ScoutBase UK: The Library - Scouting history - A Scouting Timeline
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The Library - Scouting history


A Scouting Timeline

This time-line includes major dates in both the lives of the Baden-Powells and of the History of the Scout Movement (with a definite UK bias).

Source of information in this page are mainly from E.K. Wade's Piper of Pax (1924), and M. de Beaumont's The Wolf That Never Sleeps (1944), the Scout Association 75 Years of Scouting (1982) and Scouting for Boys (28th edition 1953)

1850s | 1860s | 1870s | 1880s | 1890s
1900s | 1910s | 1920s | 1920s | 1940s | 1950s | 1950s | 1970s | 1980s | 1990s
YEAR Baden-Powell Scouting
1857 Robert Stephenson Smyth Powell born at 6, Stanhope Street, Paddington, London, W. (22nd Feb)
Christened at St. James' Church, Sussex Gardens, London (8th July)
1858 Sister Agnes Smyth born  
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1860 Brother Baden Fletcher Smyth born
Father died
1861 The Powell Family move to 9, Hyde Park Gate, London  
1868 B-P. goes to school (previously educated at home)  
1869 Won scholarship for Fettes from Rose Hill, Tunbridge Wells.
Also nominated for Charterhouse.
Family name changed from Powell to Baden-Powell (both a Germanic connection and a double barrelled surname were considered important at this time)
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1870 Went to Charterhouse as Gownboy Foundationer.  
1873 Charterhouse moved from London to Godalming.  
1876 VI Form. In football and rifle team for two years.
Left Charterhouse for Oxford (unattached).
Passed Army Exam., 2nd for Cavalry, 4th for Infantry.
Direct Commission to 13th Hussars.
Joined regiment at Lucknow as sub-lieutenant.
1877 Garrison Course of eight months at Lucknow for Lieutenant.  
1878 Passed 1st Class with extra certificate in reconnaissance.
Commission ante-dated.
1879 Home on sick leave.
Went through Musketry Instruction course at Hythe. Passed 1st class with extra certificate.
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1880 Rejoined 13th Hussars in India and accompanied the Regiment to Afghanistan (Kandahar) with General Phayre's force, Colonel (Sir)
Baker Russell commanding the 13th Hussars.
1881 Regiment moved to Quetta.
Shot himself in leg en route during night raid in the Kojak Pass.
1882 Regiment marched through North India, nine hundred miles, to Muttra.
Appointed Musketry Instructor to Regiment.
1883 At Muttra. Won Kadir Cup -- Pigsticking Challenge Cup.
Temporarily attached to staff of Duke of Connaught at Meerut.
Appointed Adjutant.
Promoted Captain.
1884 Regiment moved from Muttra to Natal to assist if necessary in co-operation with Sir Charles Warren's expedition to Bechuanaland.
Carried out secret reconnaissance of Natal frontier of six hundred miles.
Went on big game shooting expedition in Portuguese East Africa at Inhambane.
Published Reconnaissance and Scouting.
Warren lays out village plan for Mafeking.
Regiment returned home to Norwich.
Moved to Colchester.
Resigned Adjutantcy.
1886 Regiment moved to Manchester, B-P's squadron to Liverpool (Seaforth).
Wrote Cavalry Instruction.
1887 Appointed A.D.C. to G.O.C. South Africa, General H.A. Smyth (his uncle).  
1888 Campaign in Zululand against Dinizulu.
Acted as Military Secretary and Intelligence Officer to G.O.C. and Intelligence Officer to flying column.
Confirmed as Military Secretary.
Promoted to Brevet- Major.
Olave St. Clair Soames born February 22nd.
Home on sick leave.
Returned to South Africa and appointed Secretary to Commission to Swaziland under Sir F. de Winton jointly with Boer Commission.
Sir H.A. Smyth appointed Acting Governor Cape Colony, B-P. became automatically Acting Military Secretary to the Governor.
Published Pigsticking or Hog Hunting.
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1890 Transferred to Malta with Sir H.A. Smyth (Governor of Malta) as Military Secretary.
Published Vedette.
1891 Appointed Intelligence Officer for Mediterranean -- as such visited countries -- Italy, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, etc.  
1892 Visited Bosnia and Herzegovina, also Austrian and Italian manoeuvres.
Visited Montenegro.
1893 Resigned as Military Secretary, Malta.
Visited Tunisia and Algeria.
Rejoined 13th Hussars in Ireland -- Cork and Ballincollig
Manoeuvres at Curragh.
Rudyard Kipling publishes the Jungle Book.
Regiment at Dundalk.
Manoeuvres at Churn, Berks.
Brigade- Major to General French, Douglas Haig being his A.D.C.
Ill-fated Jaimeson raids from Mafeking into the Transvaal.
Commanded Squadron to Belfast.
Ashanti Expedition. West Africa. Raised and commanded native levy to Kimassu.
Brevet-Lieutenant- Colonel and Medal.
1896 Matabele Expedition, South Africa. Appointed Chief Staff Officer to G.O.C. Sir F. Carrington.
Carried out scouting in Matopo Hills.
Commanded column clearing country of Shangani, Belingine, etc., seven hundred miles.
Moved to Mashonaland and finished the campaign there.
Published The Downfall of Prempeh.
1897 End of Matabele campaign. Brevet-Colonel and Medal.
Returned home with Cecil Rhodes.
Rejoined 13th Hussars in Dublin as Squadron-Commander.
Appointed to command 5th Dragoon Guards in India and joined them in Meerut.
