Research & Education | Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Ornamental Separator

Research & Education

From archaeology to documentary analysis, research underpins the entire Historic Area experience. Use the links below to discover our latest findings and learn how they shape Colonial Williamsburg.

John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library

The research center of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, the John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library advances knowledge of colonial British America, the American Revolution, the early United States, American decorative arts and folk art, and the Restoration and continuing story of Colonial Williamsburg.

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Ben Franklin's World

Colonial Williamsburg is proud to produce Ben Franklin’s World, a podcast about early American history. This award-winning and popular history podcast is for people who want to know more about the historical people and events that have impacted and shaped our present-day world.

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Research with us



Interactive Timelines

Committees of Correspondence

The Stamp Act

Juneteenth: Slavery and the struggle for Emancipation

Virtual Education

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Trend & tradition Magazine

CW Books

CW Kids

Art Museums for CW Kids

Explore items from the Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg's collection. Learn cool facts, have some fun with at-home craft projects, and find out where to see these items in person when you visit!

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