YouTube expands monetization and partnership in GCC - tbreak

YouTube expands monetization and partnership in GCC - tbreak

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Home / News / YouTube expands monetization and partnership in GCC

YouTube expands monetization and partnership in GCC

Posted on September 16, 2013, by Nick Rego @theregos
YouTube today announced that it would extend to further parts of the GCC, to include Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman. A local version of YouTube means that people who visit the site will see on the homepage the most popular videos in their home country along with those that are rising in popularity. This follows up from YouTube’s initial launch into seven countries in the region.
In addition, monetization options on YouTube will be offered to the rest of the Arab world with a full range of advertising solutions for Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Morocco. Advertisers can now book home page (banner advertisements on the YouTube home page) and watch page ads on YouTube, including TrueView.
The YouTube Partnership Program allows content creators to make money and grow their business online. Users in Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Morocco with a YouTube account which upload original content can now become a partner, and take advantage of an array of features including the ability to generate revenue out of their channel upload views, improve their skills and build their audience.
Avatar of Nick Rego
A former IT & Marketing Manager turned full time Editor, Nick enjoys playing videogames during work hours and tinkering with the latest gadgets.

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