Stephenson - Wikipedia

Stephenson is a medieval patronymic surname meaning "son of Stephen". The earliest public record is found in the county of Huntingdonshire in 1279. There are variant spellings including Stevenson.[2] People with the surname include:

Meaning"son of Stephen"
(from Greek "stephanos", meaning "crown")
Other names
Variant form(s)De Stefano, Di Stefano, Estébanez, Estensoro, Estenssoro, Esteves, Estévez, Estevez, Ştefănescu, Stefanov, Stefansen, Stefánsson, Stefansson, Stefanović, Stefanowicz, Stepanov, Stepanian, Stepanishvili, Stepanović, Stepanyan, Stephanides, Stephanopoulos, Steponavičius, Stevanović, Stević, Stevenson, Stevović, Szczepanowicz
Frequency Comparisons[1]

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ "Stephenson Surname at Forebears".
  2. ^ "Surname: Stephenson". Retrieved 2008-02-26.