The South Georgia Association
The South Georgia Association

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The South Georgia Association was formed to give voice to those who care for South Georgia. South Georgia is a unique sub-Antarctic island of exceptional natural beauty with wonderful wild life on land and at sea. It is an overseas territory of the United Kingdom administered by a Commissioner. It is home to two scientific research stations and a few government employees. It has an interesting heritage, is environmentally vulnerable, very precious, and very worth defending and preserving.

Velkommen til South Georgia Association (Foreningen for Sør-Georgia). Foreningen ble dannet som et talerør for alle som bryr seg om Sør-Georgia. Vi ønsker deg hjertelig velkommen som medlem av foreningen dersom du deler vår hengivenhet og interesse for Sør-Georgia og ønsker å følge med i utviklingen der.


If you were to take a giant carving-knife, slice along beneath one of the highest mountain ridges of Switzerland, just where the huge glaciers tumble into the valley below, and then drop your slice of mountain, dripping with sugar-icing, into the sea, I think you would get a fair idea of the place. For it is long and narrow, and everywhere the snow-covered mountains rise straight from the water, reaching, near the centre of the island, to a height of over 9,000 feet. Seen from afar on an early spring day, South Georgia is a breath-taking sight and one not easily forgotten.

Niall Rankin, 1946