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< < < STEIM Workshops

SuperCollider Workshop / Seminar
(Start) date: 21st March, 2002
Lecturer(s): Joel Ryan

Course cost: 112.50 euro

Date: Every Thursday, 19.00 - 22.00
21 March - April 25, 2002

This SuperCollider workshop will cover building personal instruments for real time music performance, covering sampling, synthesis, multiple machine interfaces and a general introduction to learning more about advanced features in the software.

Participation Criteria:

The workshop is open for all kinds of people, including composers, electronic musicians, choreographers and theatermakers, who have genuine experience working with real-time electronic or computer assisted performance. Experience is required in at least one of the following fields:

Other PPC programming environments and languages including lingo or basic.
Previous experience in SuperCollider

This workshop will not give any introduction to programming. It is recommended that prior to the workshop you download the demonstration programme of SuperCollider from http://www.audiosynth.com to familiarise yourself with the software. Reading the tutorial files will be useful in gaining a more immediate grasp during the workshop.

Joel Ryan

Joel Ryan was born in Danbury, Connecticut and was educated in physics and philosophy at The Claremont Colleges and the University of California where he was a student of Herbert Marcuse, John Baldesari and Albert Hofstadter. Though early taken by modern music he pursued his musical interests outside the academy listening to John Coltrane and Miles Davis in the jazz clubs of Los Angeles and studying music first with Mexican film composer Jose Barroso and later with Ravi and Laxshmi Shankar. Later in San Francisco he began to fabricate electronic instruments with the help of the hacker artists and garage engineers of what was becoming Silicon Valley. He studied music technology at Stanford University with John Chowning and joined the Mills College Center for Contemporary Music to study with Robert Ashley and David Behrman. There he became part of a community of artists who, uncharmed by the narrow focus of "Computer Music", were defining new forms for live electronic music.

An aesthetic acquired via natural science and contact with American composers such as John Cage, Robert Ashley and Pauline Oliveros, deflected many of the compulsions of academic music. He a pioneer in the design of musical instruments based on real time digital signal processing.

Joel has collaborated extensively with composers and artists including George Lewis, William Forsythe, Steina and Woody Vasulka, Malcolm Goldstein, Michel Waisvisz and Evan Parker. Formerly a Research Associate at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories of the University of California, he has taught philosophy, physics and mathematics. He currently works at STEIM in Amsterdam, and is a lecturer at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. He has performed in the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, at the Akademie der K�nste in Berlin, The Theater Chatelet in Paris, the Kitchen in New York and at the Almeida Festival in Islington London. Works include The Number Readers, Enfolded Strings, Thin Film Music: a piece for Noh Theater, Hat Moon Joy, & The Effect of Noise on the Sleep of Children. Most recently he has collaborated with William Forsythe on TIGHT ROARING CIRCLE, in London as well as EIDOS/TELOS & Sleepers Gut's for the Frankfurt Ballet.

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