Search giant may outgrow its fans - Technology -

Search giant may outgrow its fans

August 26, 2005

Google sold itself on being anti-corporate but is becoming the opposite, report Owen Gibson and Richard Wray.

ASHRINKING world got considerably smaller this week. Google, a company spawned in a garage of two university students in California just seven years ago, announced a new service that will allow you to telephone your mother in New York free, as long as she too is a Google user.

That is just the start. The company, with a market capitalisation of $US78 billion ($103.2 billion), has ambitions to colonise the living room and to apply the phrase "to Google" to every activity that occurs within it. In addition to the telecom move, it also launched an improved version of its desktop search software that helps users to organise all the files on their computer and suggests useful web links and documents pertinent to whatever you happen to be doing.

The rate of new launches has increased further since its high profile flotation last year. With each new service, Google and its student founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, encroach a little bit more on the territory of Bill Gates and software giant Microsoft.

The question is whether the young upstarts who have built a hugely profitable business on Google's anti-corporate image are on the way to following Gates's path from bright young turk to monopolistic behemoth.

Interbrand, a company that measures the relative worth of the world's main brands, calculates that Google is the 38th most valuable, at $US8.46 billion. While this is a long way behind Microsoft, estimated to be the second most valuable brand, at $US59.94 billion, Google's ascension is remarkable for a company that is so young and has spent next to nothing on marketing.

Already there are whispers in California's Silicon Valley that it is becoming too much like Microsoft, the technology firm that every techie loves to loathe. While there is a significant crop of sour grapes in the mix - not helped by last week's news that Google is selling a further $US4 billion worth of shares to fill a "war chest" - Google is also attracting unfamiliar epithets such as "arrogant".

Its sheer financial power and need for engineers to create new products has sent salaries in Silicon Valley rocketing as it poaches staff. It has ended in a court battle with Microsoft over the fate of Dr Kai-Fu Lee, the developer of MSN's search engine, who Google poached from the Seattle-based software giant.

Dotcom start-ups are also finding it difficult to persuade potential financial backers that their prospective markets will not be squashed by the might of Google. Gates put the knife in earlier this year when, in an interview with Fortune magazine, said Google was "more like us than anyone else we have ever competed with".

Microsoft and Google are battling it out for control not only of the way we use our computers but for the way we consume audio and visual entertainment content and make telephone calls. It is a battle that will take place on a global scale.

Julian Smith, the European online advertising analyst at Jupiter Research, said: "Google has evolved from a technology provider into a media owner; now they are evolving and trying to expand that into a portal play, offering additional functions and functionality to try and emulate the likes of MSN."

There is a lot to play for in the online advertising market. Paid-for search, in which advertisers pay to have links to their websites displayed alongside search results, is the fastest growing segment of the market, which itself is growing faster than print or television advertising. Last year the online advertising market was worth more than $US15 billion worldwide, with paid-for search accounting for just under a third and Google taking the lion's share. It made $US3.2 billion in revenues.

"The battleground between Google, Microsoft and also Yahoo! is trying to get the hearts and minds of the online user. It's about maintaining search loyalty," Smith said.

Google's expansion comes at a time when media, entertainment, internet and telecommunications companies are increasingly treading on one another's toes. Industry analysts believe there are signs the long mooted convergence between various home entertainment devices and technologies is coming to pass. "That's the key battle, the battle for the home," said Jerome Buvat, a business consultant in media, telecommunications and entertainment at Cap Gemini.

"You have mobile operators offering access at home, unbundlers [new companies taking advantage of regulatory intervention to access telephone exchanges] offering triple play services and incumbents offering a range of services from home security to video on demand."

Microsoft and Google are far from the only companies in this battle. Rupert Murdoch has set aside $US2 billion to accelerate his online ambitions. Under the leadership of the former Hollywood executive Terry Semel, Yahoo! has been reborn and has similar ambitions to become the point through which people access entertainment, music, and telecom services. It has launched a telephony service in Britain.

Yet industry experts believe Google is still set fair. Telecom analysts Ovum said: "If Google succeeds in converting enough of its Gmail users to Google Talk PC phone customers, it has the brand strength and market presence to move into a much broader range of multimedia services."

But given its new responsibilities to shareholders, some analysts wonder whether Google might repeat the mistakes of its forebears. Its critics point to the way in which it is behaving more and more like the conglomerates it once sought to differentiate itself from.

"Everyone loves a great story," said Rita Clifton, the chairwoman of Interbrand UK. "It'll only become a problem if you start looking like a mega corp. They are walking a delicate tightrope."

The Guardian

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