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.be Advertising Campaign 18/11/2005
Surveys show that end-users often overestimate the complexity of using their own domain name and do not always feel comfortable registering a domain name. In order to prove the contrary and explain the use and the advantages of a .be domain name DNS BE decided to launch an advertising campaign through which the end-user could already get introduced to the domain name and realise how easy it is to register a .be domain name. DNS BE has started offering her agents free .be domain names from 1 November 2005 till 31 January 2006. In order to benefit from this offer the interested agents have to fulfil several criteria to satisfy the end user.

Each subscribed agent decides on the price (from 0 EUR) he will ask to the end-user when one or more .be domain names are registered from 1 November 2005 till 31 January 2006, for a one-year period. The agent can thus offer the registration of one or more .be domain names or offer a reduced price on the usual cost. This promotion does not take additional services and VAT into consideration. The agent is free to extend his offer or not.

We asked our agents to avoid warehousing and cybersquatting through reasonably limiting the number of .be domain names per end-user.

If an agent does not fulfil his commitment and does not respect the promotions he talks about on his website, DNS BE will contact him and act in consequence.

On www.encorelibre.be and www.istnogvrij.be, you will find all the information about a .be domain name registration and the list of the agents taking part in the advertising campaign.

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