Published The Matabele Campaign
1898 Commanded Brigade of Cavalry for manoeuvres.
Visited troops at the front attacking Tochi Pass under General Bindon Blood.
Tiger shooting trip to Nepal.
Visited Kashmir on leave.
Boer War declared October 11th.
Moved 5th Dragoon Guards to Sialkot. Instituted changes in barracks for comfort of men.
Home on leave.
Ordered by Wolseley on special service to South Africa to raise North- West Frontier Police.
Invested in Mafeking.
Published Aids to Scouting.
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1900 Mafeking relieved May 17th.
Promoted to Major- General by the Queen.
Commanded Column against Boers in Transvaal, with Plumber second in command, from May to October.
Raised and organised the South African Constabulary: 11,000 strong.
Published Sport in War.
Queen Victoria dies, Edward comes to throne.
Mrs and Miss Baden-Powell visited the cape, where B-P. met them.
Home for three months sick leave.
Visited King Edward at Balmoral. Received C.B. and Queen's and King's South African War Medals.
Boer War ended.
S.A.C. took over policing whole country, Transvaal and Orange Free State.
Much travelling, including some long rides, inspecting the different posts.
Brother and sister-in-law visited Johannesburg. B-P. took them to Mafeking, Kimberley and Bulawayo.
Conducted Joseph Chamberlin through Transvaal.
1903 Appointed Inspector-General Cavalry.
Farewell Parades of S.A.C.
Returned home to take up appointment.
Visited German Cavalry School, Hanover.
Visited America, battlefields, West Point, Cavalry Regiments. Also Canada.
Visited Cavalry Schools at Saumur and Vienna.
Spent Christmas at Mentone.
1904 Attended French Cavalry Manoeuvres, Bar-le- Duc.
Started Cavalry School, Netheravon.
1905 Visited Cavalry Schools in Italy, Tor di Quinto and Pinerolo.
Started the Cavalry Journal.
1906 Went to South Africa with Duke of Connaught, I.G. Forces.
Inspected Cavalry, South Africa.
Visited Victoria Falls, also East Africa and Egypt.
Visited Belgian Cavalry, Brussels.
1907 Visited Egypt and Sudan inspecting Cavalry.
Completed term of office as I.G. Cavalry.
Published Sketches in Mafeking and East Africa.
Exhibited 126 drawings at Brunton Gallery and bust of John Smith at Royal Academy.
Visited Holland.
Promoted to Lieutenant-General.
Trial camp of Boy Scouts at Brownsea Island, Dorset. (August 1-9th)
1908 Appointed to command Northumbrian Territorial Division. Manchester Rally
Scouting started in Australia, Belgium, Gibraltar, Ireland, Malta, New Zealand and South Africa.
Published Scouting for Boys in six fortnightly parts.
Started The Scout newspaper for boys. (April 14th)
First official Scout Camp, Humshaugh Northumberland.
Organised Boy Scouts throughout the Empire.
1909 Visited Brazil, Argentina and Chile.
Created K.C.V.O. and K.C.B.
First Scout Headquarters opened, 116, Victoria Street, London.
Mercury camp.
First edition of Headquarters' Gazette (July).
King Edward agrees to suggestion that good Scouts could become King Scouts.
Scouting started in Canada, Chile, British Guiana (Guyana), Hong Kong, India (including those areas which now form Bangladesh and Pakistan), Sierra Leone and the USA.
Published Scouting Games
11,000 Boy Scouts at Rally, Crystal Palace, and 6,000 Scottish Boy Scouts at Glasgow.
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King Edward dies, replaced by King George.
Resigned Territorial Division on March 31st.
Resigned from Army on to Reserve, May 7th, with Reward for Good Service.
Order of Merit, Chile.
Received LL.D. Edinburgh University.
Visited Paris, St. Petersburg and Moscow (received by Tsar) to organise Scouts.
First appeal for financial help.
King George becomes Patron of the Boy Scouts.
First Annual Census. Membership of The Boy Scouts Association - 100,298 Scouts and 7,688 Scouters.
Sea Scouts Branch formed.
Scouting started in Austria, Bermuda, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Jamaica, Kenya, Netherlands, Singapore and Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe).
Visited Canada and U.S.A. (along with two Patrols of Scouts) to organise Scouts.
Baden-Powell forced by pressure to set up a separate organisation for Girls (the Girl Guides) as opposed to his preferred single movement with Boy and Girl troops (which had already running unofficially).
Published Yarns for Boy Scouts.
1911 Appointed Colonel 13th Hussars, November 26.
Visited Norway and Sweden for sport and Scouting.
Interview with King and Crown Prince of Sweden.
Attended King's Coronation. Received Coronation Medal.
King George V reviews Scouts at Windsor.
First Scout Disaster: Nine drown off Leysdown.
Scouting started in British Honduras (Belize), Japan, Norway, Peru, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, and Yugoslavia.
1912 Agnes (sister) published The Girl Guide Handbook many sections coming verbatim from Scouting for Boys.
Visited Panama, West Indies, U.S.A., Japan, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand.
Gave 41 addresses to Public on Scouting, 63 speeches and 69 Scout addresses to a total of 70,280 people.
Visited Norway with Donald B- P. (nephew).
Knight of St. John of Jerusalem.
Baden-Powell and Olave Soames met and married in October.
Buckhurst Farm experiment.
Royal Charter of Incorporation.
Scouting started in Argentina, Barbados, Gold Coast (Ghana), Grenada, Iceland, Italy, Lebanon, Mauritius, St. Helena, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Spain, Switzerland.
