Unfiltered Instagram Statistics You’ll Want to Share | DataProt

Unfiltered Instagram Statistics You’ll Want to Share With All Your Followers

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Instagram is an app that allows you to take, share, and post pictures. Simple, right? But add a catalog of whimsical filters, the platform’s aesthetic nature, and a potential audience of 1.5 billion viewers, and things get a little more complicated.

Although this skewing of reality can arouse concerns about mental health in young people, Instagram statistics show that this format has become a central part of our modern lives.

Key Instagram Statistics for 2023

  • More than 50 billion photos have been shared on Instagram.
  • Instagram has more than 1.44 billion active users at least once a month. More than 500 million are active daily.
  • Users spend 49 minutes a day on Facebook and Instagram.
  • There are over 200 million businesses on Instagram as of 2023.
  • Brand engagement rates are 10x higher on Instagram than on Facebook.
  • As of  2023, the brand with the most followers was Nike, with 283 million followers.
  • The best time to post on Instagram is 9-11 a.m. EST.
  • 37 million influencers are on Instagram as of 2023.
  • Nearly 90% of Instagram’s audience is outside the US.
  • With more than 571 million followers, Cristiano Ronaldo is the most followed individual on Instagram.

Instagram Usage Statistics for 2023

When did Instagram start? Kevin Systrom posted the very first photo on July 16, 2010. He co-founded the Instagram with Michael Krieger.

The idea of a multi-feature social platform focused on location sharing came to him while he vacationed in Mexico.

Instagram marketing statistics were the last thing on their minds. They were thinking of an innovative social media platform.

Krieger felt that photos taken on the iPhone 4 were far below the standard they wanted for their app. Systrom came up with a solution – filters. This innovation helped transform each poorly shot photo into an evocative snapshot. It soon became Instagram’s key selling point.

1. Instagram has 1.44 billion monthly active users.


Are you worried about how many hours you spend on your Instagram account? One or two hours every day might seem like a lot. Now multiply that by one billion active users.

Instagram usage statistics proved that even though it is one of the newest social media platforms, it is becoming increasingly popular. One billion is significant, translating into one in seven people spending some of their precious leisure time on this app.

2. Over 500 million Instagram Stories are posted daily.


In 2016, the founders of Instagram felt that their beautifying filters were becoming obsolete. It was time for something new. They soon realized that Instagram users lived in the fast lane and needed a new feature to match their busy lifestyles.

This is the dawn of Instagram Story statistics. Instagram stories have become hugely popular with the app’s users. People love sharing images that disappear within 24 hours, and the slideshow format has turned out to be a huge hit.

Story Insta community now numbers over 500 million daily users.

3. Instagrammers like a post 4.2 billion times per day.


Instagram has one of the highest engagement rates across all social media platforms. Instagram likes statistics show that the Like button is used 4.2 billion times daily.

Even though Facebook is the most used social media platform, Instagram stats show the photo-sharing app needs to catch up. It has quickly eclipsed the popularity of many of its competitors.

For instance, the number of Twitter users stalled by 335 million in the last couple of years, while Instagram has shown unstoppable growth since its launch in 2010.

4. Instagram post statistics show that over 50 billion photos have been shared since the service was launched.

(Omnicore Agency)

Scrolling down your Instagram profile feed, you will see countless snaps of memorable moments, animals, nature, and beauty products.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the platform’s features are worth billions of users.

5. Over 200 million companies and brands are on Instagram, according to the latest Instagram business statistics.


The days businesses called it a day after buying ads from local TV stations and newspapers are long gone. Now customers get round-the-clock interactive access to their favorite brands and a chance to browse all products and services.

The possibilities are endless. Instagram statistics show that over 200 million businesses have Instagram accounts. Businesses can use Instagram Stories as daily posts and start conversing with potential clients. They can broadcast events.

6. 63% of Instagrammers check out the app at least once per day.

(Pew Research Center)

Instagram traffic is snowballing. According to the Pew Research Center’s Instagram statistics website, 63% of Americans check out their feed once per day. The only app that is more frequently accessed is Facebook – 74% of Facebook adult users check out the site once per day.

Instagram user search reveals that 16% of Instagrammers log in less than once per week, while 42% said they check out Instagram multiple times daily.

7. 95 million photos are posted every day.


Instagram analytics show that 95 million selfies, snaps of sunsets, and staged photos are posted every day. The number is truly breathtaking.

Instagram statistics for 2019 show that an average photo has 37 interactions per 1,000 followers, while videos average 24 interactions per 1,000 followers.

8. Business profiles are visited by 200 million users daily.


During those long hours on Instagram, what are users visiting? Who is the most followed person on Instagram? A sizable portion of users, 200 million, visit business profiles.

9. Instagram usage statistics show that users in the US spend almost as much time on the app as they do on Facebook.


Online measurement company Similar Web found that an average Instagram user spends 53 minutes daily on the app. According to the study, that’s just five minutes less than Facebook users pay with their app.

