Laurie Denness -

Laurie Denness

an Engineering Manager, working for Bloomberg

I graphs, clusters, hardware and scaling. Previously at Etsy and

I tweet at @lozzd and blog infrequently here

"If it moves, graph it"

Me, 2009

"FITB" at Velocity Europe 2011 (lightning demo)

"Integrating Multiple CDN Providers at Etsy" at Velocity Europe 2013 and Etsy Labs (Code as Craft)

"Using Managed DNS to Integrate Multiple CDN Providers" at CDN Summit 2014

Abbreviated version of the above given with Michael Rembetsy. Video available here

"Mean Time to Sleep: Quantifying the On-call Experience" at Velocity CA 2014

"Leveling up monitoring: A decade of automating and scaling Nagios" at Velocity CA 2016