Published Scouts Overseas.
1913 With Lady Baden-Powell visited Algeria, Malta, Naples, etc.
Made Master of Mercers' Company.
Freedom of City of Kingston.
Son (Arthur Robert Peter) born October 30th.
Duke of Connaught, President
Scouting started in Antigua, the Bahamas and Portugal.
Published Scouting Games.
Inspected big Scout Rally and Exhibition at Birmingham, first attended by foreign Scouts.
Start of World War I.
Bust made of B-P. by Drury for Mercers Hall.
Henrietta Grace (B-P's mother) died October 13th.
Published Quick training for War.
Charter of Incorporation received by Guide Movement.
Manchester Conference.
First National Good Turn: Scouts Day of work for the blind.
London Boy Scouts inspected by Queen Alexandra on Horse Guards Parade.
Scouts mobilised to form guards for railways etc., and take over Coastguard duties.
Introduction of experimental scheme for Wolf Cubs or Young Scouts.
Scouting started in Brazil, Cyprus, Fiji and Luxembourg.
Brownie Guides started.
Raised Boy Scout Endowment Fund (100,000UKP).
1915 Visited the Armies in France as guest of Sir John French, British C. in C.
Set up Scout Hut, Etaples, France.
Published Indian Memories and The Adventures of a Spy.
Addressed six meetings, Liverpool, on behalf of Y.M.C.A.
Daughter (Heather Grace) born June 1st.
Scouts' Friendly Society founded
Scouting started in Costa Rica, Malaysia, Nigeria and Uganda.
Inspected Boy Scouts on Coastwatching Duty.
1916 Visit to British Armies in France.
Published Young Knights of the Empire.
Scout Jack Cornwell posthumously awarded V.C.
Manchester Patrol Leader's Conference.
Roland House opened.
Scouting started in Haiti.
Ranger Guides started.
Girl Guide Conference, Matlock: Lady B-P. elected Chief Commissioner of Girl Guides.
Published The Wolf Cub's Handbook.
Started the Wolf Cub newspaper.
Started the Wolf Cub Movement (first World Cub display at Caxton Hall, London).
1917 Daughter (Betty St. Clair) born April 16th. First scheme for Senior Scouts introduced.
New Imperial Headquarters opened, 25, Buckingham Palace Road, London by the Duke of Connaught.
Scouting started in Nacaragua, Thailand and Venezuela.
Conference of Scout Commissioners at Matlock.
Published Girl Guiding.
Armistice November 11th.
Olave elected Chief Guide.
Member of War Museum Committee.
Visited front in France.
Visited Scouts in Spain and Portugal.
Bought Pax Hill, Bently, Hants.
Boy Scout Conferences Bournemouth, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle and London.
Senior Scouts renamed Rover Scouts.
Queen Alexandra reviewed Girl Guides.
Scouting started in Egypt, Liberia and St. Lucia.
Established Flax gathering Camps for Boy Scouts.
1919 Order of Alfonso XII of Spain. Gilwell Park opened. (presented to Scouts by W.F. de Bois Maclaren.
Scouting started in Zanzibar.
With Lady B-P. to Canada and U.S.A. to develop Scouts and Guides.
Published Aids to Scoutmastership.
Started Scoutmasters' Training School at Gilwell Park. (first woodbadge course)
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1920 Orders-Redeemer of Greece and Christ of Portugal. First international conference and International Jamboree of Boy Scouts, Olympia, London, attended by representatives from all countries.
Open Conference at Leeds.
International Scout Bureau started in London, along with setting up of International Committee.
The Boy Scouts Association membership: 233,273.
Scouting started in Taiwan (China), Ecuador and Mexico.
Baden-Powell acclaimed Chief Scout of the World.
Obtained Royal Charter for Girl Guides' Association.
1921 Created Baronet. Open conference at Cambridge.
Two Scouts selected for Shackleton's Expedition.
First Gilwell Reunion.
Scouting started in Iraq, Gambia, Tangnyika and Tristan da Cunha.
With Lady B-P. to India at invitation of Viceroy (Lord Chelmsford) to organise Scout and Guide Movement.
Also visited Scouts and Guides in Burma, Ceylon, Palestine and Egypt.
Visited France to see American Camp for Boy Scouts in the devastated area.
Published What Scouts can Do and An Old Wolf's Favourites.
1922 Visited Belgium, saw Scouts, Cardinal Mercier, and King Albert.
Received Legion of Honour (Commander).
World Scout membership exceeds 1 million.
Headquarters' Gazette renamed The Scouter.
Scouting started in Japan and Korea (South Korea).
Published Rovering to Success.
Posse of Welcome to Prince of Wales by 60,000 Scouts at Alexandra Palace.
Addressed Second International Scout Conference Paris, and International Education Conference Geneva.
1923 Awarded G.C.V.O.
With Lady B-P. visited Canada for International Education Conference. Addressed meetings and saw Scouts and Guides at many centres.
LL.D. Toronto and McGill Universities.
Returned via U.S.A.
President Old Carthusian Club.
Published new edition of Pigsticking.
D.C.L. Oxford.
Scouting started in Madagascar (Malagasy Republic), the Philippines and Turkey.
1924   Empire Jamboree at Wembley Exhibition, where the Prince of Wales camped with the Scouts.
Second World Jamboree and Third International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
First Scout Musical Festival held at the Royal College of Music.
First International Committee elected.
First World Camp of Girl Guides at Foxlease.
Scouting started in Indonesia, Monaco, Panama, Dutch Guiana (Surinam) and Belgian (Congo).
