Âñåóêðà¿íñüêèé ïåðåïèñ íàñåëåííÿ 2001�|�English version�|�Results�|�General results of the census�|�Linguistic composition of the population:

State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Main page��Sitemap��Contacts�����
All-Ukrainian Population Census' 2001
Regions of Ukraine
Legislative base
�/�Main page�/�Results�/�General results of the census�/�Linguistic composition of the population

Choice territory :

About number and composition population of UKRAINE
by All-Ukrainian population census'2001 data

���The language structure of Ukraine, according to the All-Ukrainian census data, is characterized by the following data:

The part of those whose mother tongue was( %)
the language of their nationality Ukrainian Russian other language
Ukrainians 85.2 õ 14.8 0.0
Russians 95.9 3.9 õ 0.2
Belarussians 19.8 17.5 62.5 0.2
Moldavians 70.0 10.7 17.6 1.7
Crimean Tatars 92.0 0.1 6.1 1.8
Bulgarians 64.2 5.0 30.3 0.5
Hungarians 95.4 3.4 1.0 0.2
Romanians 91.7 6.2 1.5 0.6
Poles 12.9 71.0 15.6 0.5
Jews 3.1 13.4 83.0 0.5
Armenians 50.4 5.8 43.2 0.6
Greeks 6.4 4.8 88.5 0.3
Tatars 35.2 4.5 58.7 1.6
Gypsies 44.7 21.1 13.4 20.8
Azerbaijanians 53.0 7.1 37.6 2.3
Georgians 36.7 8.2 54.4 0.7
Germans 12.2 22.1 64.7 1.0
Gagausians 71.5 3.5 22.7 2.3
other 32.6 12.5 49.7 5.2

���The part of those whose mother tongue is Ukrainian totals 67.5% of the population of Ukraine, this is by 2.8 percentage points more than in 1989. The percentage of those whose mother tongue is Russian totals 29.6% of the population. Comparatively with the data of previous census this index has decreased by 3.2 percentage points. The part of other languages, specified like mother tongue, during the period that have passed since previous census has increased by 0.4 percentage points and accounts for 2.9%.

óêð ðóñ eng

���In the chapter:

Total number of actual population
Urban and rural population
Gender structure of the population
Number of cities
Permanent population
Age composition of population
National composition of population
Linguistic composition of the population
Educational standard of the population
Marital status of the population

Main page�|�News�|�Results�|�Regions of Ukraine�|�History�|�Organization�|�Publications�|�Legistative base�|�Information


� 2003-2004, State Statistics Committee of Ukraine ��