Youtube deletes Wargonzo channel
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Youtube has removed the channel Wargonzo of the Russian journalist Semyon Pegov.

All videos and information were deleted from the channel. The administration of Youtube stated that the rules of the community were violated.

"Yes, by the way. In the kaleidoscope of events, we completely forgot to inform you that YouTube has finally deleted our channel on its platform for about a month now.

We, the @wargonzo team, certainly expected this decision, and we're even a little surprised why we've been tolerated for so long. We did not and do not have any lost illusions towards YouTube," special correspondent and one of the authors of the project Dmitry Seleznev noted in the Telegram channel of Wargonzo.

According to him, after the activation of military actions in Ukraine, the administration of the video hosting constantly blocked the channel.

"Nevertheless, the number of our subscribers on this platform was steadily approaching one million, and we became the largest Russian channel about the war," he said.

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