1925 President of the Federation of Rambling Clubs.
Grand Cross of Order of Danneborg.
Special Tests Branch set up
Open Conference, Bristol.
Kandersteg International Scout Chalet opened in the Swiss Alps.
1926   First Rover Scout Moot at Albert Hall, London.
Fourth International Scout Conference, Kandersteg.
International Sea Scout Regatta, Antwerp.
Scouting started in Dominican Republic and Papua New Guinea.
With Lady B-P. visited America as guests of the Boy Scouts of America.
With Lady B-P. and children visited South Africa, spent seven months there, travelled 8,498 miles inspecting Scouts and Guides and promoting the Movement.
1927 Return from South Africa.
Awarded G.C.M.G.
Published Life's Snags.
First Roland House Pantomime.
Open Conference Bournemouth.
Rosemary Convalescent Home opened.
International Jamboree in Sweden.
Scouting started in Bahrain, Jordan and the Gilbert Islands (Kiribati).
1928 Visited Hungary for International Conference of Girl Guides.
Received survivors of original Brownsea Island Scout Camp to lunch at Pax Hill.
Polish order of Pologna Restitua.
Introduction of the Scout Group System, until then the Troop encompassed Cub Sixes, Scout and Rover Patrols.
Rover Moot, Birmingham
Open Conference, York
Scouting started in Guatemala, Iran, St. Kitts Nevis, Solomon Islands and Swaziland. Armenian Scouts founded. Albanian Scouts become member of World Organisation.
Institution of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)
Inspected Scouts at Budapest, etc.
Visited Scouts in Wales and the Irish Free State.
1929 Visited France and Belgium.
Received Freedom of Poole and of Blanford.
Order of Phoenix of Greece, Order of White Lion of Czecho-Slovakia, Order of Merit Hungary.
Created Baron with title Baden- Powell of Gilwell..
Granted Freedom of City of London.
3rd World (Coming of Age) Jamboree, Arrowe Park, Birkenhead, England, attended by 56,000 Scouts from 54 countries.
Fifth International Conference, Arrowe Park.
Deep Sea Scouts Branch formed.
Scouting started in Dominica and Montserrat.
With Lady B-P. visited British, French, Spanish and Portuguese Scouts and Guides in the course of a cruise in the Duchess of Richmond
Published Scouting and Youth Movement.
Received from Scouts of the World a motor car, caravan trailer, portrait by David Jagger and cheque.
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1930 With Lady B-P. visited West Indies and Bermuda and home via New York, joint banquet, from Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.
Granted Freedom of Canterbury.
Rover Moot, Auchengillan, Scotland.
Percy Everett knighted.
The Boy Scouts Association Membership: 438,098.
World Scout Membership reached 2 million.
Scouting started in Senegal and Northern Rhodesia (Zambia).
1931 With Lady B-P. visited Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, addressing meetings and inspecting Scouts and Guides.
Awarded Order of Merit of Austria by President Midlas.
LL.D. of Cambridge University.
First World Rover Moot, Kandersteg.
Open Conference, Brighton.
Scouting started in Colombia and Liechtenstein.
Attended Sixth International Scouter's Conference at Baden bei Wein, Austria.
Lady B-P. elected Chief Guide of the World.
1932 Awarded Order of Orange of Nassau of Holland.
Awarded Grand Cross of Gedimanas (Lithuania).
Lady B-P. created Dame Grand Cross of Order of the British Empire.
First London Gang Show.
Scouting started in Anguilla, Dahomey (Benin), British Virgin Islands and Nyasaland (Malawi).
With Lady B-P. attended opening of the International Girl Guide Chalet at Adelboden, Switzerland.
Visited Swiss Scouts' Camp - also that of Dutch Scouts at the Hague.
1933 Visited Italy; had interview with Mussolini and audience with the Pope. Saw the Ballilla (state youth movement) and their Training Schools.
Awarded Grand Cross of Order of Sword of Sweden.
Awarded Grand Cross of Order of Three Stars of Latvia.
Awarded Red Cross of Estonia.
Published Lessons of the Varsity of Life.
Received Freedom of Pontefract.
4th World Jamboree, Godollo, Hungary.
Seventh International Conference, Godollo.
Downe Camp opened.
Scouting started in Morocco.
With Lady B-P. visited Scouts and Guides in Malta and Gibraltar.
Visited (with 650 Scouters and Guiders) Scouts and Guides in Holland, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Norway in S.S. Calgaric.
1934 Laid up for five months after serious operation.
Published Adventures and Accidents.
First National Scout Service, St. George's Chapel, Windsor.
Scouting started in Tunisia.
Visited (with 670 Scouters and Guiders) Scouts and Guides in Malta, Gibraltar, Nice, Algiers, Lisbon, in S.S. Adriatic.
With Lady B-P. attended Jamboree at Frankston, Melbourne, Australia, visiting on route Scouts and Guides of Ceylon, Malaya, Java, Port Darwin, Thursday Island.
1935 Visited the President of the U.S. at White House, returning home in S.S. Majestic.
Son (Peter) married to Carine Boardman.
Lord Somers made acting Chief Scout.
First of a series of five Scout Training Courses around the U.K.
King George V, Jubilee Chain of Beacons
Eighth International Conference, Stockholm.
Scouting started in Sudan.
Visited New Zealand, South Sea Island, Canada, Newfoundland and the United States, inspecting Scouts and Guides.
Attended World Rover Moot in Ingaro, Sweden.
Scout Jamboree at East London, S. Africa.
