BBC News - Moldova going to third election in two years

Moldova going to third election in two years

Mihai Ghimpu, acting president of Moldova, September 2010 Mihai Ghimpu calls a new poll for November

Moldova faces its third election in two years after members of parliament in one of Europe's poorest states failed twice to pick a president.

Mihai Ghimpu, the acting president, dissolved parliament and set the new general election for 28 November.

A referendum to introduce direct presidential elections collapsed earlier this month over low turnout.

A pro-Western alliance won the last election in July 2009, ending Communist rule.

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That election had followed an April poll won by the Communists which sparked street violence in protest at the Communist victory.

Since July 2009, attempts by MPs to choose a new president have failed in the face of Communist opposition.

Turnout in the referendum on 5 September was under 30%.

While no estimate was immediately available for the November election, the April 2009 poll reportedly cost the state budget 40m leu (£2m; $3.3m).

Budget spending for that year was set at 27bn leu (£1.4bn; $2.2bn).

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