.CZ Reaches One Million Active Domains ‹ DomainPulse.com – The Beat on the Domain Name Industry

.CZ Reaches One Million Active Domains ‹ DomainPulse.com – The Beat o…

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.CZ Reaches One Million Active Domains

Posted by: David Goldstein    Tags:  .CZ, Czech Republic    Posted date:  November 23, 2012  |  No comment

Czech ccTLD logoOn 19 November at 17:24, the number of active .CZ (Czech Republic) domain names reached one million CZ. NIC Association announced.
Among the top-level domains of member states of the EU, the .CZ domain became the 12th “millionaire” and is among those with the fastest growth. Over 10,000 new domains are registered each month.This achievement was helped particularly by the introduction of the FRED registration system, which is 5 years old this October, and which made the registration process considerably faster and cheaper.
“The importance of internet domains keeps growing. The primary reason for that is the development of the internet, which is increasingly becoming an integral part of our lives. And if you want people to find you quickly and easily on the internet, you need a good domain. A dedicated internet domain is now one of the basic tools of all organisations. Even individuals are recognising its benefits more and more. The importance of internet domains is also illustrated by the process, which has already started, of extending the domain space with more suffixes. In addition to domain names ending in .CZ, .COM or .EU, next year we may start encountering domain names with the name of a city or organisation after the last full stop,” says Ondřej Filip, Executive Director of the CZ.NIC Association. “I am glad that in the eyes of domain holders, .CZ remains a prestigious suffix, being by far the most widely used one both for business and personal websites in the Czech Republic. I believe that our active approach to domain security and providing other services for registrars and users also plays its part.”
According to the most recent statistics published by CZ.NIC this April, the share of domain names owned by individuals is gradually increasing, accounting for 58 per cent of .CZ domains today. Most holders have only a single domain; in 2011, the highest number of .CZ domains with one owner was 4,054.In terms of regional distribution, the largest number of holders comes from the Central Bohemian region; the Karlovy Vary region has the lowest representation.
The content analysis of 1,200 randomly selected websites in the .CZ domain shows that the highest percentage of them are company websites (41 per cent), followed by parked domains (19 per cent), e-shops, and non-functional websites (8 per cent). Personal websites account for 7 per cent of domains.

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