The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages | Oxford Academic Skip to Main Content

The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages

Online ISBN:
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Oxford University Press

The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages

Adam Ledgeway (ed.),
Adam Ledgeway
Professor of Italian and Romance Linguistics, University of Cambridge
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Martin Maiden (ed.)
Martin Maiden
Professor of the Romance Languages, University of Oxford
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30 June 2016
Online ISBN:
Print ISBN:
Oxford University Press


This book is as an essential tool for both Romance linguists and general linguists which brings together leading recent international scholarship in individual Romance varieties and from different theoretical frameworks and approaches, showing how each may cast new and necessary light on the other. It offers a detailed structural treatment of all the individual Romance varieties and Romance-speaking areas (including standard, non-standard, dialectal, and regional varieties of the Romània continua and the Romània nova), as well as a comparative treatment of major topics, issues, and case studies across different areas of the grammar of the Romance languages. Organized along thematic lines into 10 ‘Parts’, the Guide brings together a rich variety of comparative in-depth studies in Romance linguistics organized according to different grammatical phenomena, different approaches, and different language groupings, specifically dealing with 1: The making of the Romance languages; 2: Typology and classification; 3: Individual structural overviews (of Romance languages, dialects, and linguistic areas); 4: Comparative overviews (in turn divided into: Phonology; Morphology; Syntax; Semantics and pragmatics; Sociolinguistics); 5: Issues in Romance phonology; 6: Issues in Romance morphology; 7: Issues in Romance syntax; 8: Issues in Romance syntax and semantics; 9: Issues in Romance pragmatics and discourse; and 10: Case studies (in turn divided into the following subsections: The nominal group; The verbal group; The clause).

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