Pilling Middle School St Helena - Home Page

St Helena Education Department

Pilling School occupies part of the former garrison buildings on Market Street in Jamestown. It was first used as a school around 1941 following the Schools' Amalgamation Ordinance. The school is named after the then Governor, Sir Guy Pilling. From this beginning until the introduction of the three tier system in 1988, Pilling School was for senior students. Post 1988 the school has operated as a middle school.
The school caters for children in the age range 7 to 11 years, organized into four year groups of mixed ability. Children transfer from Jamestown First and sometimes from Half Tree Hollow First School.
Please take some time to browse around our site and meet some of the staff and students.

Pilling Middle School, Market Street, Jamestown, St Helena, STHL 1ZZ, South Atlantic Ocean
Telephone 00 290 2540; Fax 00 290 2640; Email: PMS.Jamestown@helanta.sh