2.0202 Districts.

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The Senate districts, and the number of Senators to be elected therefrom, shall be as follows:

District 1: Fitiuta, Faleasao and Ta’u Counties, 2 Senators;

District 2: Olosega and Ofu Counties, 1 Senator;

District 3: Sa’ole County, 1 senator;

District 4: Vaifanua County, 1 Senator;

District 5: Sua County, 2 Senators;

District 6: Ma’oputasi County, 3 Senators;

District 7: Itu’au County, 2 Senators;

District 8: Ma’upu County, 2 Senators;

District 9: Leasina County, 1 Senator;

District 10: Tualatai County, 1 Senator;

District 11: Fofo County, 1 Senator;

District 12: Lealataua County, 1 Senator.

History: 1968, PL 10-38.