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Supporting actions for Moldova's riot PDF Print E-mail
by Carmen Fizesan   
Wednesday, 08 April 2009

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Over 500 Moldovan students have gathered together in Cluj city (central Transylvania) on Tuesday afternoon, 7th April 2009, to support their colleagues who protest in Moldova's capital Chisinau, against the communist regime. Romanian youths join them in Avram Iancu Square, one of the city’s main plazas.
Moldovan students affirm they cannot take 4 more years of communism, and most of all, they want their country to get closer to Western Europe. Such meetings have been organized in several Romanian cities on Tuesday, 7th April, and also on Wednesday, 8th April.
A riot started in Chisinau following the results of Sunday’s elections, which have been won by the communists, according to official reports. 

What is Moldova?

Moldova seems to be the last European country run by a communist regime. It used to be a Romanian province, but it was ceded to the Soviet Union following the 1939 Ribbentrop-Molotov pact between Hitler and Stalin, and became the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic under control of Moscow.
Moldova gained its independence in 1991, but in 2001 the communist party won the elections.
Its population is formed mainly of Romanians. There are also minorities such as Ukrainians, Russians, Bulgarians, Gagauz people, Jews, and Armenians.
According to communist regime, the country's official language is Moldovan, which is actually Romanian language spoken with a regional accent.


(Mediafax, BBC


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