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Why .ME?

Why register a .ME? It is personal, ideal as a call-to-action domain. Let us inspire you...
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.ME Domains can only be registered by .ME accredited registrars. Any company can become an accredited .ME Registrar...
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Whois .ME


The .ME WHOIS is a tool used to look up records in the .ME registry database.  This database is a comprehensive, centralized database of all the .ME domain names that have been registered worldwide. You can access .ME WHOIS on this site.  Advanced users can also access the port 43 WHOIS server at: or

Each record within the database has the domain name's ID (a domain’s assigned unique identifier), at least one contact name for the domain, a record type, and additional information about the domain.

  • To search for a .ME domain name, simply type in the domain name you wish to look up.
  • The entered domain must be a second-level domain, for example "" since third-level domains like "" are not contained in the WHOIS database.
  • Do not enter the beginning of the domain URL, such as http://www.
  • If the domain you are searching for is not contained in the .ME WHOIS database, it is likely available for registration.  To register an available .ME domain, please contact a .ME authorized registrar.