URLs | Resurrected

We have restored, and re-opened its website. We have been absolutely overwhelmed by the popular response, and the countless public and private appeals I have received to keep alive.

We have answered those pleas. Nambu will keep operating going forward, indefinitely, while we continue to consider our options in regards to’s future.

We stand by everything that we have written on this blog and communicated to the many people that have reached out to us:

1. Twitter has stacked the URL shortening business opportunity overwhelmingly in’s favour, as currently operates. This is not whining, as some have suggested, but a simple reality. If we post a link to this blog article by its title Twitter switches our URL to a URL. has a monopoly position that cannot be challenged with reasonable investment or innovation unless Twitter offers choice. This is a basic reality of challenging monopolies. has deep personal connections and agreements with Twitter that we simply cannot compete with. And it is our humble opinion that this type of favoritism will become an issue for all Twitter developers.

2. We too want to see live on, but feel we can only transition it to another party committed to ensuring the links are not highjacked in any way. A contract for sale to an unknown group or individual simply cannot guarantee that.

3. We have no interest in framing URLs, or adding interstitial advertising to redirects, and some have suggested we do, or others would do with should they acquire it. We will simply never do that out of respect for the fact that users created URLs based on this commitment. We do not see that as a viable revenue model as well, as it is not expected or welcomed by the individual visiting a shortened link.

4. This was not a public-relations stunt. At all.

Again, we have been overwhelmed by the response. In hindsight, perhaps we should have taken a different course, but we simply did not expect the response to Sunday’s announcement that we received.

All feedback is welcome.

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