.NU Domain Multi-Lingual Web Addresses
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.NU Domain Multi-Lingual Web Addresses

Your .NU Web address (domain name) can use Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, German, Spanish and other Western European language characters, such as �, �, �, � and��.

For .NU names using Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Cyrillic, Hebrew or other written characters, go to Worldnames.net

NU Domain Ltd is the only Top Level Domain (TLD) in the world offering this service.

How can you do it? Example
First, Register your Multi-Lingual Webadress�: dom�n.nu
2) An associated ASCII (English character) domain will be generated at no extra cost. xn--domn-noa.nu
3) Your associated ASCII domain will be hosted by your ISP or .NU InstantWeb. Your Multi-Lingual Web AddressTM will function within 48 hours throughout the Internet by pointing to the ASCII domain. http://dom�n.nu

This registration secures and reserves your Multi-Lingual Web AddressTM for the duration of the associated standard domain name. Please see our terms and conditions for complete details.

Registering a Multi-Lingual Web AddressTM is easy!
Enter the Web Address you want:

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Swedish Municipalities with Multi-lingual characters

Svenska tecken och Sveriges kommuner hos .NU

.NU s�tter svenska spr�ket p� Internet!
