Moving On From Yahoo -> Automattic « Toni’s Garage

Toni’s Garage

Moving On From Yahoo -> Automattic

January 11, 2006 · 36 Comments

I wasn’t going to write about this until my last day at Yahoo, but then Om Malik (the best informed man in Silicon Valley?) found out about 10 seconds after I started telling people at Yahoo, so here it goes:

After a great time at Yahoo working on projects like the new Yahoo Mail (FKA Oddpost), the new Yahoo Widgets (FKA Konfabulator) and setting up the Yahoo Developer Network, I’ve decided to move on and try out not one, but two new jobs! My main new job will be as CEO of a very exciting startup called Automattic. Formed last Fall by Matt Mullenweg and three of the other developers - Andy, Donncha and Ryan - behind the popular WordPress open source blogging software, Automattic is poised to become a leading provider of blogging services. Ever since meeting Matt over a year ago and becoming a WordPress user, I’ve been more and more drawn in by the product and its incredible community, and I couldn’t be more excited about joining them. In addition, I will also become a venture partner in a VC fund. It’s a brand new fund called True Ventures (Om kindly gave us a heads up so we could throw up a quick page) headed by Jon Callaghan, a very smart and experienced VC, and by Phil Black, a friend of mine, neighbor, investor in my last company (Oddpost) and a great VC himself. True Ventures will be focused on early stage technology investments - my favorite - and I’m looking forward to the opportunity to learn more about the VC world.

My time at Yahoo was truly fun and enlightening. I might write more about what it’s like to be inside Yahoo when I’ve had some distance from it, but I did have a great time, learned a lot of new things and will miss a lot of the really smart, nice and dedicated people I got to know and work with at Yahoo.

Happy 2006 :)

PS: in the interest of “eating our own dog food” I’ve started a new blog at Not sure yet what I’ll use it for.

Categories: Automattic · Yahoo

36 responses so far ↓

  • patil // January 11, 2006 at 11:33 pm

    Welcome Toni. We wanted Matt to be relived of his executive work so that he can now concentrate on fixing bugs ;-)

  • Joseph Scott's Blog // January 11, 2006 at 11:55 pm

    Automattic CEO

    It looks like Photo Matt has been busy with Automattic, Om just spilled the beans about Toni Schneider leaving Yahoo to become CEO of Automattic. Om mentions that will become a partner at True Ventures. The assumption is that Automattic is getting s…

  • Jeff Clavier // January 11, 2006 at 11:57 pm

    Congrats Toni. Sorry I did not have a chance to say this face to face yesterday :-).

  • David // January 12, 2006 at 12:14 am

    Big news! Frankly, I’d like to see your WordPress site used to display cool pictures of cars. But that’s just me.

  • seattleduck » Matt and Wordpress snag Yahoo exec // January 12, 2006 at 2:16 am

    […] Wow, Wordpress is definitely “growing up”! Toni Schneider, an exec at Yahoo who helped found the Yahoo Developer Network among other things (a particularly relevant experience set given WP’s plugin community), is leaving to become CEO of Automattic, Matt Mullenweg’s new company. Plus he is taking on a partner role in a new VC called True Ventures, which would seem to bode well for Automattic’s financial future. […]

  • Hullavu Birthday, eh Matt? at FactoryCity // January 12, 2006 at 2:42 am

    […] …Yeah, and not just any CEO… Toni Schneider of Yahoo, OddPost(read: Yahoo Mail), Konfabulator (read: Yahoo Widgets), et cetera and so on. […]

  • // January 12, 2006 at 2:59 am

    Toni Schneider moving on

    Yahoo!’s Toni Schneider is moving on to join Matt Mullenweg’s start-up Automattic, competing head to head with Six Apart’s weblog software and services. Congratulations! This ought to be fun….

  • PodTech Comments from the PodTech Gallery » Toni and Matt Show - Automatic // January 12, 2006 at 4:37 am

    […] How cool is it for Toni and Matt to hook up.  I’ve gotten to know both guys over the past year.  I think that they will make a great team.  I knew something was up when I saw Toni on their advisory board.  Great stuff.  Both guys have passion and complementary experience in startups.  Can’t wait to see what is up their sleeve.  Toni was with Yahoo and word leaked out via Om Malik and now its out on Toni’s blog.  I think this validates the business opportunity around social new media.  Congrats to Matt for getting Toni and congrats to Toni for making a tough move to leave Yahoo (it must have been a tough call). […]

  • Om Malik on Broadband : » Yahoo Exec Exits For Automattic CEO Gig // January 12, 2006 at 8:18 am

