Twitter now with integrated photo-sharing service and completely new twitter search « Media News «

Media News

June 1st, 2011

Twitter now with integrated photo-sharing service and completely new twitter search

Twitter today announced new version of Twitter search that according to Twitter will deliver more relevant search results and trending topics, and will include related videos and photos as well which will be displayed next to the search results.

Twitter also said, if you use this new version of Firefox with Twitter, you can type a #hashtag or @username directly into the address bar to go right to a search results page (try #google) or someone's profile page (like @techshrimp).

Also Twitter today announced its own integrated photo-sharing service. Twitter announced that over the next several weeks, they will be releasing a feature to upload a photo and attach it to your Tweet right from It also indicated that uploading photos from Twitter mobile apps will also be available soon. For hosting the images, Twitter has taken a helping hand from Photobucket that will be completely behind the scenes.

Check out the video about the demo of new features of Twitter.

About the Author

Pritish Kumar
As a web technology and search engine enthusiast Pritish Kumar founded Techshrimp.