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January 27, 2002 - March 23, 2002


Mar 23 2002

I just got a new template set up to redo my game pages to match the new site design.� The first game that I have reformatted is Alien Attack.

Overclocked Remixes - FullSail - Subnodule!

Mar 23 2002
I recently found out about a really cool music website,� It's just full of remade or remixed versions of a ton of videogame music.� You need to check it out if you really like game music like I do.� There's so many great ones, but one of my favorites is the Team Gato song that's a remade version of Chrono Trigger's Gato Song ("My name is Gato/I have metal joints/Beat me up/And win 15 silver points")... but they go so far with those 4 lines! Heh.

They have remixes of just about every game you can think of - check it out now. Other remix recommendations on the site: Monkey Island (AmIEvil), Lounge Lemmings (mazedude),� Kid Icarus Funky Dungeon (mazedude), F-Zero Mute City (JD), El Rolling Thunder Salsa (DJ PRETZEL), Christmas Nights Merrylittlechristmas (Dale North), aarrg - there's too many!

A couple weeks ago, Stevie and I were treated like VIPs by Full Sail College in Orlando, Florida.� They were holding a Success Seminar and asked us to speak for a couple sessions.� What an amazing place!� I never knew a place as high quality and professional as Full Sail existed.� Go to and get an idea of the quality... and you will still not truly understand how amazing this place is - you must actually see it for yourself.

Full Sail is a fully accredited university and right now you can get an A.S. degree (they're working on a B.S. right now) in several subjects. My favorite, of course, is Game Programming.� The university has 3,000 students attending right now and graduations are held every single month - yes, the school year starts when YOU start!

And what a year it is - 14 months to be precise, from entry to graduating.� If you are taking the programming track, you will graduate with 900 hours of coding experience - incredible!� Basically, you live with your laptop the entire year.� When you leave, you take a massive tome of your work with you that you use as a pretty cool resume.

One of the instructors at Full Sail is none other than the legendary Dave Arneson, co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons!� (read about D&D here)� During the evening on Sunday, a bunch of us played Ghost Recon deathmatch for several hours (with Dave), and then to end the night we played a couple hours of D&D with Dave as the DM (dungeon master).� Wow - I'll never forget it!� Oh yeah, the game ended with us all getting killed by zombies.

So I somehow found some random references to an old Apple II game that I wrote back in 1984-85 called Subnodule.� One guy even made a song based on it!

Check this out first. This is where the song is located.

Then check out this link - they named their site because they could never say Subnodule correctly!� Heh.� Here's an email I got from Nick (he runs that site):

"Well, about Subnodule... to be quite honest, besides King's Quest 4 and Wheel of Fortune, it was the only fun game I had for my old Apple II. My buddy Andy and I always used to play that game just because of the sheer weirdness of it, and our ability (or lack thereof) to

�pronounce the title sort of evolved into an inside joke with us. We just thought it would be a cool, memorable name for our little site. The reason I remembered to include your name in the history of our site is because Subnodule was the only game I had with credits. I remember busting out the old Apple a few years ago and thinking as the title scrolled down, "Damn! That's the guy who did Doom!"

The Melvin stuff is pretty weird, dude. And you were an adult when you did these? Hehe. Thanks for checking out the site, and of course, feel free to swing by every now and then, and tell every living soul how awesome the Subnoodle is and how you're not going to sell your Ferrari and instead donate it to us... okay maybe not."

So, now I feel like I should make a Subnodule game page since I dredged it up from the sea of forgotten games...

Website Redesign - HDB PC

Mar 10 2002

Well, I finally got tired of the old design and tried out a new look.� Simpler and no flash menu (which incidentally doesn't even load on my machine when accessing it over the net!).� I'm still going to keep the flash banners for the game stuff, but I won't use it for a critical navigation feature.

We're close to landing a couple Gameboy Advance contracts, so I'm really excited to be learning that little machine.� I can't say what the titles are (of course), but as soon as they're done I'll let everyone know.� It will take almost a year before you see either of them though, as the development time will be about 8 months.

So, yes, I'm almost done with the PC version of Hyperspace Delivery Boy!� Here's a screenshot of the PC version.� If you've played the Pocket PC version, you'll notice a number of differences.

First, since there's no stylus on the PC, you use a mouse cursor (the blue circle) to point and click your way through the game.� Directional keys are also supported and there's a new Controls screen that allows you to configure them to your liking.

No longer do you need to bring up your Resources and Deliveries as they are on-screen at all times.� You can click on an item or delivery and get specific information on it as you would expect.

The sound effects are now at 44khz and the music has been lengthened and now plays at high quality as well.

Click for full size

There's been a REALLY cool update to the AppleWin Apple II emulator.� This has always been my favorite Apple emulator but the damn thing would NEVER run in full-screen mode - it was always a little window.�

Well, the source code has been updated by a different guy, Oliver Schmidt, and he's done a fantastic job adding DirectX support and FULL SCREEN mode!

I'm going to be putting all my old Apple II stuff on the site at some point and this is definitely the emulator that you should be running it in!

Get it here.

So as I'm fixing up my site, you'll notice more links appearing.� Right now, most are disabled because I need to reformat those pages to match the new design.

Hair, Car & Random Trivia

Jan 27 2002


I started growing my hair in April 1991, just after starting id Software.� Two companies later, I have cut it.� Tom Hall shaved his head bald, too, so we're LOCKED & LOADED!!!

It's so much easier to take care of and never gets in my way - YES!� I donated it all to Locks Of Love.� I'm sure it'll find a nice home.� AARRGGG!!!!� Someone will be wearing a John Romero WIG!!!

Time to redo the PlanetRomero banner....

I'm sure it's no surprise at this point that I'm finally selling my Testarossa.� Since we moved out to the country over a year ago, I have only driven it about 3 times or so -- it's just not a practical car out here where everyone drives trucks and the roads are bumpy.

It's pretty damn fast, though, at 625hp right now.� Oh, it can be turned up to about 750hp, but I prefer to keep the engine intact! :)� It's on eBay right now in the eBay Motors section / Ferrari.

I decided to start popping random trivia bits on my page as they crop up.� And I just came up with one after scanning the net for a bit...


Back at the very start of 1989, I was between jobs having just left a company I co-founded called Inside Out Software.� I was living in New Hampshire at the time and had visited Infocom in Massachusetts a few times for software development meetings.

My friend Lane Roathe and I had a good contact at Infocom that we talked to about doing some contract work for them.� They told us they needed an operating system for their Apple II games that was as small as possible, 1k total if we could do that.� We told them we could and we got the job.

It came very close to 1024 bytes (Lane's RWTS routine was a little over 256 bytes and my high-level ProDOS-like code was less than 768 bytes).� The result was called InfoDOS and was the OS used in Steve Meretzky's next game, Zork Zero!� It was also used in 3 other Infocom titles.

Lane and I put a little easter egg in there, too.� If you hold down both the Closed-Apple and Open-Apple keys when the game boots, you will see a crazy, random line that Lane came up with: "I was running around the house sleeping!".� Here's a screenshot of it in action.

You'll notice in the screenshot that Lane and I had a little company together called Ideas From The Deep.� I'll talk about that in a future !RANDOM TRIVIA!

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