Published Scouting round the World.
1936 Returned to England via St. Helena and Ascension Island.
Daughter (Betty) married at Bentley (September 24) to Gervas Clay.
Awarded Grand Cordon of Legion of Honour (France).
Published Adventuring to Manhood.
Great Towers Camp, Windermere, presented by W.B. Wakefield.
Lord Somers, Deputy Chief Scout.
Special Tests branch renamed Handicapped Scouts Branch.
Boy Scout first performed at the Albert Hall, London.
Scouting started in Bechuanaland (Botswana), Gabon and Basutoland (Lesotho).
Revisited Mafeking with Lady B-P. and family, and attended South African Jamboree.
Attended Commissioners' Conference, Norwich.
Scout and Guide Dinner of Welcome, London.
Visited Scouts and Guides of France (Paris).
1937 Sailed (January) for India.
Spent 80th birthday with 13/18th Hussars, last mounted ceremonial parade of Regiment.
Saw Kadir Cup Competition.
Awarded Order of Merit.
Awarded Wateler Peace Prize.
Silver Wedding Anniversary Dinner, London.
Published African Adventures.
Sailed for Kenya.
5th World Jamboree, Vogelenzang, Holland.
R.R.S. Discovery handed over.
Broadstone Warren and Phasels Wood Camp sites opened.
Gang Show in Royal Command Performance.
Scout and Guide Coronation Service at Westminster Abbey.
National sale of Coronation Programmes organised.
Scouting started in Cameroon and Ivory Coast.
Scout Jamboree at Dehli.
Returned to England; inspected Scouts on duty at Coronation (Coronation Medal George VI).
Inspection of Scouts by King and Queen at Windsor.
Visited Holland for Jamboree and Ninth International Conference at the Hague.
1938 Returned to England.
Built Paxtu at Nyeri, Kenya.
Published Birds and Beasts in Africa
Returned to Kenya.
The Boy Scout Fund launched (263,000UKP raised).
First World Wolf Cub Leaders' Conference, Gilwell.
Chalfont Heights Camp opened.
Scouting started in El Salvador.
Visited (with 470 Scouters and Guiders) Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium in S.S. Orduna.
Declaration of World War II.
Remained in Kenya.
Family Reunion of children and grandchildren at Paxtu.
Published Paddle Your Own Canoe.
Exhibited sketches at Officers' Art Society, London, and Kenya Art Exhibition, Nairobi.
First Scout's Soap Box Derby held at Brooklands.
Admiralty requests for Scouts to volunteer for Convoy signaller duties. Other war duties undertaken.
Tenth International Conference, Edinburgh.
Walton Firs and Frylands Wood Camps opened.
World Scout Membership: 3.3 million.
Scouting started in Algeria.
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1940 Published More Sketches of Kenya.
Began Snaps and Scraps.
Daughter (Heather) married to John King (June 16) at Bentley.
Roland House bombed.
Gilwell Park requisitioned by War Office, closed to Scouting.
Tolmers, Cuffley Camp opened.
1941 Baden-Powell dies in Nyeri, Kenya. (January 8th)
Military Funeral Nyeri.
Memorial Service, Westminster Abbey, January27.
Memorial services throughout world during January.
Air Scout Branch formed.
Commission set up to consider Post War developments.
Lord Somers elected Chief Scout of the British Empire. (29th Jan)
Sir Percy Everett, Deputy Chief Scout.
Scouting started in the Central African Republic.
1942   HRH the Duke of Gloucester became President of the Boy Scout Association following the death of the Duke of Connaught.
B-P. Memorial Fund launched.
First National Air Scout Camp.
National Air Scout Exhibition, London.
1943   Scouting Started in Upper Volta.
1944   First Pary of Scouts' International Relief Service Workers to Greece.
Sea Scout Exhibition, London.
Day of Work raised 33,000UKP for the Scouts' International Relief Service.
Death of Lord Somers (14th July)
Scouts' International Relief Service Team left for Normandy.
Gilwell Park returned to Scouts.
End of World War II
  Lord Rowallan elected Chief Scout of the British Commonwealth and Empire. (22nd Feb)
Publication of The Road Ahead, the recommendations of the Post War Commission.
The Boy Scouts Association membership: 471,040
1946   First Blair Atholl, Scottish Jamborette
Senior Scouting started. (1st Oct)
New Plan for Rover Scouts introduced.
World Scout Membership: 4.4 million
Scouting re-started in Germany.
1947 Memorial Tablet to B-P. unveiled in Westminster Abbey by HRH the Duke of Gloucester. 6th World Jamboree, Moisson France
Eleventh International Conference, Rosny, France.
Scouting started in Panama Canal Zone and Uruguay.
1948   Formation of B-P. Guild of Old Scouts.
First National Conference, Filey, Yorks.
Scouting started in Isreal.
1949   First Bob a Job week.
World Rover Moot, Skjak, Norway.
Twelfth International Conference, Elversaeter, Norway.
First International Camp for Handicapped Scouts, Holland.
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1950   Second World Wolf Cub Leaders' Conference, Edinburgh.
International Training Team Meeting, Gilwell.
Loss of whaler Wangle III and entire crew of ten Scouts from the 1st Mortlake. National Council of B-P. Guild of Old Scouts formed.
Gang Show and Soap Box Derbies resumed.
Scouting started in Ethiopia.
1951   Lord Rowallan received, K.B.E.
Seventh World Jamboree, Bad Ischl, Austria.
Thirteenth International Conference, Salzburg.
Scouting started in Brunei.
Death of George VI.
