


Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia 16.737 Follower:innen

Pioneering products. Passionately applied. 🟥 Part of Atlas Copco Group


We have been delivering vacuum pumps, systems, accessories, services and tailor-made vacuum solutions for almost 170 years. At Leybold we enable precise, innovative, economical and sustainable manufacturing of vacuum solutions and services. We offer a broad range of advanced vacuum solutions for use in manufacturing and analytical processes, as well as for research purposes. We focus on the development of application and customer-specific systems for the creation of vacuums and extraction of processing gases. Fields of application are coating technologies, thin films and data storage, analytical instruments and classic industrial processes.

1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Vacuum technologies, Vacuum pumps, Leak detection, Vacuum Accesories, Vacuum Measurement, Vacuum pump service, Vacuum Academy und Vacuum system solutions


Beschäftigte von Leybold


  • Unternehmensseite von Leybold anzeigen, Grafik

    16.737 Follower:innen

    🚀 Besuchen Sie uns auf der Battery Show in Stuttgart! 🚀 Vom 18. bis 20. Juni sind wir Ihre Anlaufstelle für innovative Vakuumlösungen in der Batterieproduktion! 📅 📍 Sie finden uns in Halle 4, Stand 4-G41. Wir präsentieren Ihnen unsere Top-Produkte: DRYVAC, CLAWVAC, LEYVAC und VARODRY. Entdecken Sie, wie unsere Technologien die Effizienz Ihrer Prozesse revolutionieren können und lassen Sie sich von unseren Experten beraten. 📩 Sie möchten einen persönlichen Termin vereinbaren? Melden Sie sich hier an und sichern Sie sich eine exklusive Vorführung! https://bit.ly/3K3m3Cs Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in Stuttgart zu treffen und gemeinsam die Zukunft zu gestalten! #BatteryShow2024 #Innovation #Vakuumtechnologie

    Erleben Sie die Welt der Batterie- und Elektrofahrzeugindustrie  Leybold

    Erleben Sie die Welt der Batterie- und Elektrofahrzeugindustrie Leybold


  • Unternehmensseite von Leybold anzeigen, Grafik

    16.737 Follower:innen

    From keeping your food cool to keeping you cool, appliances like refrigerators and air conditioners are modern-day necessities. While there are lot of processes that go into manufacturing these machines, many of them rely on vacuum technology. Cooling circuit evacuation, helium leak detection and refrigerant charging - vacuum pumps are a vital to to these production processes. We have a variety of products available for each stage, like the TRIVAC B to the TRIVAC T and the NEO D, which includes exhaust filtration. With Leybold, you can enhance and optimise your processes with products that deliver reliable performance and high productivity. Learn more about our solutions for refrigerator and AC processes here: https://lnkd.in/dD_UNF7Q #vacuum #leybold #refrigerators #industry

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  • Unternehmensseite von Leybold anzeigen, Grafik

    16.737 Follower:innen

    💡 Leybold è entusiasta di annunciare la sua partecipazione alla 1a Edizione della Scuola di Dottorato "From Micro to Nano: Synthesis, Characterization and Modeling for Future Electronics and Sensing", organizzata dall'Istituto IMM del CNR. Un evento dedicato allo sviluppo e approfondimento delle metodologie avanzate in cui verrà affrontata la transizione dalla micro allo nanoscala di dispositivi e sistemi elettronici. 📍 L'evento si terrà a Castro Marina (LE), dal 13 al 17 Maggio. Uno dei nostri Responsabili Commerciali sarà presente e disponibile per fornirvi qualsiasi chiarimento in merito alle novità Leybold e ai vantaggi che i nostri prodotti comportano ai vostri sistemi di generazione e gestione del vuoto.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Leybold anzeigen, Grafik

    16.737 Follower:innen

    Hai bisogno di revisionare le tue pompe ma sei preoccupato per i tempi di inattività? Ci pensiamo noi! Con il nostro servizio di scambio potrai eseguire le tue attività di manutenzione, salvaguardando la produzione da eventuali interruzioni non previste, riducendo del 90% i tempi di fermo. Forniamo un'unità identica per scambiare le pompe in scadenza, in modo che possiate completare l'attività di manutenzione necessaria e far ripartire la produzione in giornata. Lascia che Leybold ti aiuti a ridurre al minimo i tempi di fermo. Per saperne di più, clicca qui e compila il form per essere ricontattato: https://bit.ly/3UN3OYk

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  • Unternehmensseite von Leybold anzeigen, Grafik

    16.737 Follower:innen

    With carbon levels rising each year, the commitment to regulate emissions and capture and store carbon safely and efficiently. Higher carbon capture rates pave the way for the net zero energy system. Leybold’s innovative vacuum pumps and technologies are made for effective carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) processes. Here’s a quick overview to understand how you can achieve your carbon capture goals. You can also learn more about it on our website: https://lnkd.in/eDheSaCc #carboncapture #leybold #CCUS #vacuum #climatechange #sustainability

  • Unternehmensseite von Leybold anzeigen, Grafik

    16.737 Follower:innen

    #LeyboldThursdayLearning Did you know the condenser must be always backed by gas ballast pump? The condenser is the most economical pump for pumping larger quantities of water vapor. When pumping water vapor in a large industrial plant, a certain quantity air is always involved, which is either contained in the vapor or originates from leaks in the plant. Therefore, the condenser must be backed by a gas ballast pump and hence work like roots pump, as the function of pumping the fraction of air, which is often only a small part of the water-vapor mixture concerned, without simultaneously pumping much water vapor. In this way the adequate pumping action is guaranteed without causing corrosion damage in the long run. To know more about how condenser pump work with gas ballast, go through the link: https://lnkd.in/dvSnGcYN #Vacuumpumps #Leybold #Condenserpump #Gasbalast #Vacuumfundamentals

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  • Unternehmensseite von Leybold anzeigen, Grafik

    16.737 Follower:innen

    Your Pump’s Guardian For Uninterrupted Production. At Leybold, we understand that continuous operation is the heartbeat of your production. That’s why we’ve introduced HealthCheck PRO™, our vacuum pump monitoring aid designed to keep your pumps in peak condition. BENEFITS FOR YOU: 1. Early Issue Detection: Spot potential problems before they impact your workflow. 2. Cost Savings: Prevent expensive repairs and production downtime. 3. Reliable Scheduling: Plan maintenance for optimal pump performance. 4. Informed Decisions: Detailed reports for better management of your vacuum pumps. Contact our experts and schedule your HealthCheck PRO™ service today https://bit.ly/4abZpm8 #VacuumPumpService #VacuumPumpMaintainance #Leybold #VacuumTechnology

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  • Unternehmensseite von Leybold anzeigen, Grafik

    16.737 Follower:innen

    Soluzioni per il vuoto nello spazio - Il futuro della ricerca spaziale! Le considerazioni più critiche per i progetti spaziali sono state quelle di garantire che i satelliti o i veicoli spaziali fossero in grado di resistere alle difficili fasi di lancio, orbita e rientro. La varietà delle nostre tecnologie del vuoto è stata fondamentale per consentire lo svolgimento di questi test. Ma il futuro dei progetti spaziali porrà una nuova serie di domande. ✔️ Estrazione interplanetaria o di asteroidi; ✔️ Ricerca di esopianeti; ✔️ L'esplorazione dello spazio profondo e le origini del nostro universo; ✔️ Colonizzazione interplanetaria; Per saperne di più su come la nostra tecnologia sta consentendo la prossima fase delle future missioni spaziali: https://bit.ly/3V4Qpvc

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