

pic of Chris and link to his LinkedIn page

“Sharla is willing to dig into the details and takes pride in doing the work of creating a final product that is market ready.

Chris Mackey, CPP
pic of Barbara and link to her LinkedIn page

“Responded to tasks with several design options and solutions, continually grasping complex concepts and turning them visually comprehensive and enjoyable.

Barbara Karabas, Votre Vu
pic of Bill and link to his LinkedIn page

“Sharla brings a crucial sense of deliberation to the chaos. Even the simplest of projects benefits from her insightful approach and creative problem-solving.

Bill Lindich, Cisneros


User Experience

Sketches, Wireframe, Low-Fidelity Rapid Prototyping with Paper Cutouts, and tools like Marvel to test User Flow

User Interface

Hi-Fidelity Mockups, Cohesive Style Guide, W3C Aware Code, Interaction and Visual Design, and Visual Element Consistency

Application Testing

Site Analytics, Cross Browser Testing with tools like Sauce Labs, and Real World User Needs with A/B Testing


Discovery, Competitive Analysis, Style Guides, and Mood Board… Continue reviewing my tools of the trade

its about time we made contact
pic of Sharla

Sharla Gillard

San Francisco Based

employable everywhere