Montenegro's ragged coalition, by Philippe Descamps & Ana Otašević (Le Monde diplomatique - English edition, April 2021)
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Conflicting identities, clan interests

Montenegro’s ragged coalition

Montenegro changed government democratically for the first time last August, after being in turn communist, pan-Serbian nationalist, separatist, then pro-European. But the new administration faces the same pressures as before.

by Philippe Descamps & Ana Otašević 
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Bishop Joanikije Mićović with demonstrators on the Sinjajevina plateau, October 2020
Philippe Descamps

Last October, on the Sinjajevina plateau in the mountains of northern Montenegro, a group of local activists huddled around a bonfire in the biting cold. Supported by ecologists, they were fighting to prevent the military from taking over this austere yet beautiful pastureland.

Milan Sekulović, who founded the Save Sinjajevina association in 2018, told us, ‘The last government wanted to use this area, around Lake Savina Voda, for military exercises and destroying obsolete munitions. The plan threatens around 50 family livestock farms when the number of smallholders is already falling because of a lack of government support, and investment in roads and electricity. We import 80% of our food, but we could develop livestock farming and self-sufficiency.’

The last administration, led by Milo Đukanović, who had been in power since the days of communist Yugoslavia, suffered a shock election defeat on 30 August 2020, but activists are still waiting for a firm commitment from the new government. It is underconsiderable external pressure: since 2017 the Montenegrin army has been part of NATO, whose secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg is equivocal. Last October he told journalists, ‘I’m... confident that there are ways to reconcile the need to protect nature and, at the same time, to exercise forces, which is important for all Allies’. It’s a sensitive issue because NATO bombed Montenegro, then still part of Serbia, during the Kosovo war in 1999. As well as smallholders and ecologists, it mobilises all who identify primarily as Serbs and object to the monopoly on power held for many years by those who identify as Montenegrin. (Some consider the identities to be very close, if not identical.)

Up on the Sinjajevina plateau, a giant in a cassock extracted himself from an all-terrain vehicle and walked briskly towards the activists, his beard blowing in the wind. It was Joanikije Mićović, bishop of Budimlje-Nikšić and number two in the Serbian Orthodox (...)

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Philippe Descamps & Ana Otašević

Philippe Descamps is a member of Le Monde diplomatique’s editorial team; Ana Otašević is journalist and film director in Belgrade.
Translated by Charles Goulden

(1Interview in, 10 January 2015.

(2See Pierre Rimbert ‘Germany rallies to Israel’, Le Monde diplomatique, English edition, December 2023.

(3Quoted in The Nation, New York, 3 May 2024.

(4‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Competencies and Criteria Recommendations’,

(6See Matt Taibbi on Substack, and Philip Hamburger and Jenin Younes, ‘The Biden administration’s assault on free speech’, The Wall Street Journal, New York, 28 July 2023.

(7LCI, 30 September 2022.

(8‘Liberté pour l’histoire’, Libération, 13 December 2005.

(9BFMTV, 3 May 2023.

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Montenegro changed government democratically for the first time last August, after being in turn communist, pan-Serbian nationalist, separatist, then pro-European. But the new administration faces the same pressures as before.

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