    […] Exclusive: Start-ups are once again cool, enough for senior executives to leave the safe confines of large companies to take a flier on tiny tots. A couple of days I had reported that Jeff Graham, former CEO of Peribit and a senior executive at Juniper Networks was leaving his gig to take over as CEO of an undisclosed start-up. Now I can tell you, before everyone else that Toni Schneider, a senior executive spear-heading Yahoo’s Developer Network is leaving the company. (He has now posted about this on his blog!) […]

  • toni // January 12, 2006 at 9:45 am

    Thanks Patil (and everyone else). Those were pretty much my exact words to Matt :)

  • Anil // January 12, 2006 at 9:56 am

    Congrats! Looking forward to see how we can work together now that you’re back with a little independent company. :)

  • toni // January 12, 2006 at 10:03 am

    Who are you calling little :) Thanks, Anil, I appreciate it. Seems like a long time ago in NYC (in 2003?) when we talked about blogging and Oddpost and you told me about the excellent WD50 restaurant!

  • Deaglan on WordPress » Automattic // January 12, 2006 at 1:13 pm

    […] UPDATE : Tony Schneider leaving Yahoo to become CEO of Automattic   […]

  • Alex Wlliams // January 12, 2006 at 1:47 pm

    Congrats, Toni — Wordpress rocks.

  • Vivian Moran // January 12, 2006 at 2:14 pm

    Congrats!! Glad you left the big corporation. It just did not suit you even though it was a lot of fun for a while. Well, you will be in San Francisco now so lunch is definitely awesome. YEHHHH!!!

  • Chris Plasser // January 12, 2006 at 3:19 pm

    Congrats Toni! Sorry to see you go but this does sound like a very cool gig…I look forward to finding out more…

  • » Automattic scores top Yahoo! exec as CEO The Blog Herald: more blog news more often // January 12, 2006 at 3:33 pm

    […] Toni and Matt both comfirm the hiring. […]

  • Joff // January 12, 2006 at 4:38 pm

    Congrats Toni! Look forward to keeping in touch. Enjoy the start up life once again.

  • Denken Über » Automattic tiene nuevo CEO // January 12, 2006 at 9:35 pm

    […] Esta incorporación le da a Matt y al equipo de WP, una persona con años en el mercado, que conoce lo que es ser emprendedor, pero también ser una fuerza importante en un gigante de Internet.. en definitva, creo que va a ayudar a que haya más foco en el producto y los servicios que están ofreciendo; nace una competencia fuerte para la gente de 6A. […]

  • Ink spilled by Jesus Vargas, posting now and then » Automattic // January 12, 2006 at 11:41 pm

    […] Uno de los ejecutivos de Yahoo! más importantes, Toni Schneider, director de Yahoo Developer, ha renunciado y se ha unido al equipo de Matt, en Será importante seguir esta nueva empresa, estamos seguros que Toni le dará una fuerza a los proyectos de Matt muy importante, y un punto de vista muy valioso, ya que el haber trabajado en Yahoo! seguramente le habrá dado un conocimiento muy importante. Mientras tanto, felicitaciones a Matt, y mucho éxito para Automattic. […]

  • // January 13, 2006 at 8:40 am

    Increasing competition in blogging services

    Toni Schneider quits Yahoo! where he was heading the Yahoo! Developer Network to become the CEO of Automattic, the company…

  • Lorelle on WordPress » Automattic, and WordPress, Get a New CEO: Toni Schneider // January 13, 2006 at 9:11 am

    […] Om Malik reports that a Yahoo Executive Quits Yahoo to work for Matt Mullenweg’s Automattic as CEO. Automattic is the parent company for WordPress,, Akismet, and more. The new CEO is Toni Schneider. Now I can tell you, before everyone else that Toni Schneider, a senior executive spear-heading Yahoo’s Developer Network is leaving the company. (He has now posted about this on his blog!) […]

  • Leon // January 13, 2006 at 5:28 pm

    Congratulations Toni! This is a very good sign that Automattic and its projects will be growing really quickly soon!

  • David Boloker // January 14, 2006 at 10:20 am

    Toni - congradulations! We should get together to have dinner and chat about Automattic and True Ventures - drop me a line when u have time after settling down.


  • Chris Law // January 14, 2006 at 11:02 am

    Congratulations Toni!