Elizabeth II comes to throne.
  First World Scouters' Indaba, Gilwell Park.
Beret permitted as alternative headwear for Senior and Rover Scouts.
World Scout Membership: 5.5 million.
Scouting started in Honduras, Kuwait and Nepal.
Elizabeth II coronation.
  Scouts on Duty at Coronation.
World Rover Moot, Kandersteg, Switzerland.
Scouting started in Tonga.
1954   Beret becomes permitted for Boy Scouts.
Scouting started in Libya.
1955   R.R.S. Discovery handed over to the Admiralty.
8th World Jamboree, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada.
First Gliding Course for Scouts, Lasham.
The Boy Scouts Association membership: 511,010.
World Scout Membership: 6.3 million.
1956   Formation of International Scout Club.
New Rules for Rover Scouts published.
First Commissioners Conference for 20 years, Skegness.
Scouting started in Vanuatu (New Hebrides).
1957 Centenary of the Birth of B-P. Thanksgiving service at Westminster Abbey. Memorial Fund public appeal launched at Mansion House.
National Collective Good Turn Week.
50th Anniversary World Jamboree-Indaba-Moot, Sutton Coldfield. Opened by the Duke of Gloucester, visited by HM the Queen and HRH the Duke of Edinburgh.
GPO issue special commemorative stamps.
Gang Show in Royal Variety Performance.
1958   First Jamboree of the Air (JOTA)
Third International Camp for Handicapped, Gilwell Park, visited by Princess Alexandra.
The Boy Scout Association membership: 572,349.
World Scout Membership: 7.5 million.
1959   Tenth World Jamboree, Makiling, Philippines.
Following retirement of Lord Rowallan, Sir Charles Maclean elected Chief Scout of the Commonwealth.
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1960   National Sea Scouts' Jubilee Camp.
Third World Scouters' Indaba, Netherlands.
Scouting started in Paraguay.
1961   Baden-Powell House opened by HM the Queen.
Soap Box Derby grows up, now National Scout Car Races.
Long trousers as alternative wear for Senior and Rover Scouts.
Seventh World Rover Moot, Australia.
Scouting started in Saudi Arabia.
1962   The Boy Scouts Association Membership: 581,512
World Scout Membership: 9.3 million.
Scouting started in Qatar.
1963   11th World Jamboree, Marathon, Greece.
First pre-Cub unit started in Northern Ireland - titled Little Brothers
1964   First meeting of Chief Scout's Advance Party.
British Scouts first visit to Japan.
The Gang Show in the Royal Variety Performance for the third time.
World Scout Membership passed 10 million.
1965   First National Scout Band Championships.
1966   Chief Scout's Advance Party Report published.
Wolf Cubs renamed Cub Scouts.
Scout and Guide Founders Day Service part of Westminster Abbey's 900th Anniversary Celebrations.
Last edition of The Scout (24th September). Scouting started in Rwanda.
Introduction of new Promise and Law. Northern Ireland pre-Cub section adopts the name Beavers.
1967   Boy Scout Section renamed Scout Section.
The Boy Scouts Association became The Scout Association.
12th World Jamboree, Idaho, USA.
Changes in uniform and training programme introduced following Advance Party recommendations.
Equipment branch moves to Lancing.
Duke of Edinburgh visits Baden-Powell House.
Venture Scout Section launched.
1968   Prince Andrew joins Cub Scouts.
National Scout Activity Centres announced for Lasham, Longridge and Whernside.
First Fleur-de-Lys Ball.
Prince Philip, accompanied by Prince Andrew, takes salute at Windsor parade.
First Scout and Guide Folk Fest.
First National Scout and Venture Scout Kart championships.
First National Scout Cycle Cross meeting.
1969   Introduction of minimum standards relating to Group strength and progress in training.
National Family Camp, Gilwell Park.
Scouting started in Chad.
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1970   Bob a Job week renamed Scout Job Week.
Queen's Guides, celebrating the Girl Guide Movement's Diamond Jubilee Year join the annual Queen's Scout Parade at Windsor Castle for the first time.
The Scout Association membership: 539,340.
World Scout Membership passed 12 million.
1971   New World Membership badge introduced to wear by British Scouts.
The Scouter renamed Scouting.
Lady B-P. attends premiere of Scout film These are the Scouts in London.
The B-P. Scout Guild rejoins The Scout Association.
13th World Jamboree, Asigiri Heights, Japan.
Scouts and Guides fill Royal Albert Hall for Folk Fest 5.
Lord Maclean retired as Chief Scout.
1972   Duke of Kent reviews 500 Venture Scouts who have gained the Queen's Scout Award, in a new style ceremony at Windsor Castle on St. George's Day.
Sir William Gladstone Bt. appointed Chief Scout of the United Kingdom and Overseas Branches.
HM the Queen and HRH the Duke of Edinburgh attend 40th Anniversary of Ralph Reader's Gang Show.
The Scout Association membership: 575,943.
World Scout Membership: 13.1 million.
1973   More than 30 European Scout Public Relations Officers attended a Conference on Scouting's public relations at B-P. House.
Scouting started in Oman, Turks and Caicos Islands and United Arab Emirates.
1974   The Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, takes the salute from 650 Venture Scouts who have gained the Queen's Scout Award.
The Committee of the Council, The Scout Association's ruling body, appoints Working Group to consider how to maintain and improve adult support for Scouting's 600,000 Members in the UK.
Ralph Reader presents final London Gang Show for two weeks at Gaumont State Theatre, Kilburn, London. Ralph, aged 71, has decided to retire from writing and producing the annual London Gang Show.