10. Over 100 million Instagram users watched or shared a live video daily.


As live video became the norm, Instagram Live emerged as a great way to interact with audiences and attract new followers. According to Instagram Live statistics, this feature has become one of the most compelling live video formats, exhibiting a high interaction rate.

11. Instagram user search analytics show 16.6 million Google searches for “Instagram” monthly.

(iDigic, Wordstream)

The record number of Google searches for Instagram was reported in the months before July 2022. These statistics on Instagram underscore the brand’s popularity, and the 16.6 million searches for “Instagram” showcase the app’s massive audience.

Instagram Advertising Statistics for 2023

The Internet has transformed how we live and shop. While digital media continues to revolutionize how brands communicate with audiences. In many ways, advertising on Instagram is similar to that of the Facebook platform. The process involves marketers bidding for an ad placement, and the highest bid wins an advertising slot. But there is a lot more to Instagram advertising statistics, and we compiled a list of everything you need to know.

12. Over 2 million advertisers actively use Instagram.


Many 1 billion Instagram users are on the app for business rather than pleasure. Instagram is home to over 2 million advertisers promoting their products through vibrant and compelling campaigns.

13. Instagram ads statistics reveal that the average cost per click on the photo and video-sharing social networking service is $3.56.


How does Instagram work, and how much does advertising on Instagram cost? If you are a business looking for advertising space on this popular network, you can expect to pay between $2.5 and $3.5 per click.

A multitude of factors determines the final cost. It mainly depends on the age group you are targeting.

For instance, Instagram statistics show that the highest prices are linked to the 18-24 and 25-34 age groups since these are the most profitable when it comes to marketing on Instagram.

14. It costs more to target females with Instagram ads than males.


Gender is important to keep in mind when advertising on Instagram. Many researchers tried to explain these numbers by claiming that women are more focused on appearances and that the aesthetics of images seem to lure women. But more importantly, the products and services offered through Instagram photos and videos are generally more tailored to women’s preferences than men’s.

No matter the reason, Instagram and its effect on marketing and business statistics show that the cost per click will remain higher for females than males.

15. The brand engagement rate is 10 times higher on Instagram posts than on Facebook.


Despite Facebook’s immense popularity and influence, Instagram remains the sweetheart among social media marketers. Engagement is usually measured by the number of likes, shares, and comments from free Instagram followers, and it seems that Instagram’s rate is 10 times higher than Facebook’s.

Brands have taken notice of this engagement rate difference. They are learning from these Instagram account statistics and supplying Instagram’s feed with text and video content more than ever.

16. 70% of internet users look up a brand on Instagram.


The key selling point of Instagram is its charm and the fact that its users are both active and engaged. A million users check the app daily, and many searches for new products by scrolling through Instagram tags.

Instagram marketing statistics show that 70% of them spent time looking for their new favorite brands, while more than 200 million businesses scramble to meet their needs.

17. As of April 2023, the most followed brand on Instagram was Nike.


Nike was one of many companies to utilize world-renowned athletes for their videos to attract a greater audience. But they were the ones who managed to attract the most significant real-time subscriber count. This company is known in the advertising industry for its motivational ads that inspire athletes worldwide.

Instagram account growth statistics show this iconic brand inspires over 283 million followers. Its Instagram audience is treated to global sports news and updates with new short films and documentary series.

18. Fashion brands dominate Instagram, with an average of 35 million followers.


Instagram users are bombarded with all types of fashion advertisements daily, and millions seem to love them. On average, Instagram fashion posts boast the highest number of interactions and the most extensive fan base – Instagram profile statistics show an average of 35 million followers.

19. The best time to post on Instagram is 9 am-11 am EST.


Advertising on Instagram is a lucrative business. So, what are the most profitable hours of the day?

Instagram viewer statistics show that the best time to post is during weekends between 9 am and 11 am EST. There are many factors influencing the value of the advertising slot. Each account has a unique audience, with fans living in different parts of the globe. Ads should be tailored to reach their online viewer.

20. Instagram posts with shared locations have 79% higher engagement rates.

(Quick Sprout)

Free Instagram analytics underline the importance of reaching your audience, who should also be informed about where they can find their favorite product. Instagram hashtags statistics show that tagged posts drastically improve engagement rates.

21. There are 37 million active influencers on Instagram.

(Small Business Blog & Earth Web)

The success of the influencer marketing industry has only become more evident in recent years. Influencers have an enormous cultural impact on their audience and set global trends.

But an influencer has to have a loyal fan base. Instagram popularity statistics note that every Instagram account with over 15,000 followers is classified as an influencer. Current data shows that over 39% of all Instagram accounts have over 15,000 followers.

22. Instagram made $43.2 billion in ad revenue in 2022.

(Sprout Social)

Since Facebook acquired the Instagram website for $1B, the company’s growth predictions have been optimistic. The app’s user base is engaged, young, and with a higher-than-average income. This has led to estimates from Instagram’s official statistics about the app’s future earnings. There was a slight increase in Ads revenue from $42.1 billion in 2021 to $43.2 billion in 2022.

