.ME highly valuable Premium Domains.
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Why register a .ME? It is personal, ideal as a call-to-action domain. Let us inspire you...
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.ME Domains can only be registered by .ME accredited registrars. Any company can become an accredited .ME Registrar...
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Premium Domains


Due to popularity, a list of Premium Names (PDF, and text file) have been held back by the Registry and are not currently available for registration. The Registry will release these premium domain names through various channels and processes in the future.

Scheduled Upcoming Premium Domain Releases:
At this point in time, no further premium domains are scheduled for release

In order to better accommodate our valued customers, we have created informational non-monetary parking pages for each premium domain at the Registry.  In the event that you should be interested in one of these premium domains we recommend the following:

  1. Premium domains for auction have specialized park pages ready for you to signup. Please visit the park page for the premium domains you are interested in and register for the “Domain Auction Alert”.  Once registered, the Registry will automatically contact you with information once a premium domain is scheduled for release.

  2. The .ME Registry is interested in hearing specialized and unique proposals for the development of premium domains. Send development proposals to info@domain.me and please include:
    • Intended use of the premium domain
    • Schedule for development, test, and general availability of the premium domain
    • Financial commitment and resources (advertising, PR, marketing, etc.) in developing the premium domain.