The Scout Association's National Headquarters moves from Buckingham Palace Road, Victoria to temporary accommodation at Baden-Powell House, London SW7. A new purpose-built extension to B-P. House is due to be completed in 1976. Parts of HQ move to Gilwell Park and Lancing.
Scouting started in Bolivia.
1975   Official recognition and adoption of Beaver Scouts in Northern Ireland.
National working party on under eight organisations set up.
Following the death of HRH the Duke of Gloucester, HRH the Duke of Kent became President of the Scout Association.
Scouts donated 101,053UKP to RNLI for new lifeboat.
14th World Scout Jamboree (Nordjamb), Lillihammer, Norway.
The Scout Association launch a new Corporate Identity symbol - 'Scouts' - incorporating the fleur-de-lys badge in place of the 'o' in the word 'Scouts'.
HRH The Duke of Kent visits B-P. House.
UK Scout Membership: 596,934 (1975 Census).
Scouting started in Tuvalu (Ellice Islands).
1976   HM the Queen opened administration office extensions at Baden-Powell House.
New Adult Support proposals including the Scout Fellowship to embrace existing support groups.
Olave, Lady Baden-Powell, visits new Headquarters at B-P. House.
Girls allowed to join Venture Scouts.
Joint Scout and Guide Jubilee Badge sold to support Queen's Silver Jubilee Appeal.
The Scout Association membership: 608,610.
World Scout Membership: 12.9 million.
1977 Death of Lady Olave Baden-Powell. Lifeboat leaves builders at Poole and sails to Hartlepool, where HM the Queen named RNLI lifeboat The Scout.
Death of Lord Rowallan.
1978   The Queen reviews nearly 900 Venture Scouts at Windsor Parade.
134,000UKP donated to Queen's Silver Jubilee Appeal through sale of joint Scout and Guide badges.
The developed Arrow Scheme introduced to the Cub Scout section. Scouts in Royal Tournament, Earls Court for first time with Midlands Massed Scout Bands and Field Gun display by 4th Seven Kings Sea Scouts.
Scouts assist elderly to retune new radio wavelengths in answer to request from BBC.
15th World Jamboree to be held in Iran postponed.
1979   Cub Scouts launched Cub Country to aid community projects in Nepal in International Year of the Child. (Project raises 165,000UKP)
At Great Children's Party, Hyde Park, London, Scouts cooked world's largest sausage (2 miles long).
International Camps held in Canada, Sweden, Switzerland and USA in lieu of World Jamboree.
Sir William Gladstone elected Chairman of World Scout Committee at World Scout Conference in Birmingham.
Earl Mountbatten, Commodore of Sea Scouts killed.
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1980   National Air Activities Centre, Lasham closed.
The Scout Association membership: 641,281.
World Scout Membership over 15 million.
1981 Princess Margaret attended unveiling of Memorial Stone to the Founder and Olave at Westminster Abbey. Beavers start in Scotland.
'Scouting and Unemployment' scheme introduced.
The Queens reviews Queen's Scouts at St. George's Day Parade, Windsor.
First international conference for Leaders of Pre-Cub Organisations.
500 Venture Scouts as torchbearers at Royal Fireworks, Hyde Park, London.
Scouts on duty on Royal Wedding route.
Major General Michael J.H. Walsh, CB, DSO, elected as Chief Scout Designate.
1982   Beavers officially introduced throughout the United Kingdom.
Speaker's Reception for 75 famous former Scouts and present day Scout representatives at House of Commons to launch The Year of the Scout, marking 75th Anniversary of Brownsea Island Camp.
Sir William Gladstone retired as Chief Scout. Major- General Michael Walsh succeeded.
Scouts Commemorative Stamp (26p) issued as part of special Youth Movement issue.
The Queen, at review of Queen's Scouts at Windsor, received a special bouquet of roses.
Death of Ralph Reader, CBE, creator of the Gang Show.
The Queen unveiled a plaque at Hawkhirst Adventure Camp during visit to inaugurate the Kielder Water Scheme.
Lord Maclean attends B-P. House 21st Anniversary reception.
1,500 Scouts from many countries at Extoree '82, an international camp for handicapped and able-bodied Members, Gilwell Park.
The Year of the Scout.
1983   Queen Mother reviews over 1,000 Queen's Scouts at Windsor.
15th World Jamboree near Calgary, Canada.
UK Scout Membership 626,937. Additionally 12,300 Beavers.
1984   Duke of Kent reviews 1,200 Queen's Scouts at Windsor.
Cardinal Basil Hume, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, preaches at National Scout Service.
Venture Scout Units visits Kenya and Sri Lanka in UNICEF Decade of Clean Water National Project.
Reduction in younger age ranges in national population affects UK Scout Membership - now 605,649 plus 25,955 Beavers.
International Scout Conference, U.S.A.
New Scout Training Programme and Progress Award Scheme announced.
1985   Venture Scout Relay Team carries Friendship torch from Baden-Powell House to Southampton en route to kindle a Friendship Flame during Mafeking (now Mafikeng) Centenary Celebrations, which included an International Scout Camp.
Premiere of Scouts! film.
Princess Anne addresses WAGGGS & WOSM reps.
The Queen reviews 1,000 Queen's Scouts at Windsor.
New Scout Training Programme launched.
200 Venture Scouts in Clean Water projects in Sri Lanka.
International Scout Conference, Germany.
1986   Rainbow Year - celebrating 70 years of Cubbing.
Beavers become official members of the Movemenr, the start of Beaver Scouts.