Instagram User Statistics for 2023

Who are Instagrammers, and what is their Instagram status? With a heavily active user base, Instagram beats Snapchat, TikTok, and other digital platforms. Instagram user base statistics show that many Instagrammers come from emerging or developing markets. Most of Instagram’s expansion was attributed to the launch of Instagram Stories, which took the world by storm.To compete with YouTube, Instagram launched a standalone app IGTV, which features long-form, vertical videos.

Thirteen years since the founding of the social media app, Instagram user statistics show a vast base of active users. Our Instagram demographic research reveals details about Instagram’s current audience.

23. India has the highest number of Instagram users, with 229 million as of 2023.

(Sprout Social, Data Reportal)

The Instagram app is used all over the world. Instagram user statistics show that even though Americans are one of the largest audiences, they are not the majority. Here is the list of countries with the most Instagrammers:

  • India: 229.6 million  users
  • USA: 143.4 million  users
  • Brazil:113.5 million  users
  • Indonesia: 89.2 million users
  • Turkey: 48.7 million users
  • Japan:  45.7 million users

24. India’s penetration rate is growing the fastest.


While Instagram attracts users briskly worldwide, it is India’s fastest-growing social media platform.

Instagram statistics on users in India show some awe-inspiring numbers. The social network recorded a tremendous increase in Indians’ Instagram usage from 72 million users in 2020 to 229.6 million in 2023.

25. In the United States, 45% of adults living in urban areas are Instagram users.

(Think Impact)

Instagram demographic statistics show that almost half of all adults living in urban areas are using this platform. Urban dwellers are in tune with style and other trends. They’re the users who make advertisers especially happy since they tend to be the ones with more money to spend.

26. Instagram’s highest market penetration is among users 18 to 34.

(Sprout Social)

Instagram has 500 million daily active users, and most of them are young adults. This information is unlikely to surprise anyone, given that branding yourself with the Insta app is a notorious millennial trend.

Although younger people love to share images with friends, Instagram user statistics by age show that the most significant part of the Instagram base is young adults in the 18-to-34 age bracket, as they make up 60% of the Instagram user base.

27. Instagram was the third most used social media platform among teens in 2022.

(Pew Research)

Teens have many technologies to choose from – laptops, tablets, or mobiles; they have them at their disposal. Instagram engagement statistics show that 92% of American teens use the Internet daily, with 56% accessing it a few times daily. Some 24% say they are connected constantly.

Insta teens spend their days interacting with friends on social media platforms, sharing pictures, music, videos, and games. They’re connected to various groups, pages, and brands online.

Instagram use statistics identify Instagram as the third most used social media platform among teens in 2022; Youtube (95%), Tiktok (67%), and Instagram (62%).

28. The gender ratio is just about even on Instagram – 51.8% female and 48.2% male.


Even though it is small, the discrepancy in Instagram gender statistics shows that nobody can make assumptions about Insta-demographics. Both advertisers and Instagram’s Feed algorithm have adapted to that fact.

The Instagram gender ratio doesn’t include stats on non-binary classifications, even though the app offers three choices when you sign up. It may recognize gender fluidity and diversity more fully in the future.

Fun Facts About Instagram

  • The most liked picture on Instagram is of Messi lifting his first World Cup Trophy after Argentina’s win over France in the final. It had more than 75,47 million likes as of April 2023.
  • Cristiano Ronaldo is the most followed person on Instagram, with 571 million followers.
  • The most popular hashtag on Instagram is #love.
  • The most Instagrammed location is Milan, Italy.
  • 14% of drivers admit they have Instagrammed while driving.

Conclusion: A Digital Marriage, for Better or Worse

The statistics on this article show that Instagram is one of the social media sites that dominate the digital landscape. However,filled with the glamorous photos and rampant commercialism, this unrealistic presentation of one’s life has affected people’s mental health.


How do I check my stats on Instagram?

Instagram Insights can help you uncover facts about your followers and those interacting with your profile page. This feature can be found in the settings section of your profile.

What percent of Instagram users are under 18?

Instagram has a diverse user base, but younger people love it the most. Surveys show that 64% of smartphone users between 18 and 29 use Instagram.

How many people are using Instagram?

Instagram has more than 1.44 billion active users at least once a month. More than 500 million are active daily.

What is a good Instagram engagement rate?

An engagement rate between 1% and 3% is good.

What age uses Instagram the most?

The biggest demographic group Users are between 18 and 35.

How many followers do you need on Instagram to get paid?

It depends. Some brands pay $5 to $10 per 100,000 followers, while others pay $100 per follower. It depends on the integrity of the page.

Who is the highest-paid Instagrammer?

Instagram statistics from 2023 identify Cristiano Ronaldo as the highest-paid Instagrammer. He receives $2.3 million per post, followed by Kylie Jenner, who receives $1.8 million.

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