21:32
  231. Momo

    We should have a taco bell in the u.k, most common place shold be up the west end as it is the busiest place and alot of touriest come there. We used to have one near the empire cinema, leicester square, why they decided to close is god knows. Once someone will open one where its very popular I am sure alot will open just like the subway resturants.
    01 Dec 2007, 19:49
  232. Kirstin

    WOW! I never knew so many people loved Taco Bell. I’m 14 and last went to the USA when i was about 7 or 8 but my greatest memories are of course Disney but also my almost daily visits to Taco Bell and Dairy Queen. My mum was telling me there were Taco Bell’s in London but i was upset to discover they were all closed =[. My sister imports Mountain Dew, Lucky Charms and other American stuff and even if it takes a week – two weeks. I can’t wait til i’m old enough to move to America (better weather, better food, better EVERYTHING!) why the hell would people want to stay in the UK if we had the choice???
    01 Dec 2007, 23:48
  233. Doesn't Matter

    Taco Bell came and went in the late 70s / early 80s. Somewhat over-priced as fresh lettuce was apparently flown in with Monterey Jack almost every day. I know this because I asked the management at the time “Why so expensive?” Great pity. As an ex-pat, I enjoyed them nonetheless.
    09 Dec 2007, 02:06

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  • Taco Bell came and went in the late 70s / early 80s. Somewhat over–... by Doesn't Matter on this entry
  • WOW! I never knew so many people loved Taco Bell. I’m 14 and … by Kirstin on this entry
  • We should have a taco bell in the u.k, most common place shold be u… by Momo on this entry
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