1,300 Venture Scouts on Viking Venture, Denmark.
Duke of Kent reviews 1,000 Queen's Scouts at Windsor.
Woodland Scout Camp open at National Garden Festival, Stoke-on-Trent.
Duke of Kent reopens B-P. Story exhibition to celebrate Baden-Powell House 25th Anniversary.
1987   New Scottish National HQ opened at Fordell Firs.
The Queen reviews Queen's Scouts at Windsor.
500 Venture Scouts assist with the organisation of the St. John Ambulance Centenary Party in Hyde Park, London. Also, at same event, 250 Scouts from Greater London North East enter the record books by cooking the world's longest sausage (9 miles).
17th General Assembly of the International Fellowship of Former Scouts and Guides held at University of Warwick attended by 700 Members from 33 countries.
Service held on Brownsea Island (August 2) to mark the 80th Anniversary of the first experimental camp, attended by Colonel Brian Evans-Lombe OBE who took part in the original camp.
HRH The Duke of Kent attends Birmingham Gang Show.
16th World Jamboree in Australia. British contingent included Ranger Guides for the first time.
1988   Venture Scout Section begins 21st Anniversary year.
Sherpa '88 appeal is launched in aid of the Sherpa people.
HRH The Duke of Kent visits Gilwell Park.
Maj. Gen. Michael Walsh CB DSO DL retires as Chief Scout, due to unfortunate publicity.
Mr W. Garth Morrison DL takes over as Chief Scout (6th May).
International Scout Conference, Australia.
Venture Scout Section celebrates 21st birthday with 'Everest' climbs in major cities throughout the UK. Leicester Square event is attended by Sir Edmund Hillary and members of his team.
1989   London Venture, international camping weekend for 1,500 Swedish Senior Scouts and 3,500 British Venture Scouts at Crystal Palace. King Carl XVI Gustav of Sweden led the overseas visitors. A highlight of the weekend was a musical evening at the Royal Albert Hall.
The first commercial sponsorship of a Scout Proficiency Badge. The Scout Athlete Badge is sponsored for three years carrying the Matchstick sportswear brandname.
The results of the Uniform Consultation Survey. The main change was the decision to abolish headgear for all Sections.
10,000 young people from over 40 countries attended the Discovery '89 Camps at five sites in the UK.
The 32nd International Jamboree-on-the-Air. A new amateur radio demonstration station, callsign GB2GP was opened at Gilwell Park.
The Scout Leadership Training Programme received an official commendation from the Department of Employment in its National Training Awards Scheme.
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1990   Scouts Go For A Million Campaign launched which eventually raised 141,998.67UKP for Barnardo's.
Decision in principle to allow girls into the younger Sections of the Movement.
Launch of Promise Appeal to raise 10 million UKP.
International Scout Conference, France.
Green Charter Competition launched to raise awareness in environmental projects.
1991   Cub Scouts Celebrate 75th Anniversary/50th Ann. of Air Scouting.
Launch of new Cub Scout Programme.
Deep Sea Scouting Branch renamed Deep Sea Scout Fellowship under Umbrella of Scout Fellowship.
HRH The Queen Mother reviews Queen's Scouts at Windsor.
Royal Charter changes agreed - girls are allowed to be invested in the younger Sections of the Movement.
170 children from the Chernobyl area arrive in the UK for a holiday, hosted by British Scouts and Guides.
17th World Scout Jamboree in South Korea.
2,000 Cub Scouts take part in a 'Grand Howl' in Westminster, and Thanksgiving Service in Central Hall, to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Cub Scouting.
1992   'Promise Appeal' is launched, the first national fundraising appeal in aid of the Association since 1938 (raised about 2.5 million UKP).
1992 designated as 'Promise Year'.
The Queen reviews Queen's Scouts at Windsor.
National Woggle Day to raise funds for Promise Appeal.
GSL/Commissioner Training scheme wins National Training Award from the Department of Employment.
1993   HRH The Duke of Kent reviews Queen's Scouts at Windsor.
Founders' daughter started the 2 million UKP redevelopment programme at Gilwell Park to expand training facilities and restore and preserve the White House.
International Scout Conference, Thailand.
Scout and Cub Scout Law revised slightly as a consequence of the decision to admit girls to all Sections.
1994   Colonel Brian Evans-Lombe, the only surviving member of the original camp at Brownsea Island dies, aged 100.
HRH The Duchess of Kent reviews Queen's Scouts at Windsor.
Gilwell Reunion celebrates 75 years of Gilwell Park.
European Venture takes 6,000 Venture Scouts to Europe.
White House reopened.
1995   World Jamboree - Holland.
Re-launch of the Beaver Scout Scheme, with more badges, including the new Beaver Scout Challenge.
Modification's to Cub Badge Scheme, with introduction of the Road Safety badge, which received the Prince Michael award for Safety.
1996   Beaver's Lets Party 10th birthday celebrations.
George Purdy, replaces Garth Morrisson as Chief Scout.
International Scout Conference, Norway.
Cub's Around the World in Eighty Days celebrating 80 years of Cubbing.
1999   World Jamboree - Chile
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Prior to 1982, Scouting was known to be established in the following countries but the exact date of origin has been unable to be ascertained:

Cayman Islands
Comoro Islands
Cook Islands
Faroe Islands
French Guiana
French Polynesia
Maldive Islands
Netherlands Antilles
New Caledonia
La Reunion
St Pierre and Miquelon
Tokelau Islands
Western Samoa
Yemen Arab Republic
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