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[Column] Letter to Lee administration: Save the Songdo Tidal Flat
Randolph T. Hester, Professor and former head of SAVE International, Earth Island Institute
» Randolph T. Hester.
On a recent visit to Korea, members of SAVE International were extremely alarmed by the widespread destruction of the Songdo Tidal Flat taking place in Incheon City.

Scientists around the world have concluded that these tidal flats are critical to the survival of multiple species. In the past 10 years it has become clear that these flats are among the most critical wetlands in the world, exceeding the criteria established by the Ramsar Convention for several species. Although our research focuses on the jeo eo sae (Black-faced Spoonbill or Platalea minor), other scientists have also taken note that the Relict Gull and Chinese Egret are in dangerous declines due to previous reclamation here. The Saunders��¯s Gull, Black-tailed Godwit, and Nordmann��¯s Greenshank are among other threatened and/or endangered species dependent upon the Songdo area.

When tidal flat habitat is reclaimed, it pushes birds into a smaller territory, where overcrowding increases the likelihood of outbreaks of botulism or other diseases. Additional die-offs, such as those experienced this year, are likely to continue and will reflect poorly on South Korea and Incheon City. In most developed and civilized nations, Ramsar-qualifying wetlands are strictly honored.

We are shocked by the wetlands destruction the South Korean Government continues to allow and sometimes even promotes in the name of environmentally-friendly development, the Incheon Songdo Tidal Flat being a primary example. We know that the Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) has already destroyed most of these critical tidal flats, but our recent site survey suggests that approximately 1000 hectares of the Songdo Tidal Flat remain, at and around the mouth of Sorae Creek. We are aware that Black-faced Spoonbills are nesting nearby. We urge the Lee government to stop any further reclamation at this site and to preserve the entirety of the remaining Songdo Tidal Flat for critically-needed wildlife habitat.

We expect the government to preserve the entirety of what remains of the Song do Tidal Flat, not just a portion of it. The suggestion that part of this area can be filled for development and part of it saved for habitat is unacceptable, not only to the international groups monitoring the South Korean government��¯s actions, but by South Korea��¯s own criteria and public pledges not to fill additional tidal flats for reclamation projects. This has been pledged internationally to the Ramsar Convention and internally via South Korea��¯s commitment to a stated policy of no further net loss of wetlands.

SAVE is an international endeavor comprised of scientists and citizens dedicated to developing sustainable economies that support local cultures and habitat for endangered species, and to saving the Black-faced Spoonbill and other wild species and cultures from extinction. We have worked with fishermen and elected officials in the Asian Flyway for over a decade and have successfully introduced a new economy in Taiwan that melds habitat preservation, traditional fishing and farming, and high technology. SAVE International is prepared to work with the South Korean government to preserve this most vital tidal habitat, and would voluntarily provide our scientists and planners to maximize the use of these tidal flats as both habitat and a quality-of-life amenity for Incheon City.

We have grown weary of the government��¯s dishonest use of environmental terminology to disguise environmental destruction. The continued destruction of Ramsar-qualified tidal flats here and elsewhere, despite pledges to the international community to preserve them, is but one example of this double-speak. Similar ����green���� pledges by the Lee government try to camouflage river engineering and coastal destruction that are decades out-of-date and against the laws of other advanced societies. In the San Francisco Bay Area, for example, the filling of tidal flats stopped 30 years ago. In California, filling of wetlands requires mitigation to recreate wetland on a 2-to-1 basis; even then, some studies show that new wetlands might take many years to replicate what was lost. The ����mitigation���� for the proposed Songdo Tidal Flat is a misnomer at best and more likely a case of intentional deception.

South Korea��¯s record of wetland destruction is among the worst of all the developed nations in the world. Incheon City will not achieve its world-class ambitions based on such deceit. The U.S. universities the Lee administration is recruiting for the IFEZ campus will likely have second thoughts about locating in Incheon when they know the complete story. But as stated above, SAVE is prepared to work with the government to stop the destruction of the tidal flats and to preserve critical habitat for the Black-faced Spoonbill and other species. To do this will require careful planning around the detention ponds, the artificial island site, Sorae Creek, and the entire estuary.

Bird habitat is not a barrier for city development, but an opportunity to build a real green city and provide residents and visitors with the opportunity to enjoy the nature. We hope to be able to work with the Lee government on this effort and look forward to a response in writing on its plans for the remaining Songdo Tidal Flats.

The views presented in this column are the writer��¯s own, and do not necessarily reflect those of The Hankyoreh.

Posted on : Aug.28,2009 10:56 KST Modified on : Aug.28,2009 11:29 KST
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