  • Channy’s Blog » Toni Schneider의 멋진 행보 // January 15, 2006 at 8:19 am

    […] 작년 Web2.0 컨퍼런스에서 인상적으로 보았던 Yahoo! Developer Network의 수장인 Toni Schneider가 Automattic CEO로 이직했다는 소식 입니다. … After a great time at Yahoo working on projects like the new Yahoo Mail (FKA Oddpost), the new Yahoo Widgets (FKA Konfabulator) and setting up the Yahoo Developer Network, I’ve decided to move on and try out not one, but two new jobs! My main new job will be as CEO of a very exciting startup called Automattic… […]

  • SiliconBeat // January 16, 2006 at 9:54 am

    Monday morning catchup

    Lot’s going on in Silicon Valley’s start-up/finance world: In Limbo — BusinessWeek’s DealFlow points us to Limbo, a San Mateo mobile game start-up that raised $1.1 million in December from VC firms Azure Venture Partners and Draper Fisher Jurvetson…

  • Eytan Urbas // January 16, 2006 at 4:40 pm

    Hey Toni - congrats on the new gig! Love to catch up soon…

  • Laughing Squid » Toni Schneider Leaves Yahoo for Automattic // January 17, 2006 at 11:55 am

    […] Last week Om Malik broke the story that Toni Schneider, of Yahoo’s Developer Network, is leaving Yahoo to become the CEO of Automattic, the recently launched parent company of WordPress. More on this from Toni and Matt. […]

  • Kaleo Silva » Automattic, dona do, contrata VP do Yahoo // January 20, 2006 at 6:22 pm

    […] Agora que o Matt do Wordpress trouxe o VP do Yahoo Toni Schneider (ex-Oddpost) para a sua empresa Automattic (que é dona do, tem gente perguntando: quando tempo até o Yahoo comprar o Wordpress? Ou melhor ainda, quanto tempo até o Matt tomar conta do Yahoo!? […]

  • skylarwoodward » Blog Archive » Out with the old, In with the new. // January 22, 2006 at 1:26 pm

    […] This isn’t particularly true of my own life this new years - change and new things come according to a season more in tune with the surroundings than the calendar - but this is adage is mostly true for my weblog.  Though perhaps a couple weeks late, all of my entries have been safely migrated to a brand new, hi-fi, supercharged hosting and publishing system with all the extra options.  Goodbye Movable Type 2.6.3, Hello WordPress.  And, I’m not the only one in my neighborhood making the switch.  I have to say that I’m incredibly impressed with how far Wordpress has come since I first took a look at it 3 years ago.  Kudos to all the DHTML ninjas who have been silently contributing to this powerful tool rather than spreading their seed across random public websites seeking visual mojo. Perhaps more significant than the publishing software is also a move to a new hosting service, DreamHost.  (I have to thank Ryan for suggestions on both accounts.)  Dreamhost makes it really easy to manage multiple hosts and services on your domain, and I plan to take advantage of this to try out new site concepts and ultimately work towards a solution that helps a small creative collaborative journal and expose their work to a wider audience.  More on this coming soon. […]

  • Planet WordPress » Blog Archive » Automattic Toni // January 25, 2006 at 7:54 am

    […] Update: Toni has blogged about it here. He also has a blog that used to have a bunch of cool cars on it, hopefully that’ll come back somewhere. […]

  • acabalda » prova3 // January 27, 2006 at 9:30 am

    […] Word is out that Toni is joining us at Automattic. We’ve got a good team at Automattic, and we’re working on some cool and fun stuff. WordPress is our big focus, of course. The vast majority of my time is spent working directly on the open source blog tool we all know and love. For the past several weeks, that involved fixing bugs and getting 2.0 out the door. Currently, I’m fixing bugs in preparation for 2.0.1. I also help out with, Akismet, and other projects, but my focus right now is on WordPress itself. So, I get paid to work full time on WP. Pretty cool. […]

  • Lee Wilkins // February 1, 2006 at 1:25 pm

    Leader of Yahoo Developer Network quits for Wordpress Startup

    As usual Om has the scoop
    Toni Schneider, a senior executive spear-heading Yahoo’s Developer Network, joins Matt Mullenweg and other core Wordpress developers in Automattic. Automattic currently offers the blogging service and the A…

  • ryan kennedy's blog // March 29, 2006 at 10:45 pm


    You know how sometimes somebody leaves your company and you’re like, “enh…whatever.” Or sometimes you’re like, “THANK GOD THEY’RE FINALLY GONE!!!” Unfortunately, Toni Schneider leaving Yahoo! isn’t …

  • Automattic Cash « Changing Way // November 13, 2007 at 10:37 pm

    […] Actually, I’m less curious about sources than I am about founders. Who are the founders of Automattic? Matt, of course. I was fairly sure that Toni was not a founder, since Automattic already existed when he joined. A look through Toni’s archives shows that I was right, and that Andy, Donncha and Ryan were the other founders. […]

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