Instagram Videos Now Can Be Up to 60 Seconds Instagram Videos Now Can Be Up to 60 Seconds

Instagram will soon let users record, share and watch longer video clips: The Facebook-owned photo and video sharing service is increasing the maximum length of shared clips from 15 to 60 seconds. Instagram started to make longer clips available to some users on Tuesday, and will bring it to everyone “in the coming months,” according to a blog post.

In that post, Instagram also revealed that video viewing continues to grow on its service: “In the last six months, the time people spent watching video increased by more than 40 percent. “

This growth in video viewing happens as Facebook is looking to increase video views across its network with a variety of initiatives that also include 360-degree videos as well as live streaming. Instagram promised Tuesday that it will continue to work on improving the video experience on its service: “This is one step of many you’ll see this year.”

Sixty-second videos should help Instagram to eventually monetize videos with ads, which viewers likely tolerate more on longer rather than shorter clips. However, Instagram will have to walk a fine line in order to not alienate its core audience. Earlier this month, hundreds of thousands of Instagram users signed a petition to stop the company from moving toward a curated feed of photos and videos within its apps.

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