World's Most Admired Companies 2010: Apple snapshot - FORTUNE on

1 of 50
Guests play with the iPad at the product’s official unveiling in San Francisco in January.
Top 50 rank: 1
Rank in Computers: 1
(Previous rank: 2)
Overall score: 7.95
Why it's admired
Steve Jobs does it again: Apple is keeping its Most Admired crown for the third year in a row.

With 250 million iPods, 43 million iPhones, and 32 million iPod touches sold to date, plus the promise of a game-changing iPad, Apple won this year's vote by the highest margin ever for a No. 1. Two more years as champ and Apple will match GE for most appearances in the top spot.

What makes Apple so admired? Product, product, product. This is the company that changed the way we do everything from buy music to design products to engage with the world around us. Its track record for innovation and fierce consumer loyalty translates into tremendous respect across business' highest ranks.

As BMW CEO Norbert Reithofer puts it, "The whole world held its breath before the iPad was announced. That's brand management at its very best." --Christopher Tkaczyk

Should Apple be admired, or what?
Apple stats
Nine key attributes of reputation Industry rank
Innovation 1
People management 1
Use of corporate assets 2
Social responsibility 2
Quality of management 1
Financial soundness 1
Long-term investment 2
Quality of products/services 1
Global competitiveness 2
Industry: Computers
Most Admired
1 Apple 7.95
2 Hewlett-Packard 7.74
3 EMC 6.86
4 Xerox 6.51
5 Dell 6.14
6 Canon 6.12
7 Seagate Technology 5.89
8 Western Digital 5.67
Rank Company Overall score
9 Acer 5.60
10 Ricoh 5.22
11 Lenovo Group 5.21
12 Quanta Computer 5.16
13 Fujitsu 5.06
14 Asustek Computer 5.00
15 NEC 4.93
From the March 22, 2010 issue
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014
Show: Top 50 | All Most Admired: The Americas | Europe | Asia/Australia
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Top 10 for product quality
Disney and Intel are among the most respected for product quality this year. Who else gets top marks?
See them all
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 Innovation  Quality of management
 People management  Financial soundness
 Use of corporate assets  Long-term investment
 Social responsibility  Product/services quality
 Global competitiveness  

The Most Admired list is the definitive report card on corporate reputations. Our survey partners at Hay Group start with about 1,400 companies... More
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