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The Secretariat for The Implementation of Spanish

What is the SIS?�
The Secretariat for the Implementation of Spanish or SIS, will serve as a national resource. Formed under Cabinet directive, the SIS will drive the SAFFL initiative which is designed to help our nation become proficient in Spanish within the next ten to fifteen years.

How will the SIS serve as a National resource?�

  • By offering guidance on setting up programmes to promote Spanish learning

  • By providing guidance by way of policies encouraging the bi-lingual initiative

  • By conducting research into Spanish proficiency, current learning opportunities and historic, locally based Spanish communities

So the SIS is formed to make the Nation bilingual?�
T&T is already a multilingual nation. The SIS will spearhead the SAFFL initiative that is designed to help our nation become proficient in Spanish within the next ten to fifteen years.

Will the SIS be offering Spanish Courses?�
No. The SIS can help organizations find the type of training best suited to their needs and identify low cost steps organizations can take almost immediately to encourage employees to learn Spanish.

Why was Port of Spain the city chosen to have a visible bilingual presence?�
To encourage organizations to embrace SAFFL, we had to start at the economic hub of T&T - that's why we started in our capital. Other cities will follow, including those in our sister isle.

Why is the SIS reporting to the Ministry of Trade?�
SAFFL will increase the economic potential and marketability of T&T for foreign investment, for this reason, the SIS, which is largely responsible for the implementation of SAFFL, reports to the Ministry that oversees the crucial areas of Trade and Foreign Investment.

Are the members of the SIS fluent in Spanish?�
All members of staff have practical knowledge of Spanish - but at different levels. We're all constantly working to improve our Spanish proficiency - just like we hope the nation will be soon.

What has the SIS done so far to further the objectives of the initiative?

  • Over eighty-eight percent (88%) of Government Ministries have begun Spanish classes for their employees and have installed bilingual signs throughout their Ministry. This number is increasing monthly as additional Ministries come on board.
  • Eighty-one percent (81%) of the streets in our nations capital have bilingual signs.
  • SIS publications are a regular feature in the Trinidad Guardian and the Newsday.
  • SIS representatives appear weekly on leading television and radio stations.
  • Over ninety-one (91) students graduated from our pilot Spanish Language Acquisition Programme held in eight (8) communities throughout our twin-island state.
  • An extremely successful series of Cultural Awareness Seminars featuring the diplomatic corps of Venezuela, Columbia, Argentina, Guatemala and Mexico was held in 2005, and was well received from businessmen in both the private and public sectors.
  • Productive meetings were held with umbrella organisations and leading members of the local business community.
  • Meetings were held with the Ambassadors of� spanish-speaking countries to discuss collaborative possibilities.

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Spanish As The First Foreign Language Of Trinidad and Tobago

What is SAFFL?
The Government of Trinidad and Tobago declared Spanish as Trinidad and Tobago's First Foreign Language. The initiative is now referred to by the acronym SAFFL, which means Spanish As the First Foreign Language.

What are the objectives of SAFFL?
1. To facilitate a new learning environment through which the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago will learn and adopt Spanish as the First Foreign Language by the year 2020.

2. To ensure that there is a clear understanding of the cultures that are emerging in our society and their impact on the cultural landscape of T&T.

3. To ensure there is public awareness of and support for the Spanish As the First Foreign Language (SAFFL) initiative.

Why was Spanish chosen?
While Trinidad and Tobago is already a multilingual nation, Spanish is increasingly becoming the language of Trade and Industry in our region. In fact, according to CSO statistics, an estimated $1.3b was exported to 14 Spanish-speaking countries between January to September 2004. If the government did not take this step, to ensure our nationals are not left behind this global trend of bi-lingualism, our nationals would not be competitive in the global marketplaces of tomorrow.

Who is the target audience of SAFFL?
The nation. The Ministry of Education has taken steps to build Spanish proficiency from as early as primary school, the SIS will ensure there is utility in that knowledge by encouraging the public and private sector to become modern Spanish/English environments.

How will the nation benefit from SAFFL?
By becoming proficient in Spanish our nationals will:
1. be able to compete for higher paying jobs
2. be more marketable in the bi-lingual workplaces of tomorrow
3. help our nation achieve developed country status by the year 2020

What are the expected benefits of SAFFL?

  • With a Spanish and English proficient workforce, our local companies will be more competitive and attractive in the international marketplace.

  • With Spanish As the First Foreign Language (SAFFL), we will become more attractive to our neighbours in the Americas and potential trade partners across the globe.

  • Spanish in Trinidad and Tobago will not erode but will seek to increase appreciation for and further enhance our already rich multicultural fabric.

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For more information on the SAFFL initiative, please contact the

Secretariat for the Implementation of Spanish

Level 12, Nicholas Tower, Independence Square, Port of Spain
Ph: 623/2931 X:2123 /2019/2018�:: Fax: 62
7-8488 :: Email: spanishsecretariat@gmail

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