Instagram Recent Tab to be axed from hashtag search! Here’s why | Tech News

Instagram Recent Tab to be axed from hashtag search! Here’s why

The ‘Recent’ tab in your Instagram will soon disappear! Instagram mentioned the reasons.

| Updated on: Aug 22 2022, 11:41 IST
Instagram mentioned to prioritise the presentation of recent posts and reels in the main display. (Unsplash)

Instagram, the social media platform to share pictures and follow the latest trends, is all set to start a new pilot program. This new Instagram pilot program is nothing but the removal of Recent tab from the hashtag search result. A recent report by Mashable suggested that Instagram has decided to prioritize the presentation of recent posts and Reels in the main display section only. So, according to the report, Instagram made the final decision to delete the 'Recent' Tab from the app.

"We're experimenting with a few new ideas to make hashtags as useful as possible for people. We're testing additional current and accurate data under the 'Top' and 'Reels' tabs in hashtags for a small group, and deleting the 'Recent' tab,” Instagram mentioned to Mashable. With this change, Instagram wants to test if this will let people connect with more engaging and relevant material that features along with the trending hashtags while keeping the users up to date.

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How will Instagram redesign impact you?

According to Instagram, redesigning will connect individuals to more information about social movements including the hashtags. This new change will bring the most important content for each user and will also have a better option to escape the potentially hazardous trends on social media.

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Basically, the core purpose of this experiment from Instagram seems to find strategies to prevent growth hackers from exploiting trends. And to keep a check on misinformation, that is used by hackers and also to potentially damaging upgrades. According to the report, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri has mentioned that hashtags on Instagram aren't particularly useful for gaining views.

Especially on the Recent tab, this is really true. As a result, the utility of hashtags as a technique for reaching audiences will be diminished. As a result, hashtags' utility as a means of reaching audiences will be reduced. It gives people who use the most relevant hashtags a higher priority.

It also creates the best content for each subject to maximise reach. If you search for a hashtag related to a specific cause, Instagram will show you a popup notification describing the various ways you may help.

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First Published Date: 21 Apr, 15:58 IST