Half Tree Hollow First School St Helena - Home Page
Welcome to Half Tree Hollow First School on the Island of St Helena in the South Atlantic. Half Tree Hollow First School is situated in a pleasant but rather arid residential area compensated by its spectacular view out to sea. It overlooks a valley with raised hills on one side and a residential complex on the other.

The school's catchment area encompasses the residential areas of Half Tree Hollow, New Ground, Sapper Way and Cleugh's Plain.

The present building was officially opened as a primary school in 1949. In September 1988 it became a first school under a three-tier system of education, catering for pupils from 3 to 8 years. With a departmental change in the age of transfer in September 2000, the school now caters for pupils from 3 to 7 years.

The school celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 1999. Half Tree Hollow First School has a non-paying, non-compulsory nursery attached and pupils can enter this in the September following their third birthday. Compulsory education starts a year later, and pupils spend a further 3 years in infant education.

Please take some time to browse around our site and meet some of the staff and students.

Half Tree Hollow First School, St Helena, STHL 1ZZ, South Atlantic Ocean
Telephone 00 290 3303; Fax 00 290 3630; Email: HTHF.hth@helanta.sh