Apple unveils new marketing strategy. (10-NOV-97) Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service
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Apple unveils new marketing strategy.(Originated from Knight-Ridder Newspapers)

Publication: Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service

Publication Date: 10-NOV-97

Author: Mardesich, Jodi
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COPYRIGHT 1997 Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service

CUPERTINO, Calif. _ Apple Computer Inc. unveiled a new strategy Monday: Let customers buy their computers directly from Apple's web site, and let them choose their own configurations from the newest, fastest computers Apple has to offer.

The move to embrace ``build-to-order'' manufacturing _ where customers choose the type of computer they want, and specify the computer's processor speed, the amount of memory or the size of their hard disk drive _ comes as the Cupertino computer maker tries to return to profitability. The struggling company lost $1 billion in its last fiscal year.

Apple's interim CEO and co-founder, Steve Jobs, introduced the new products and strategies Monday before a crowd of press, analysts and Apple employees. What Jobs didn't talk about was the much-rumored NC,...

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